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Meet the new boss.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
China basically telling the US they are not in any position of power over China anymore. Showing their hand openly. Saw something on CNN where Erin Burnett was saying this was kind of earth shattering in that China has never really spoken so openly and undiplomatically to the US. Kind of new kid in town mentality fostered probably by the years of planning and progress China has pursued, as opposed to the disorganized shit show the US has stayed the course on since Vietnam. Economics 101. If you don't have a manufacturing base and you are simply a debt ridden consumer, you will be licking somebody's boots pretty soon.


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
And what happens if (when) we all lose GPS?


Active member
Oct 5, 2008
US army can still fuck China up... their technology is not as good as USA

You know what time it is.... US won’t go down easy
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Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
US army can still fuck China up... their technology is not as good as USA

You know what time it is.... US won’t go down easy
US army can fuck things up to a point. Fucked up Iraq. Didn't really accomplish anything by doing it. Except spend money like a drunk housewife. Still paying for it. No long term game plan except to fuck somebody up. China methinks is playing a long game. Probably in "The Art of War" somewhere, though I can never get much out of that book. When was the last time you bought something that wasn't "made in China" Their infrastructure is 30 years deep now. Got manufacturing and marketing nailed. That is what life is about. Not fucking somebody up. They have what used to be a 7 year plan now a 50 year plan. They are playing for keeps. They already own us. We just haven't woken up to it. They are busy learning. Producing. Accumulating. US is Gerry Springer show with debt. I would put my money on China. As Napoleon allegedly said, but probably didn't. “Let China Sleep, for when she wakes, she will shake the world” . We should be worried. Very worried. Chinese people do their homework.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
As shambolic as America has become, China is still a brutal dictatorship.

Although folks are smitten by their projection of soft power.



Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
...Same as the old boss.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
As shambolic as America has become, China is still a brutal dictatorship.

Although folks are smitten by their projection of soft power.

Their shambolism has gone on too long. All they do is squander their money. 1.9 trillion on covid relief. Wuhan is amazingly covid free. getting the picture?


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
The US would go down very quickly in a war.
China has a large army and a large coastal defence navy with no global reach. Realistically, the US hasn't been even remotely able to boss China on China's home turf for a couple of decades. No news there.

China can't take on the US away from the Pacific littoral. The US still has 2x the GDP and a massive flotilla of aircraft carriers. So the US is still the #1 global superpower.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
If the U.S. and the PRC ever got into a shooting war, the American lefties will

1) Demand the U.S. end the war because of unacceptable U.S. casualties. (Remember VietNam?)

2) Demand the U.S. do not injure any innocent Chinese civilian casualties.

3) Demand the U.S. president be tried for war crimes.

The war will last 30 years and the U.S. will leave any occupied Chinese territories. The Afghan war is already in year 20. (Russia won WW II because they were prepared to accept enormous casualties (28mm dead).)


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
If the U.S. and the PRC ever got into a shooting war, the American lefties will

1) Demand the U.S. end the war because of unacceptable U.S. casualties. (Remember VietNam?)

2) Demand the U.S. do not injure any innocent Chinese civilian casualties.

3) Demand the U.S. president be tried for war crimes.

The war will last 30 years and the U.S. will leave any occupied Chinese territories. The Afghan war is already in year 20. (Russia won WW II because they were prepared to accept enormous casualties (28mm dead).)
Who are "the American Lefties", Darts?

Some boogie-woogies that you are your buddies giggle about after 7 or 8 beers, while telling yourselves you're way smarter than them?

Do you know anything about Viet Nam? Do you think the US efforts in Viet Nam - which included massive collateral damage to Vietnamese civilians, infrastructure and the environment - was even remotely "worth it" in a war the US was always going to lose from Day 1?

Who do you think was smarter in retrospect? The "American lefties" who demanded the war be shut down? Or the generals who demanded another squadron of B-52's over Hanoi or another division of Marines at the DMZ?

Bearing in mind that "the American lefties" included most of the Nixon administration by 1970.

Now let's talk about China. China is larger and more powerful than VN was in the 1960's. The straight-up truth is that China is the #2 power on the planet and no one is going to fuck with it. No US administration in its right mind is going to declare war on China. China's army is far larger than that of the US. And the US does not have the logistics to invade and penetrate Chinese territory.

So your parallel is a little silly, isn't it?

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
Who are "the American Lefties", Darts?

Some boogie-woogies that you are your buddies giggle about after 7 or 8 beers, while telling yourselves you're way smarter than them?

Do you know anything about Viet Nam? Do you think the US efforts in Viet Nam - which included massive collateral damage to Vietnamese civilians, infrastructure and the environment - was even remotely "worth it" in a war the US was always going to lose from Day 1?

Who do you think was smarter in retrospect? The "American lefties" who demanded the war be shut down? Or the generals who demanded another squadron of B-52's over Hanoi or another division of Marines at the DMZ?

Bearing in mind that "the American lefties" included most of the Nixon administration by 1970.

Now let's talk about China. China is larger and more powerful than VN was in the 1960's. The straight-up truth is that China is the #2 power on the planet and no one is going to fuck with it. No US administration in its right mind is going to declare war on China. China's army is far larger than that of the US. And the US does not have the logistics to invade and penetrate Chinese territory.

So your parallel is a little silly, isn't it?
The US found Vietnam a bit of a handful. 50 years later they are still PTSD'ing over it. China is 2,798% bigger than Vietnam. The US hasn't been able to even "fuck up" Afghanistan which is 15 times smaller than China.
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