Riots at the Capitol


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Actually they are symbols of regional representation or fighting for a lost cause.

The later seeming more appropriate now.

This is what the bearers will tell you.....

If you want to associate it with slavery then that could be done with practically every flag or monument from that era.

And to be clear I wouldn't personally own or display a confederate flag.........

You may not own or display it but you seek to whitewash what is is which is perhaps more reprehensible. It is a symbol of insurrectionist states who sought to destroy the country in order to preserve slavery. The people who displayed it many years ago were traitors and the people who do so today are no better.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
And there is the consideration of evoking the 25th amendment by the GOP. Even Republicans know Trump lost his mind.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Actually they are symbols of regional representation or fighting for a lost cause.

The later seeming more appropriate now.

This is what the bearers will tell you.....

If you want to associate it with slavery then that could be done with practically every flag or monument from that era.

And to be clear I wouldn't personally own or display a confederate flag.........
Well, you couldn't say that about the US flag. Not associated w slavery, at least as of 1863 and after.

Regional representation and a lost cause? Yes. But it becomes a circular argument. The reason the South seceded and created the flag is because it feared the Republicans would inevitably emancipate the slaves and cause grievous economic damage to the politically dominant planter class in the South. So the flag is a symbol of the South - at least to white southerners. But it's a symbol created and brandished to protect the institution of slavery.

This aspect was minimized for over a century, up until the last 15 years or so. You could "sanitize" and glamourize the flag by simply omitting to discuss the role of Blacks in Southern society. And the conventional presentation of the Civil Was, even in "sophisticated" productions like Ken Burns' documentary series was exactly that. You could present Southern participants as simple homespun heroes from a less complicated and more colourful time. But one did that by close-focusing on the soldiers themselves (and perhaps their close family members). You had to remove almost all mention of Southern Blacks and their experience. Because that allowed you to concentrate on whether Lee should have attacked at Gettysburg or the grief of a Southern soldier's wife and excused you from considering whether Southern society was fundamentally corrupt.

Problem is that the Civil War and the mythmaking about it that took place afterwards has come increasingly in the cross-hairs of academic revisionism. My niece took an MA in American history and there was massive concentration on how the South created and sold the rest of America on "the Lost Cause" and "Southern regional pride" in the period 1890 - 1950. It made it impossible for me to look on the Southern flag in the same way after reading some of her textbooks.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
your so full of shit have you seen the BLM protests rioting and burning were they shot? no they were not some were arrested like today

white privilege is a bunch of bullshit what our privilege paying taxes? getting an education working hard?
Hard to argue that the BLM protests were not treated far more harshly by the police and NG than today's protest.

Second day after the Floyd protests started, I shrugged and said "Okay, it's blown itself out. There's been a little looting, like always. A little venting and it's done." But then, I saw cops shoot a female reporter in the face with a rubber bullet and blind her, arrest other reporters (who were fully ID-ed), tear gas clearly peaceful parts of protests marches and attack other peaceful protestors with batons. And I said "This time it's different. The police violence is going to create more reaction in the media and the Black community and this is NOT going to just blow over". And it didn't.

Now it appears that the Capitol cops were taken by surprise and quickly overwhelmed and I give them the benefit of the doubt. And it could be that they will be considerably harsher with the alt right assholes tomorrow. They are already tear-gassing them But the initial perception is that the alt right rioters are being treated far more gently than BLM protestors.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
You may not own or display it but you seek to whitewash what is is which is perhaps more reprehensible. It is a symbol of insurrectionist states who sought to destroy the country in order to preserve slavery. The people who displayed it many years ago were traitors and the people who do so today are no better.
The people of today are generations removed from slavery........It's not how the vast majority of them feel


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
The people of today are generations removed from slavery........It's not how the vast majority of them feel
And you became the spokesmen for them when? Is it only then a coincidence that the preponderance of those flags are flown in the US south and among whites. Don't blacks believe in regional representation etc. Please don't continue to embarrass yourself to a ridiculous defense of the indefensible.
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
The people of today are generations removed from slavery........It's not how the vast majority of them feel
Boy, have you ever lived in rural South Carolina? My sister did about 20 years ago for a couple of years. Shit I could tell YOU!

They don't believe in slavery, no. It's still heavily segregated below the surface. THAT hasn't changed.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
And you became the spokesmen for them when? Is it only then a coincidence that the preponderance of those flags are flown in the US south and among whites. Don't blacks believe in regional representation etc. Please don't continue to embarrass yourself to a ridiculous defense of the indefensible.
Please tell us of your immense experience living in the States...........


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Please tell us of your immense experience living in the States...........
You don't need immense experience living in the States to see that you are wrong. PS: I lived there


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Please tell us of your immense experience living in the States...........
LOL. Prior to Covid I spent 1 week per month in New York and the winters in Palm Springs which as it happens may be one of the whitest places in the US. I claim no special knowledge or experience but I do not seek to speak for all confederate flag waivers or anyone else for that matter.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2020

If you see something with your eyes - it must be true.
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Well-known member
Aug 1, 2012
Hard to argue that the BLM protests were not treated far more harshly by the police and NG than today's protest.

Second day after the Floyd protests started, I shrugged and said "Okay, it's blown itself out. There's been a little looting, like always. A little venting and it's done." But then, I saw cops shoot a female reporter in the face with a rubber bullet and blind her, arrest other reporters (who were fully ID-ed), tear gas clearly peaceful parts of protests marches and attack other peaceful protestors with batons. And I said "This time it's different. The police violence is going to create more reaction in the media and the Black community and this is NOT going to just blow over". And it didn't.

Now it appears that the Capitol cops were taken by surprise and quickly overwhelmed and I give them the benefit of the doubt. And it could be that they will be considerably harsher with the alt right assholes tomorrow. They are already tear-gassing them But the initial perception is that the alt right rioters are being treated far more gently than BLM protestors.

they police were overrun very quickly true but how? its not like this was a flash mob that just appeared without warning they knew this was coming for days I would have expected more police and fencing but hey what do I know?

as far as rubber bullets not too sure about that incident, but usually the police give an order to disperse before they use them if you hang around press or not things can go badly for you


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
My family lives in South Carolina yes......
You went to school in an all white private school, right? The blacks went to school in public schools that were underfunded?

There was a white side of town and a black side of town?

You went out drinking in a "private social club" - essentially a roadhouse that only allowed whites to drink there?

You went to church in an all white church? The blacks had their own churches?

Because that was the place my sister lived about 20 years ago.
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
they police were overrun very quickly true but how? its not like this was a flash mob that just appeared without warning they knew this was coming for days I would have expected more police and fencing but hey what do I know?
Question we're all asking ourselves. But I'm prepared to accept that police management was just incompetent because I've seen TPS fuck up bad.
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Well-known member
Oct 4, 2020
US is very divided now. Too much hatred from both sides. Very very sad.

One of the most basic principles is voting. That's how officials and government is elected.

When millions of people say voting was rigged, fraud commited - there should be a commission who'll investigate for the purpose of transparency so everyone can sleep at night.

Unfortunately, over 70 million people were simply told to accept the outcome.
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The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
You went to school in an all white private school, right? The blacks went to school in public schools that were underfunded?

There was a white side of town and a black side of town?

You went out drinking in a "private social club" - essentially a roadhouse that only allowed whites to drink there?

You went to church in an all white church? The blacks had their own churches?

Because that was the place my sister lived about 20 years ago.
So you've never personally lived there right?
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