NSNC What’s going on in Ottawa/Gatineau region. A provider point of view.


Well-known member
Jul 21, 2020
And now that I think of it, is Paypal not a good option for deposits?

Paypal allows for anonymity on both sides. You can register with and link it to any email you wish and any nickname you wish.

There are many options for loading money onto your Paypal account, or it can be tied to your online banking and/or credit card.
PayPal has started to close people accounts for not sharing your banking information or personal.

my accounts got shut down both personal & work
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Ruby Lust, The Red MILF
Supporting Member
Dec 9, 2016
Ottawa / Gatineau
And now that I think of it, is Paypal not a good option for deposits?

Paypal allows for anonymity on both sides. You can register with and link it to any email you wish and any nickname you wish.

There are many options for loading money onto your Paypal account, or it can be tied to your online banking and/or credit card.
Paypal isn’t SW friendly so for those who use it, it’s wise to transfer your funds out quickly. It is client-friendly however & allows for anonymous accounts, this is what American clients often use for deposits. And yes, some banks allow for anonymity on etransfer. Either way, I use a discrete email to receive these.

I’ve had a couple of clients leave me a deposit or session fee in eskrow for a future date. It’s actually kind of smart as I would offer my grandfathered rate for that.

Gift cards like Amazon, Uber, ITunes & Starbucks are often the easiest anonymous solution and can also be sent from an anonymous account. Some prefer to buy them with cash at a store and send the claim code; it’s a nice gesture that can score you bonus points to type the code up for your companion so they can quickly check it and get back to you!

For those who want to be waived a deposit, many providers will accept a good reference. Make sure to ask the provider in question first so they’re aware and can in fact verify who you are, then send the social media contacts (website & Twitter) for your refrence. It’s not appropriate to ask what they will say or said about you, but mostly it’s very simple and straightforward as someone was respectful and safe. I like to really emphasize when someone was amazing though so he gets the royal treatment he deserves.

There’s a bit of etiquette around references to keep in mind. If someone offers you a great reference don’t abuse it, consider asking the last most recent provider you saw rather than leaning on only one to field a dozen of these requests. Sometimes a client will send a small gift as a thank you for taking the time to give a good reference and set their next date off on the right foot. And if it’s been over a 6-12 months since you saw someone they may not recall or feel comfortable giving a reference.

Some may take you without screening or a deposit and in that case, it’s an opportunity to establish a great rep for yourself by showing up a little early and ready for your appointment time, following what your provider asks on payment & hygiene, and when the time comes up, not overstaying past your appointment time unless your provider explicitly invites you to linger. These behaviours will help you build trust and credit that will likely be extended from other SWs to you.

To me a great client-provider dynamic is a two-way street where we help keep each other happy & safe. Smart policies help with that.


Active member
Jan 24, 2019
I haven't NSNC'd before but based on personal experiences I can think of a few reasons why some do it.

When I book it's usually done during a state of hyper-arousal which may or may not be present a few days from now if I have to book in advance. If I'm not in the mood when my booking time comes up I will want to cancel, and have wanted to cancel, but keeping my word is a principle of mine so I've always kept my booking and I usually had a good time anyway. I suspect this may be one reason many cancel; they simply aren't as horny as they were when they booked and don't have the decency to notify the provider.

Another thing I experience being relatively inexperienced in this hobby is a building of anxiety as the booking time nears. Nothing uncontrollable, but enough to cause me to second guess if I REALLY want to go through with this. I've always been able to shut those thoughts out, but again, I suspect others may succumb to them and NSNC.

Forgive me if this has been suggested, but I would assume you ladies have a weekly/monthly income goal. Why not only allow no-deposit appointments once you've surpassed that goal so the potential loss of income is of no consequence. As for time, only offer same day bookings and only when you literally have nothing else to do so being available doesn't impact any other plans/obligations. Lastly, set the expectation that you won't be dolled up as if you were planning for a guaranteed date. If a client requires you to be "ready" and available then you require a deposit, simple. Just a thought. Mitigate and/or eliminate all sources of inconvenience from NCNSs while still allowing for no-deposit appointments.

I'm not necessarily against deposits, especially in the form of a GC to protect privacy, but I do prefer not to send one if possible primarily because I like same-day bookings to avoid the above mentioned "issues". If a client must book days in advance and reserve a specific time slot and expects flawless makeup etc etc then I think a bit of an investment to demonstrate their seriousness is not unreasonable. Just my 2 cents.
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Sexy Classy Kimmy
Im an escort, Kimmy, and I recently started asking for 20$ deposits (which is extremely minimal) because for 4 years, MOST of bookings were either late, or NCNS. There was absolutely no point in scheduling, because I never knew if the person would show up, or at what time they would leave so I didnt know when I would be available. Typically I would count 1h for a 30 min appt. and 1.5h for an h. Eventually after getting ready for nothing and losing money multiple times, I did not schedule at all, I would just say Yes,yes yes and whoever came at the door had the appt. If 2 guys would show up at the same time, I would give a 20$ discount to the second one if he came back.

It is also worth mentionning that I worked from home and did not feel comfortable giving my address to just whoever. May I reming you thay we live in a world where women dissappear everyday. There was also the time when a creepy client that I blocked showed up at my door on a Saturday morning. deposits = screening

For those who suggest to not get ready : my appearance is my bread and butter, if I dont look good it will show on my reviews, and the clients all pay the same price and they all have very high expectations.
For those who suggest I only do it when I have nothing to do I would say? When youre an escort you have to be available if you wanna make 6 figures. If youre only available 2 hours a day youre gonna miss 98% of bookings.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2020
Im an escort, Kimmy, and I recently started asking for 20$ deposits (which is extremely minimal) because for 4 years, MOST of bookings were either late, or NCNS. There was absolutely no point in scheduling, because I never knew if the person would show up, or at what time they would leave so I didnt know when I would be available. Typically I would count 1h for a 30 min appt. and 1.5h for an h. Eventually after getting ready for nothing and losing money multiple times, I did not schedule at all, I would just say Yes,yes yes and whoever came at the door had the appt. If 2 guys would show up at the same time, I would give a 20$ discount to the second one if he came back.

It is also worth mentionning that I worked from home and did not feel comfortable giving my address to just whoever. May I reming you thay we live in a world where women dissappear everyday. There was also the time when a creepy client that I blocked showed up at my door on a Saturday morning. deposits = screening

For those who suggest to not get ready : my appearance is my bread and butter, if I dont look good it will show on my reviews, and the clients all pay the same price and they all have very high expectations.
For those who suggest I only do it when I have nothing to do I would say? When youre an escort you have to be available if you wanna make 6 figures. If youre only available 2 hours a day youre gonna miss 98% of bookings.
A $20 deposit is smart, if there's an anonymous way, through a gift card, even better


Active member
Mar 27, 2017
Hi everyone,

I am posting it here because I would like to understand the client point of view on a topic that’s have a big impact on the industry in Ottawa/Gatineau region these last couple of years.

As you all already know , I have been working in the industry for a long time. I’ve took part of many healthy debates here and I think I have a good reputation of expressing myself in a neutral way. Of been able to step in clients shoes in order to see from their point of view and not just from my side of the industry.

We have spoken about NSNC , screening , deposit ect ..

Now I have a situation that’s bothering me a lot. Probably not just me , but a lot providers as well. I will let them step in if they wish to express themself on the matter.

The famous NSNC

As providers , we have to manage our schedule , book our clients and try to accommodate as much as possible in order to make everyone happy.
I hate that moment when I have to ask for a deposit because NO CLIENT EVER enjoys sending money for services beforehand. This is a known fact and we are very aware of that fact.
It’s risky for clients because they don’t know if we’ll just run with their money or scam them or share their personal infos.
I totally get it..

But Ottawa have a serious problem of NSNC. It’s not just once in a while or occasional.. No..no..no , it’s a regular , everyday , more and more often pain in the ass that us provider need to deal with on a regular basis.

Now , you would think that a provider would be able to expect her long time regulars to be trustworthy, but in full honesty , it happens that regulars will NSNC as well. Those are the ones that pisses you off the most because you would never expect that nice , well mannered and so respectful client to do that.

It became such a regular problem that we don’t know what to do about it anymore.
The worse it that we don’t want to have to ask everyone for a deposit , but eventually, it will have to come to this.

In a perfect world , the bad apples wouldn’t screw it for all the good ones , but how do you make the difference between a bad apple and a good one ?

I want your opinion on this one.
Do you guy sometimes NSNC ? Is it only in Ottawa region or is it everywhere ?
I never tour so I have no idea how it is outside of here. Maybe touring providers could step in and let us know.

P.s Hopefully I didn’t misspelled too much. French girl here. Excusez mon français ;)
I have Never NSNC... Not even once. Just rude and disrespectful. However, I won't pay a deposit as well. Trust is a two way street so I understand both sides of the coin.
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