Allegra Escorts Collective

You Lesson Crime By Eliminating Poverty


Well-known member
May 8, 2008
Agreed. That would be the responsible thing to do wouldn't it. Unfortunately, we have a system that incentivizes poor folks to bear children.
responsibility used to come at a cost to that individual. now its at my cost......


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2012
Agreed. That would be the responsible thing to do wouldn't it. Unfortunately, we have a system that incentivizes poor folks to bear children.
This is interesting, and there may be a grain of truth to it, but it surely is not the whole answer.

I remember having a similar discussion with an overeducated, yet lazy woman (never worked and always was the victim of something or somebody) who was in our circle of friends.

When I brought up how expensive children were, how we waited many years to have our first, (and truly we still couldn't afford that child,) how we were going to keep our family small on purpose, everybody was going work etc.

She simply answered me: "So, since I'm poor, I have no right to have a child?"

I must admit, this shut me up. Most likely having offspring is indeed a human right.

So why do advanced societies stop having large numbers of kids?

Perhaps, education, and money actually does the opposite, and disincentives having children?


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
So why do advanced societies stop having large numbers of kids?

Perhaps, education, and money actually does the opposite, and disincentives having children?
I grew up in rural Quebec and it was very common for Catholic French and Irish families to have 10 or more children. For example, Prime Minister Jean Chretien is one of 19 children.

So, what happened? The "Quiet Revolution" happened and Quebec families started to have only around 2-3-4 children.


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2012
I grew up in rural Quebec and it was very common for Catholic French and Irish families to have 10 or more children. For example, Prime Minister Jean Chretien is one of 19 children.

So, what happened? The "Quiet Revolution" happened and Quebec families started to have only around 2-3-4 children.
Sure. And this happened in various ways in Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Austria and most other 'Catholic' countries that went into the 1960 and 70s as traditional societies.

I was thinking of the sheer costs of funding an RESP for 5,6,7 or more kids....YIKES!!


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
I was thinking of the sheer costs of funding an RESP for 5,6,7 or more kids....YIKES!!
You might have heard the joke. The Catholic mother stood up from the dinner table. She says to her 7 kids: "We only have enough money for one of you to go to university, fight it out".


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2005
At a SP near me
You guys ever heard of the fable the "squirrel and the hare"?

During the Summer the squirrel was busy searching and hiding his nuts. Meanwhile, the hare was prancing around and having a darn good time.

When Winter came, the squirrel had his cache of nuts and ate 3 squares a day. Meanwhile the hare was starving. Then Trudeau stepped in and demanded the squirrel give half his nuts to the hare because it's only fair.
Wow this is so true. I’m going to steal this and share with my friends every time Trudeau opens his mouth and spews his lies.


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2013
You seem to operate under the assumption that all poor people do not and have not ever contributed to society economically. This is ridiuclous. Even the drive through girl at Timmies pays the same taxes you do. Poverty does not equate irresponsible.

And before you ask, yes, I claimed taxes as a sex worker. That was a hilarious conversation with CRA when they audited me... as I mussed up the papers and in one spot had "self-employed" and in another "employed".

You guys ever heard of the fable the "squirrel and the hare"?

During the Summer the squirrel was busy searching and hiding his nuts. Meanwhile, the hare was prancing around and having a darn good time.

When Winter came, the squirrel had his cache of nuts and ate 3 squares a day. Meanwhile the hare was starving. Then Trudeau stepped in and demanded the squirrel give half his nuts to the hare because it's only fair.


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2013
ALL of this comment! I've actually looked into what percentage of taxes go into "social" programs and it is incredibly minimal.

The reason you pay tax is because rich people, like Trump. don't have to.

Your taxes subsidize rich people far more then the poor.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
You dont lessen crime by reducing poverty.
Crime is a choice committed by people who think they are powerless, when they dont realize they are actually quite very powerful themselves.

Here are some of Boetcker's pearls of wisdom (which I'm sure will fall on deaf ears of most Lefties here):

  • You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift (or encouraging that poverty is being noble).
  • You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
  • You cannot help little men by tearing down big men.
  • You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
  • You cannot build character and courage by destroying men's initiative and independence.
  • And you cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they can and should do for themselves.
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Well-known member
May 8, 2008
The reason you pay tax is because rich people, like Trump. don't have to.

Your taxes subsidize rich people far more then the poor.
rich people employ people who can assist them to legally avoid paying taxes . they structure the way they produce wealth to take advantage of the tax avoidance strategies.

all people have the option to access these strategies if they choose to do so. unfortunately most people choose to be employed which is the worst way to avoid paying taxes.
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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Agreed. It's not a coincidene that prisons have extemely high number of high school drop outs who cant read at a grade 8 level.

Also, lots of people in jail with mental health issues and other problems like addiction.

Basically if you dont have a good support system and opportunities you are at risk of a life of crime.

People say its too expensive to provide these supports but dont realize it costs over 100k to keep a person ib jail.
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Active member
May 4, 2019
Seriously though, I love how these guys bitch about social programs but don't have a word to say about their tax money going to corporate bailouts. Lol. Well trained monkeys...
A white man in a suit, driving a Mercedes. He's given a 20,000 tax break from Doug Ford.

A homeless looking person wearing a t-shirt. Conservatives want to cut his benefits.

The reason is because Conservatives see some people ( because of racism, etc. ) as "lesser people". Lesser people deserve less, while greater people deserve more.


Then they tell you about their jobs, even though Melania and Ivanka have never worked in their life. These are the people who benefit from Conservative tax breaks.


Active member
May 4, 2019
  • You cannot build character and courage by destroying men's initiative and independence.
What about:

You can't build a modern society without funding the common good.

Conservatives are too busy telling people "you should do this, and you should do that".
How come "paying your fair share" and "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the 1%" are never talked about.

It builds character to build your own sewage system?
It takes courage to build your own electric system?

Then why do Conservatives insist on living off the sewage and electric system of the government, insist on getting this government help and government support.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
What about:

You can't build a modern society without funding the common good.

Conservatives are too busy telling people "you should do this, and you should do that".
How come "paying your fair share" and "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the 1%" are never talked about.

It builds character to build your own sewage system?
It takes courage to build your own electric system?

Then why do Conservatives insist on living off the sewage and electric system of the government, insist on getting this government help and government support.
LOL! Once you frame the conversation as the conservative vs. lefty issue, you bring it down to the high school debating club level. BTW, not only the modern society cannot be build without the "common good", the old society going back to the Egyptian kingdoms recognized it as the vital component to growth and prosperity. Cities built harbors to increase trade, lighthouses to make it safer and sewers and aqueducts to make the society healthier. Ever heard of the Roman roads? Maybe even bridges, city walls, etc.? Jesus H. Murphy our education system has really failed.

Fun For All

Well-known member
Feb 9, 2014
LOL! Once you frame the conversation as the conservative vs. lefty issue, you bring it down to the high school debating club level. BTW, not only the modern society cannot be build without the "common good", the old society going back to the Egyptian kingdoms recognized it as the vital component to growth and prosperity. Cities built harbors to increase trade, lighthouses to make it safer and sewers and aqueducts to make the society healthier. Ever heard of the Roman roads? Maybe even bridges, city walls, etc.? Jesus H. Murphy our education system has really failed.


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2012
ALL of this comment! I've actually looked into what percentage of taxes go into "social" programs and it is incredibly minimal.
Um, respectfully, just where are you getting your information?

For 2019: Federal Spending.

Old Age Security $47B
Canada Health Transfer: $43B
Social Transfer $15B
Income Supplement: $14B

Total $119B...Are these not "social" programs in your view?

(This is hardly 'minimal' and I didn't really look too far down the list)

$119 Billion divided by 37.5 million Canadians is $3173 per person.

That's a whole bunch of transfer if you ask me.
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