Woman in tight clothes walks around NYC with camera crew, Is shocked men talk to her. :rolleyes:

Bbw hunter

Well-known member
Dec 17, 2018
More woke nonsense where men are supposed to be ashamed of being men.
This reminds me of a bit by Dave Chappelle where he talked about how some women in bars dress sexy then act offended when men actually hit on them. He compared it to disguising yourself as a police officer then being taken aback when people approach and tell you they have just been robbed.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
More woke nonsense where men are supposed to be ashamed of being men.
This reminds me of a bit by Dave Chappelle where he talked about how some women in bars dress sexy then act offended when men actually hit on them. He compared it to disguising yourself as a police officer then being taken aback when people approach and tell you they have just been robbed.


Giver of truth
Jul 26, 2020
Im sorry but this is largely incorrect. A small faction of women may do that but trust me, most of us get dressed for ourselves. Not for you. Even if it is a sexy outfit. We are quite capable of making ourselves and wanting ourselves to feel sexy without the affirmation of a man.
Interesting how all the fashion trends you stick to, to feel sexy are those invented and promoted by men... wavy hair, painted nails, tight skirts, short dresses, high heels. It so happens that these are the same styles used by women on TERB to promote themselves, and on Webcams to sell tokens, and on OnlyFans to sell subscriptions. Hmmm all geared to what MEN desire. Isn't that just a coincidence.

But you're dressing up to feel sexy.... to yourself and for yourself.


Why can't you acknowledge that you feel sexy because MEN make you feel that way based on THEIR reaction to you. This isn't rocket science. Stop blatantly lying to yourself and to us. It's baffling why some women play this game with themselves. It is a strange display of hubris combined with a formidable lack of self awareness.
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Giver of truth
Jul 26, 2020
For those of you who support cat-calling, start doing it in your workplace for everyone to see and see what happens. In my workplace, I would be out the door. I don’t get why guys act like total a$$76@$? Depending on their situation. Grow some balls and just don’t pick your spots if you choose to be a dick.

But I am guessing that most guys here don’t give a $@&? and are the type who do it anywhere and everywhere and that is why they are sitting at home looking for a job.
I'd venture a guess that practically nobody on TERB "cat calls" anyone. I've lived in Toronto my entire life and can't recall observing a single incident (outside of clubs full of drunks and other venues where it's expected) but I don't hang out at construction sites daily nor do I live in the ghetto where this behavior is probably more prominent than elsewhere. What has happened on many occasions is a handful of guys noticing an attractive woman and each of us giving the other a nod of approval and a smile. We want to be respectful and not make her feel intimidated so we do this without her knowing it. Although in her mind, she may be asking "I got all dressed up and these stupid grease monkeys aren't even cat calling me like I've seen in the movies!?? Men are so soft losers nowadays!"
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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
I'd venture a guess that practically nobody on TERB "cat calls" anyone. I've lived in Toronto my entire life and can't recall observing a single incident (outside of clubs full of drunks and other venues where it's expected) but I don't hang out at construction sites daily nor do I live in the ghetto where this behavior is probably more prominent than elsewhere. What has happened on many occasions is a handful of guys noticing an attractive woman and each of us giving the other a nod of approval and a smile. We want to be respectful and not make her feel intimidated so we do this without her knowing it. Although in her mind, she may be asking "I got all dressed up and these stupid grease monkeys aren't even cat calling me like I've seen in the movies!?? Men are so soft nowadays!"
I actually did 2 weeks ago in Markham...2 SPs were smoking outside a hotel...I was getting food on the plaza next to the hotel...a truck passed with construction guys on it (why is it always the construction guys though?) whistling and hollering...I was just laughing inside my car...2 two ladies just ignored them...


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
How about some pity for us poor males? You're taking a walk down the street and some random woman grabs your balls and/or you're taking a walk in the park and a random woman grabs your cock.
playing with balls.jpg preview_rect_d90f8eb579 (1).jpg


Giver of truth
Jul 26, 2020
What they should do is have the same women walking down with a 6’6” 325 lb guy built like a Mack truck and see what type of comments she gets. Looks, yes, comments, I bet not so much.
What if she's with an average sized male? Probably no cat calls because she's obviously taken and the fellows understand they have no chance (while he's in her presence). So the threat of violence and/or understanding that she's hitched.

But believe this, any guy likes to know that his woman is desired by many men. He also hates it if she is because he knows that she might land on another guy's lap (as they so often do). Quite the conundrum. Such is life.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You quoted my post, yet didn't actually address anything I said in it.

And your entire argument goes out the window when women themselves, including Jenesis, fully admit the dress to make themselves feel "sexy". As that is their motivation, what does that do to your entire dissertation of "sexy"?
I guess my post just went right over your head, as apparently jenesis' did as well.
Instead, I'm sure you'll just continue to be confused on why your approach isn't working.
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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2013
I guess my post just went right over your head, as apparently jenesis' did as well.
Instead, I'm sure you'll just continue to be confused on why your approach isn't working.
No. I'm just applying your logic towards the word sexy being intrinsically linked to having sex. With a woman's own desire to feel in her words "sexy".

If a man telling a woman she is "sexy" means he, abhorrently, finds her sexually desirable, then it must hold that a woman dressing to feel "Sexy" means she , abhorrently, wants to feel like she is sexually desired by men.

Trying to argue otherwise is a double standard.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
No. I'm just applying your logic towards the word sexy being intrinsically linked to having sex. With a woman's own desire to feel in her words "sexy".

If a man telling a woman she is "sexy" means he, abhorrently, finds her sexually desirable, then it must hold that a woman dressing to feel "Sexy" means she , abhorrently, wants to feel like she is sexually desired by men.

Trying to argue otherwise is a double standard.
Its not a double standard in the least.
For women dressing sexy may mean they want sex and to be seen as attractive, but that doesn't mean they want sex with you or for you to tell them you want to screw them by saying 'nice tits'.
Its likes saying that because Trump made Mar a Logo look nice that means you automatically can walk in the door, get a drink and hit the course.
Or like saying whenever you walk by a buffet you think you should eat for free because it looks so tasty.
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Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
I'd venture a guess that practically nobody on TERB "cat calls" anyone. I've lived in Toronto my entire life and can't recall observing a single incident
I used to think that. However, ask any teenager girl about catcalls and you will be surprised. They experience it starting from 12yo or so. These degenerates are everywhere.
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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2013
Its not a double standard in the least.
For women dressing sexy may mean they want sex and to be seen as attractive, but that doesn't mean they want sex with you or for you to tell them you want to screw them by saying 'nice tits'.
Its likes saying that because Trump made Mar a Logo look nice that means you automatically can walk in the door, get a drink and hit the course.
Or like saying whenever you walk by a buffet you think you should eat for free because it looks so tasty.
You have a habit of putting words in someone's mouth that they didn't say or use.
No where in my last post did I say it means she wants to have sex with them.

When a woman says she wants to feel "sexy" by your logic and definition, it must mean she wants to feel as though men find her sexually desirable.
She wants to feel as though men want to have sex with her. Again by your own logic.
So by your logic, women are trying to provoke that reaction in men, but if men say anything to confirm that reaction, and let her basically know "mission accomplished", it is the man that is in the wrong?
That's a fucking head game if I ever heard it.

I will try to provoke a specific reaction in a specific group of people, because it makes me feel good that I can, but if that specific group shows any sign of having that reaction, they are the horrible ones.

D O U B L E - S T A N D A R D.

Again, manners and crude statements aside. Insults are not compliments. Compliments are not crimes.
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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
Every person should be able to simply walk down the street without being called at or approached by strangers.

It doesn’t matter what a person is wearing, you should keep your comments to yourself.
Well, your freedom stops when it invades the freedom of another one. Women find it offensive when men stare at them and comment about how they look. So, man should not do that. Agree. HOWEVER, many people find it offensive when women dress provocatively. Question: Are women allow to dress in such a way. If the answer is yes, we have double standard. In both situation (stareing and dressing) only the person who is doing is involved. Even if comments are made, they are private comments, they are private comments, and, the last I check, people can still express their point of view (requirement the other party to listen or response would be a violation of private space)


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
Well, your freedom stops when it invades the freedom of another one. Women find it offensive when men stare at them and comment about how they look. So, man should not do that. Agree. HOWEVER, many people find it offensive when women dress provocatively. Question: Are women allow to dress in such a way. If the answer is yes, we have double standard. In both situation (stareing and dressing) only the person who is doing is involved. Even if comments are made, they are private comments, they are private comments, and, the last I check, people can still express their point of view (requirement the other party to listen or response would be a violation of private space)

I am wondering how many women would have made comments if someone will be walking on the street (or even being on a public beach or in the pool) in Borad's swimsuit.


Giver of truth
Jul 26, 2020
I used to think that. However, ask any teenager girl about catcalls and you will be surprised. They experience it starting from 12yo or so. These degenerates are everywhere.
That's unfortunate. If it's happening even to 12 year olds frequently everywhere by all types of men regardless of income, status, occupation, city, neighborhood, environment, background, religion, and physical ability there is more to what's going on that we need to look at.

Question - if the behavior is so apparently unsuccessful in attracting women (according to some who've posted) why do men keep doing it? Do they get a kick out of intimidating women? Or is it a reflexive male trait that they're born with? Or is it actually successful some times? or other?


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
That's unfortunate. If it's happening even to 12 year olds frequently everywhere by all types of men regardless of income, status, occupation, city, neighborhood, environment, background, religion, and physical ability there is more to what's going on that we need to look at.

Question - if the behavior is so apparently unsuccessful in attracting women (according to some who've posted) why do men keep doing it? Do they get a kick out of intimidating women? Or is it a reflexive male trait that they're born with? Or is it actually successful some times? or other?
this is the best answer I can give you :)
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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2013
That's unfortunate. If it's happening even to 12 year olds frequently everywhere by all types of men regardless of income, status, occupation, city, neighborhood, environment, background, religion, and physical ability there is more to what's going on that we need to look at.

Question - if the behavior is so apparently unsuccessful in attracting women (according to some who've posted) why do men keep doing it? Do they get a kick out of intimidating women? Or is it a reflexive male trait that they're born with? Or is it actually successful some times? or other?
To answer that we have to look at the current state of human courtship.
Men take all the risk.
Men do all the work in the courtship ritual.

Men have to approach. Men have to break the ice. Men have to put their egos on the line, have their sexual desirability be actively judged, and get personally rejected, to their face, again and again and again.

Women play a passive aggressive role. They make themselves look as desirable as possible to the opposite sex, and then wait to be approached in order to pick and choose which person they deems worthy of their attention. Women don't have to put their egos on the line. Women don't have to put themselves in situations where they're being rejected to their faces. In fact if a woman's sexual desirability is rejected by a man, she isn't even aware it happened, because he just doesn't even approach her.

So in understanding this courtship dynamic, I feel the catcalling behaviour some men take part in is simply a reaction to the dynamic. It is an attempt at courtship, but not a fully committed attempt. A "Hail Marie" play. A kin to throwing the ball at the net from across the court at the buzzer. You figure it probably won't go in, but it might. And it's done when men just don't feel like playing the whole involved courtship game they have been forced to play.


Asian Picasso
Jan 11, 2014
What if she's with an average sized male? Probably no cat calls because she's obviously taken and the fellows understand they have no chance (while he's in her presence). So the threat of violence and/or understanding that she's hitched.

But believe this, any guy likes to know that his woman is desired by many men. He also hates it if she is because he knows that she might land on another guy's lap (as they so often do). Quite the conundrum. Such is life.
As per my earlier post, I am an average size man and my SO has large breasts. He had no issue making his stupid comment when I was there. And she is not going anywhere else. I know other guys like her but I am confident in myself and know her well enough that I don’t worry about what you are suggesting. It was just a plain rude and ignorant by him to say what he did.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You have a habit of putting words in someone's mouth that they didn't say or use.
No where in my last post did I say it means she wants to have sex with them.

When a woman says she wants to feel "sexy" by your logic and definition, it must mean she wants to feel as though men find her sexually desirable.
She wants to feel as though men want to have sex with her. Again by your own logic.
So by your logic, women are trying to provoke that reaction in men, but if men say anything to confirm that reaction, and let her basically know "mission accomplished", it is the man that is in the wrong?
That's a fucking head game if I ever heard it.

I will try to provoke a specific reaction in a specific group of people, because it makes me feel good that I can, but if that specific group shows any sign of having that reaction, they are the horrible ones.

D O U B L E - S T A N D A R D.

Again, manners and crude statements aside. Insults are not compliments. Compliments are not crimes.
You still don't understand the difference in the reactions.
Sure, women may want reactions, but they don't want to be creeped.
So saying 'you look lovely today' or 'that's a lovely outfit' is different from saying 'you're sexy' or 'I like your tits'.
For some reason you don't seem to be able to differentiate between 'courtship' and 'creeping' women.

So in understanding this courtship dynamic, I feel the catcalling behaviour some men take part in is simply a reaction to the dynamic. It is an attempt at courtship, but not a fully committed attempt. A "Hail Marie" play. A kin to throwing the ball at the net from across the court at the buzzer. You figure it probably won't go in, but it might. And it's done when men just don't feel like playing the whole involved courtship game they have been forced to play.
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