Hi Isabelle, this is an interesting survey and has got me thinking...............
I don't see SP's that often (but I did last night

) but I do like to bring something along as a token of appreciation, and always have.
I try to do my research and find out what interests my date has. For a first meeting where I can't figure it out, my go to is dark chocolate.
If I can figure it out I'll find something that she's indicated she likes, and it's always well received.
It's become way more fun for me since I've found 3 SP's that I connect with. I'm really liking being a regular and seeing the same girl repeatedly and getting to know them a bit.
I try to find gifts that show I've been listening to what they say and thinking about them.
Last night's date likes craft beer and wine, and the last time we shared a beer she didn't have proper beer glasses at her incall. Her gift was a nice bottle of Cab/Sav, a special beer to share and a pair of nice beer glasses.
A touring friend is a wonderful young woman who will visit my city for a week or two at a time. When we first met she basically didn't leave her hotel room at all. We talked about it and she missed going out, but in her words "I'm here to work". Now every time we meet it's an extended visit, out for a drive or a meal just to get her out of the hotel. She loves it!
My most special relationship is with an amazing SP a province away. Anyone who meets her or sees her online presence is always smitten, as am I. My gifts are for her and for who she is- a kind, caring person who is loving and spiritual. Our dinner date could have been going out, but she appreciated the special 4 course Italian vegetarian dinner I made for her more. Later, she gave me the best compliment possible- "That was a better date than my regular dates!". In one of our previous conversations she talked about how she would like to open a shelter for abused farm animals. I made a donation to her local humane society in her name, it made her cry.
I'm not a simp, just a guy who has found that I much prefer seeing SP's who I connect with. I could tip (which I have) but being a regular with these 3 special ladies allows me to show my appreciation in a personal way. They seem to like it!