Sweden says its coronavirus approach has worked. The numbers show a different story


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
It's amazing to see people so rigid in their thinking or so afraid of admitting errors that they hold on to a general theme even when outright proven wrong.
You do understand noone has proven / disproven a dam thing when it comes to covid right?
Even majority of experts are in the dark, and the WIDE disparities in HOW each country reports means you have no way of comparing Country A to Country B (fuck you cant even compare between provinces since they all have different rules)

Maybe 10 years from now someone will be able to crunch the numbers and get a better perspective but EVERY source being quoted has bias and the people doing the quoting have their own political bias

I have visited 4 different hospitals in 3 different cities
There is no "over run" despite what media is crying and anyone can see this for themselves
(majority of hospitals are ghost towns as people are afraid to go there unless they REALLY need to now)


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
(majority of hospitals are ghost towns as people are afraid to go there unless they REALLY need to now)
I went into emergency at a hospital for over 3 hours yesterday. Not afraid in the least. Went to get pain meds.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
I went into emergency at a hospital for over 3 hours yesterday. Not afraid in the least. Went to get pain meds.
Calling BS

Noone goes to hospital to "get pain meds" lol
That's what your doctor is for

As well it sounds unbelievable that YOU of all people would head to a dangerously overcrowded hospital
But thanks for confirming hospitals are empty anyways. If even non-essential is getting through emerg in such a short time it basically backs up what we have been saying re #FakeNews


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
I went into emergency at a hospital for over 3 hours yesterday. Not afraid in the least. Went to get pain meds.
Calling BS

Noone goes to hospital to "get pain meds" lol
That's what your doctor is for
Wrong, as usual.

I don't have a doctor & the walk-in clinics were closed for the day. Therefore i went to the hospital. Duh.

Also had xrays taken while there for 3.5 hours.

As well it sounds unbelievable that YOU of all people would head to a dangerously overcrowded hospital
But thanks for confirming hospitals are empty anyways. If even non-essential is getting through emerg in such a short time it basically backs up what we have been saying re #FakeNews
The hospital was far from empty. In the waiting room there were 5 people sitting there when i arrived, with seating capacity for only 1 more after me. We don't know how many were in a separate covid area or ICU.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
Sweden has seen an increase in deaths, but in a nation with the same population as NYC, less in total than NYC in a day. Part of Sweden's spike is a nursing home outbreak. If that is the case, it was Sweden's quarantining that failed, not their failure to lock down the healthy.
"What Young, Healthy People Have to Fear From COVID-19
The White House’s new science adviser says: nothing. The science disagrees.

Herd immunity is an inoperable plan, teetering on a false assumption of elderly-cocooning, which encourages young people to play craps with the long-term health of their internal organs. The choice is yours. You can listen to the scientists. Or you can roll the dice with your guts.


"COVID-19 now likely leading cause of death among 25-44's in USA":

"...Based on the study findings, the team concluded that COVID-19 has likely become the leading cause of death among young adults in some areas of the U.S. during the pandemic. The team also noted that in these regions, the COVID-19 related mortality is similar to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/ Acquired Immunodeficiency Disease Syndrome (AIDS) epidemic at its peak in the country between 1994 and 1995.



Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
X-Files;13330635 said:
The problems with this dangerous strategy is it failed in Sweden.

Sweden has way more total deaths than their 3 Nordic neighbours (Norway, Finland, Denmark) combined while Sweden has a 50% larger population than the 3 of them combined. And Sweden is no better off economically. Clearly hard lockdowns, as occurred in those 3 nations, were the superior choice to Sweden's soft voluntary isolation approach.

"Sweden dead = 5,918
Norway dead = 278
Finland dead = 346
Denmark dead = 677"

High risk people can't "stay away" from others who are infected because they have to work, eat, get medicines, go to clinics & hospitals, live in care homes, & live together with others who are not high risk.
Ladeda;13331136 said:
To eat, shop, get meds they can use the designated hours already set up for them.
That won't keep them from being infected from others who are infected at places where they get food, groceries, medicine, clinical or hospital care. And many such places have no "designated hours".

Ladeda;13331136 said:
Hospitals and doctors would have the same precautions being used currently.
Clinics & hospitals are where high risk people & low risk people congregate. So your plan for them to "stay away" from each other is not going to work. It's going to fail on multiple fronts, in multiple places. Not only in clinics & hospitals, but in grocery stores, work places, sidewalks, public transit, long term care homes, people's personal residences, etc.

With your plan to let low risk people do whatever they please, even more of them will end up sick & in hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, etc, so even more risk for high risk people going to those places.

Ladeda;13331136 said:
As for work, tough call, I suppose if they can prove they are truly high risk, they should have option to not work and get unemployment, but at reduced rate, not inflated rate.
With many, if not the vast majority, of countries worldwide that is simply not available and or not an option governments are willing to implement.

Ladeda;13331136 said:
Obviously if in a home or where ever the nurse / aides would need to take precautions..
Yet deaths continue there even under stricter conditions than you would prefer. You would allow people to do whatever they please, putting those nurses at greater risk of infection, which means the high risk people under their care are at higher risk of death because of your irresponsibility.

Ladeda;13331136 said:
They don't need to eat at restaurants, go to sporting events, concerts until they feel safe. But why keep younger, healthier citizens from doing those things.
See above. What the irresponsible do in acting less safely affects others who are at high risk. Studies prove this. That's how pandemics work.

Furthermore if younger healthier people do whatever they want & get infected, many of them will get sick & fill up hospitals putting a strain on them & risking them being overwhelmed.

Ladeda;13331136 said:
They same politicians who impose the strictest restrictions even know it's safe to do those things if healthy, even if they try to trick the gullible into being scared to death.

-Newsom in Cali
-Whitmers husband in Mich
-Mayor Kenny in Philly
-Governor Murphy in NJ

All despite telling the citizens under their control that it's not safe to eat out. That is putting others in danger as well. Each of them has been caught eating out with their families against their guidelines.
What hypocrites do is irrelevant. Because person A says its wrong to murder but does it himself is not a justification for doing what is wrong or an excuse for you to do the same.

To err is human. We're all sinners.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
Mitigation is a matter of degree. One the one hand you have our draconian measures, quarantining the healthy which has devastated our economy to questionable benefit, on the other hand you have Sweden, which does almost nothing. Perhaps we need more than Sweden and less than us?

Sweden has seen an increase in deaths, but in a nation with the same population as NYC, less in total than NYC in a day. Part of Sweden's spike is a nursing home outbreak. If that is the case, it was Sweden's quarantining that failed, not their failure to lock down the healthy.
Sweden didn't have a huge influx of infected from early pandemic hotspots such as China, Iran, Italy. NYC did.

Sweden has a much less concentrated population than NYC.

Sweden has more people who live alone than NYC.

If Sweden's population was crammed into NYC's location it's soft lockdown approach would have resulted in far more deaths.

OTOH if NYC's residents were relocated to where Sweden is & spread throughout the country, NYC would have had way fewer deaths than it has had.

Comparing Sweden to NYC is like comparing apples to banana peels, not apples to apples.

Comparing Sweden to its 3 Nordic neighbours is an apples to apples comparison. And it shows Sweden's soft lockdown strategy has been a colossal failure.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You're missing the point. ...
Wait, the guy who spend the summer claiming Sweden reached herd immunity thinks I'm missing the point?

p.s. have you looked at Sweden's version of that graph?

Denmark Mid-October low until now
Oct 13: 290 cases ---- Dec 10: 3132 ---- Increase of 1080%

Sweden mid-October low to now:
Oct 10 509 cases ---- Dec 10: 6051 ---- Increase of 1188%
BTW Dec 9 was 8042, a 1580% increase

So tell me, how is it that Sweden is doing better than Denmark?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You do understand noone has proven / disproven a dam thing when it comes to covid right?
Yet almost a year ago you already concluded covid is a hoax? Yeah, that makes sense.

The word 'proven' isn't super scientific but we have a heck of a lot of data that exposes your fraud.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Calling BS

Noone goes to hospital to "get pain meds" lol
That's what your doctor is for

As well it sounds unbelievable that YOU of all people would head to a dangerously overcrowded hospital
But thanks for confirming hospitals are empty anyways. If even non-essential is getting through emerg in such a short time it basically backs up what we have been saying re #FakeNews
Wait, weren't you the guy bragging about your stalking trips to hospitals?

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Wait, the guy who spend the summer claiming Sweden reached herd immunity thinks I'm missing the point?

p.s. have you looked at Sweden's version of that graph?

Denmark Mid-October low until now
Oct 13: 290 cases ---- Dec 10: 3132 ---- Increase of 1080%

Sweden mid-October low to now:
Oct 10 509 cases ---- Dec 10: 6051 ---- Increase of 1188%
BTW Dec 9 was 8042, a 1580% increase

So tell me, how is it that Sweden is doing better than Denmark?
The point is Denmark's new cases have skyrocketed over the last few weeks, and all this while Denmark made masks mandatory.

Go explain that one


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
Interesting opinion here:

seems like everyday I'm seeing Sweden adding more and more guidelines and shut downs this fall. I guess Stockholm is having a tough time of it.

Sweden has announced new national coronavirus guidelines that will come into force from December 14. Private gatherings should be limited to no more than eight people, even for Christmas and New Year’s Eve. The crackdown comes as Sweden continues to grapple with a fierce second wave of COVID-19 infections and deaths.
According to the latest data from the Public Health Agency of Sweden, 7,514 people have died from COVID-19 in Sweden. More than 1,500 deaths were recorded in the last six weeks alone. The number of daily confirmed cases hit a new high of 8,402 on December 9, contributing to the total of 320,098 since the pandemic began in early March.
Not only are new cases stacking up, Sweden’s healthcare system is also operating close to capacity in many parts of the country. Intensive care units in and around the capital Stockholm were operating at 99% occupancy earlier this week.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
Even in a non pandemic a hospital is not a doctor office

We know lenny is an idiot but who walks into emerg looking for a pain killer?
I was in non covid areas of the hospital where everyone was masked up & social distancing.

Evidently the health authorities in my area - Vancouver, BC - think hospitals accepting non covid emergency patients is ok.

Got some pain meds that i'll be able to use for travelling to & within Asia in 2021 or 2022.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
"Sweden’s Covid Workers Are Quitting in Dangerous Numbers

Kind of relevent - https://www.bloomberg.com/news/arti...rkers-are-quitting-leaving-icus-short-staffed

Stockholm’s ICU capacity hit 99% this week. Sweden
is also completely out of ICU nursing staff because of high resignation rates. There are now fewer ICU healthcare staffers than in spring surge. #COVID19 burnout is real. Chasing herd ruins HC systems.
Yes kind of relevant looolz.

Every birdbrain who championed Sweden's approach, in a fledgling pandemic, you can't go back and fix stupidity after the fact.

No one had any data making their decision correct and thete still is no data.

Err on the side of caution and throw every effort at it Before it buries your country.

Not a half cocked, unplanned fukkup after it is out of control and then jump up and down saying shit don't work.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
I was in non covid areas of the hospital where everyone was masked up & social distancing.

Evidently the health authorities in my area - Vancouver, BC - think hospitals accepting non covid emergency patients is ok.

Got some pain meds that i'll be able to use for travelling to & within Asia in 2021 or 2022.
On your next trip can you pick up some Risperdal for CM/SPFree/Decoy/Dracula , Beejay , Smallhatch and a few other Amigos.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
The point is Denmark's new cases have skyrocketed over the last few weeks, and all this while Denmark made masks mandatory.

Go explain that one
Riiiiiiiight. You were quite clearly trying to use Denmark to 'prove' Sweden's actions have been a success. without bothering to consider that Sweden is doing worse by those same metrics.

By any criteria you want to look at, Sweden's response was a failure.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Even in a non pandemic a hospital is not a doctor office

We know lenny is an idiot but who walks into emerg looking for a pain killer?
Strange to see a guy who denies medical and scientific discoveries refer to someone as an idiot.

Not the best use of an ER but if it was a serious pain and his doctor's office had no appointments available, it makes more sense than pretending covid isn't a problem.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
Strange to see a guy who denies medical and scientific discoveries refer to someone as an idiot.

Not the best use of an ER but if it was a serious pain and his doctor's office had no appointments available, it makes more sense than pretending covid isn't a problem.
You do realize if your family doc is busy (or no fam doc) they have something called a walk in?

Noone ever goes to emerg for a pain killer unless they are a real idiot
At best you will sit for hours as every more serious case passes you by at worst you are wasting a doctors time
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