The energy balance theory accepts the first rile of thermodynamics. Which is true in a closed system. The problem is our bodies are not closed systems. Our metabolism is influenced by our hormones which are directly affected by our food choices. The primary hormone being insulin. Which is our fat storage hormone. Thus we have ketogenic diets. Ketogenic diets do not restrict calories and therefore there isn't a metabolic compensation to starvation. Zoe Harcombe Explains all this in detail in her book ""The Obesity Epidemic''. Gary Taubes most recent book '' A Case For Keto'' is another must read to understand how the calories in calories out theory fails long term. Toronto's own Dr. Jason Fung backs all this up and more in his latest work " the Obesity Code''. Fung is also the foremost expert on intermittent fasting which has been a watershed moment for many people who have struggled with their weight in the past.
Intermittent fasting- to help reduce the calories one eats in a day by forcing one to only eat so much in one sitting.
If you sit down and inhale 4000 calories in one sitting and do not burn it off, NEWSFLASH you will gain weight and get FAT if this happens over and over!!
Keto - the "good" fat is supposedly supposed to satiate one more thus eating less.
If you Keto your heart out and inhale 4000 calories a day and not burn enough you will get FAT!!!
If as a male, you eat 2000 to 2200 calories a day, bike for an hour or jog for 3 to 4 miles 5 days a week, do some weights to gain some muscle,
NEWSFLASH, you will look good and maintain!
If you are a big eater like many are, eat low calorie high volume food to satiate one's self and make it a lifestyle of food you enjoy so you don't yoyo diet and regain what you've lost.
It really isn't that hard, it's called consistency, discipline and lifestyle.