NSNC What’s going on in Ottawa/Gatineau region. A provider point of view.


Aug 29, 2017
Hi everyone,

I am posting it here because I would like to understand the client point of view on a topic that’s have a big impact on the industry in Ottawa/Gatineau region these last couple of years.

As you all already know , I have been working in the industry for a long time. I’ve took part of many healthy debates here and I think I have a good reputation of expressing myself in a neutral way. Of been able to step in clients shoes in order to see from their point of view and not just from my side of the industry.

We have spoken about NSNC , screening , deposit ect ..

Now I have a situation that’s bothering me a lot. Probably not just me , but a lot providers as well. I will let them step in if they wish to express themself on the matter.

The famous NSNC

As providers , we have to manage our schedule , book our clients and try to accommodate as much as possible in order to make everyone happy.
I hate that moment when I have to ask for a deposit because NO CLIENT EVER enjoys sending money for services beforehand. This is a known fact and we are very aware of that fact.
It’s risky for clients because they don’t know if we’ll just run with their money or scam them or share their personal infos.
I totally get it..

But Ottawa have a serious problem of NSNC. It’s not just once in a while or occasional.. No..no..no , it’s a regular , everyday , more and more often pain in the ass that us provider need to deal with on a regular basis.

Now , you would think that a provider would be able to expect her long time regulars to be trustworthy, but in full honesty , it happens that regulars will NSNC as well. Those are the ones that pisses you off the most because you would never expect that nice , well mannered and so respectful client to do that.

It became such a regular problem that we don’t know what to do about it anymore.
The worse it that we don’t want to have to ask everyone for a deposit , but eventually, it will have to come to this.

In a perfect world , the bad apples wouldn’t screw it for all the good ones , but how do you make the difference between a bad apple and a good one ?

I want your opinion on this one.
Do you guy sometimes NSNC ? Is it only in Ottawa region or is it everywhere ?
I never tour so I have no idea how it is outside of here. Maybe touring providers could step in and let us know.

P.s Hopefully I didn’t misspelled too much. French girl here. Excusez mon français ;)


With a word she can get what she came for
Sep 25, 2016
Have to admit, had to look up the definition of NSNC ( No Show No Call)

Truth Time.... have never pulled an NSNC. Have been delayed on occasion, but called or texted to indicate Eta.

On the flip side, have been ghosted a few times, even cancelled on at the last moment when parked out front after driving cross-town.

Have been lied to about promised services, bait and switched, short-changed on time, but overall no major issues and remain optimistic.

Sorry to hear you're going through some tough times with the no-shows. Put policies in place that work for you.



Well-known member
Feb 1, 2020
NCNS from clients is disrespectful. It’s also disrespectful when girls double book and flake on clients. I have never done NCNS.

Best thing for both to do is text one hour before appointment. If the other person does not confirm the appointment, then no need to get dressed. If they show up without texting, then they can wait 30 minutes for you to get ready. If you already made alternative plans because they did not text, then sorry too bad.
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Aug 29, 2017
I agree with you. It’s very disrespectful in both ways. Ghosting a client is the same as been ghosted by a providers.

I get that sometime an emergency could happen , but it takes 2sec to text and let the person know that you won’t be able to make it and find an arrangement that is fair for the both of you.

Idk how to deal with that situation. I want to be the nice girl that doesn’t ask for deposit , but at the same time , I am so tired of wasting my time.

I was thinking of maybe booking with deposit and twice/week I could offer sessions without deposit but it’s first come first served. You text me when you are already there and if I am available I’see you type of thing ? Kind of text-in instead of walk-in.
So the ones that aren’t comfortable with deposit could come those days.

I’m trying to find solutions so everybody’s happy and I don’t need to deal with that issue anymore.


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2020
I have never nsnc'd, but I have been ghosted many times. Maybe guys think that it is the norm to be ghosted, and therefore the reverse would also be "normal". The other situation that I have heard happens, is sometimes a provider makes an enemy with another provider, and they start booking up their time with fake numbers, so that they can't book a real hobbyist looking to meet. I have been told by a few providers that this happens, but can't confirm obviously.


Oct 17, 2001
These days I hobby so infrequently and not at all since Covid that I haven't had to worry about this. My own personal take is that if I had to cancel an appointment at the last minute, I'd be willing to pay anyway as compensation, maybe at a discounted rate, 50% or some agreed upon amount, but I would not feel right if I didn't pay something. It's a question of respect. I have to do this with my dentist and other services. But I'm probably in a minority about that, people can be very cheap.

My issue would be how to pay anonymously online. I've done some googling about this and am not happy with any of the options.

As to why this is happening more these days, I can only guess. Since people are working at home more, it may be difficult to get away without being noticed. If a guy is at work or his wife is at her work, getting away unnoticed during the day is relatively easy. But if they're both at home, it's not easy to sneak out for a couple of hours without explanation. Maybe guys are optimistic about setting up appointments because they're horny, then life suddenly gets in the way. It probably doesn't explain all the occurrences but it could be a factor.


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2018
I did hobby in many Cities in Canada and in the US, over the last 15-20 years. Here in Ottawa, many providers are asking for deposits, I never saw that elsewhere (I’m not saying it doesn’t happen elsewhere, I’ve just never saw it). I’ve said it many time in here, I’m against deposits, for privacy purpose. My fear is not to lose the money but that electronically some info can be tracked. However, I’ve evolve and now I can accept to bring it “cash” to the girl, knowing that she’s a legit provider with good reputation and I feel that I can trust her, based on our initial interactions and her reputation. If that’s what it takes to see her, I can do that, but I will NEVER send anything electronically – my privacy is not negotiable. The problem is that, most likely, the girl will never give me her incall for me to bring the deposit if she doesn’t have the deposit in advance, so it's a vicious circle.

I’ve chat with a few providers; they asked for deposit, I said respectfully that I’m against it, they told me to contact them when I’m ready to book, but it has to be the same day. However, I'm rarely available last minute so never book the same day, as my job is up and down all the time. So I always book my sessions 4-5 days in advance, so the “same day booking to avoid the deposit” is not good for me. Also, I don’t want to wait for a good time to contact her, to hear that she’s already full book for the day.

The NSNC is a problem but I don't think there is any real solution to that.


Dec 22, 2020
NSNCs are wrong and hated by the individual parties.

There are no perfect solution otherwise it would be in effect by now. It's impossible to get rid of the bad apples (NSNC and the SWs that ghost, cancel, bait, don't deliver services, scam, etc)

I do think a confirmation should be in place 1 hour before the appointment with the consequences explained. I'm wondering how anyone would do without that 🤔

I've never NSNC.

Sorry to hear your problems Alison. Put on your boxing gloves and good luck.
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Active member
Dec 30, 2018
NSNC affect time and livelihood. It’s not just about getting dressed, it was the whole admin of the booking, investing time, energy and mental preparation, turning down other potential clients and turning down other plans in our personal lives. I’ve been no showed/last minute cancellations thousands and thousands of dollars worth and lost hours of precious time. Now, I need deposits for first time clients and I need them for longer sessions from regulars even. The deposit I ask for is small, only $50 per hour booked. It’s a small deposit but very fair and ensures our time together. Honestly, in a perfect world I wouldn’t ask for them but the bad apples have left me with no choice, there’s WAY too many bad apples, trust me on this. Providers don’t ask for them for fun or have cancellation policies because we’re bored, we ask for them because it’s come down to an essential practice to make a living because too many people don’t take our profession seriously and don’t realize it pays for our bills.

I’ve had to cancel only a handful of times, each time with advance notice of a few days. I always offer to return the deposit, every single time the client just rescheduled with me.

If a client is worried about discretion he can send me a gift card. If the client doesn’t trust me and are uncomfortable can move on. Usually the ones that don’t trust me have had bad experiences or are new to the industry. Also, I’m convinced a lot of those who prefer not to send a deposit are the ones that are no showing on us. I’m reputable, and so are you Allison. These people can see from twitter, terb, tryst etc that we are real and serious about our business and they are random people who we know nothing about. Times that I let my guard down have reminded me to continue taking deposits because those are the times the NSNC strikes again! It’s not just Ottawa either, I toured Toronto and I trusted 3 people with no deposits, and I had 3 NSNC.

I haven’t had a big problem getting deposits (again the ones that don’t want to send them will likely no show you!) and my income has not been impacted negatively, in fact my income has improved (not counting pandemic days lol) since now I get no NSNC, imagine that eh? The anxiety of someone no showing or canceling last minute has completely disappeared. Clients don’t have sudden car problems and no more last minute emergencies or grandmas suddenly dying. Deposits have actually saved lives everyone! It’s been a game changer for me and I hope it becomes the norm in Ottawa and all over Canada.

I’m sorry to the clients that get their deposits stolen, those are not providers, those are scam artists who ruin it for actual providers. Please do your research! For clients that get bailed on by escorts consistently, again do your research, book a professional who gives a damn about services and her reputation.

Anyway, I hope that gives some a new perspective on deposits. Enjoy the rest of your holidays everyone!


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2003
Central Ont. between here & there
I have never done this, I have had to cancel with notice a couple of times. I've been ghosted a couple of times. Had 2 ladies cancel for good reasons & made it up to me next time.

possible suggestion for a deposit, add 15mins to their time when they show up & pay the balance.
just a thought


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2003
Central Ont. between here & there
wait what? You want free time as a reward for not wasting our time? Ok then lol

and what does the provider get for not bailing on you since it happens so much to you?
like I said, it was only a suggestion.... she was asking for ideas & suggestions

when a provider has ghosted, I look for a 2nd option & move on.....
sorry if this happens to you & others a lot.
it is rude,

oh & BTW, I prepaid with a couple of regulars the 1st time Covid hit & was able to connect later on when things were lower. I'll wait again now before seeing someone I dont know & others too for that matter...
stay safe
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Active member
Sep 16, 2006
Alison, it seems sometime this year terb decided to delete any posts that speak negatively of deposits. I point this out just so you are aware that you may not get full answers to your question (or those answers will be deleted).
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Active member
Dec 30, 2018
I don't, as I said, begrudge any girl for asking for a deposit. I just won't send them and therefore I won't see those girls. I've probably missed out on seeing some great girls and - without meaning to sound arrogant - some girls have missed out on a great client. But there are lots of great girls and great clients, so no real loss either way.

I do think you're making a huge assumption there, though, without any real evidence, that guys who won't send deposits are likely to NSNC. I do appreciate seeing what you think of me, though.
I’m sorry if that was taken as an attack on you, it wasn’t meant to be. From my experience the overwhelming majority of people that don’t send deposits are people that don’t show up (and yes I do consider they can be pranksters/spas/providers fake booking us as well I should’ve mentioned that in my previous post which also reinforces why I take deposits) Of course there’s exceptions and you’re one of them! May I ask if you screen? Do you have glowing references available for providers to perhaps ease their apprehension? Sometimes if a client has proved to other providers to be A+++ I do make exceptions!


Active member
Dec 30, 2018
like I said, it was only a suggestion.... she was asking for ideas & suggestions

when a provider has ghosted, I look for a 2nd option & move on.....
sorry if this happens to you & others a lot.
it is rude,

oh & BTW, I prepaid with a couple of regulars the 1st time Covid hit & was able to connect later on when things were lower. I'll wait again now before seeing someone I dont know & others too for that matter...
stay safe
Yes, ghosting is very rude and disrespectful, I’m sorry that happens so often I wish it didn’t, it’s crummy for everyone clients and providers.

That’s very kind of you to prepay some of your favourites and help them out with the burden of the pandemic. Those acts of kindness have gone a long way for providers.
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The Big "O"
Dec 25, 2017
Just an idea.
1) 50 dollar gift card for first-time clients and a 50 dollar extra charge for repeat clients who nsnc when they see you again. Two nsnc means a 100 dollar extra charge
2) for providers who don't want a first-time deposit, 50 dollar extra charge if they ncns and book with you again. Two nsnc means find another provider.


Active member
Sep 16, 2006
Now to answer your question - I don't see a simple solution to this issue. I completely understand your point of view as a provider. Having clients waste your time and cost you money sucks big time. It pisses me off that clients do this. Sadly I guess it makes providers suspicious of all clients. I can honestly say I very rarely cancel and if I do I always call. The once or twice that I have cancelled last minute I have always offered compensation.

Having said that, my limited experience as a client is that paying in advance has not gone well. I have done it only twice but both times have resulted in me losing the money. The reputation of the lady hasn't made a difference. Both providers were quite well known in the business. In fact, one is probably one the most well known providers (based on her twitter following, etc.) in eastern Canada. After all, it's not like I would have sent money to a provider without a well established history.

Due to this experience, I don't plan to pay a deposit again. Some have pointed out that the safety of providers is more important than taking the chance of losing money. As much as I agree, I lost about $1200 on my two attempts and I'm not in a position to do this on a regular basis. As someone else said, I may lose out on meeting some great providers but I can live with that more easily than potentially losing in the thousands of dollars every year.

I saw your tweet about requiring deposits. As much as I would encourage you not to do that, I also totally understand that you might say you can live with not meeting some good clients if that saves you having your time and income compromised by bad ones. I would quite likely do the same thing in your situation.

As far as solutions, the best I can think of is to stick to good, reliable regulars as much as possible. As a client, that has been my approach for awhile now and will be 100% for me moving forward, given the way this business is going. I do think references are another good way to avoid time wasters and rip offs. This can be problematic sometimes because not everyone likes to give references. Tbh, I'm not sure there is a solution to this unfortunately. It's too bad more people couldn't be respectful and reasonable.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2017
I've never had a lady decline to see me without a deposit once I've provided one or more references from reputable providers. In fact, when I've asked providers for references, some of the have pro-actively reached out to the new provider I'm trying to engage with and provided a commentary that prompted the new lady to forego a deposit. Of course, I've only cancelled once in 4 years and that was when my car was hit by a person running a red light while I was on my way to an incall...and I still fronted my provider the full fee in exchange for a visit she agreed to reschedule to a future date.
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