What do we REALLY know about Covid-19?

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
But not the method of transmission.

Again, funny to see you criticize Tam for not recommending masks earlier while continuing to pretend masks don't work
Thats not what I said. See post above

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
You are making suppositions (not necessarily wrong) but that is not how science works. I believe that you condemned China for their dishonesty back then. Do you now want us to accept data from China. Pretty selective on your part.

In hindsight, she was wrong for the 1st month but correct for the last 8 or 9 months. Do you agree with that statement?
Sorry I disagree.

And I'm speaking form HER perspective. If you're dealing a with an unknown, new virus then that should be ALL the more reason to be extra precautious and mandate masks right from the beginning. The N95 are the only masks I see that will work. Granted there was a shortage around March of these masks, but for her to finally realize that 1-layer masks are ineffective in November is incompetent, because that information was well known before that time


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2014
Even Health Canada themselves has come out and said a single layer mask does jack shit
We been laughing about it for weeks now

What source are you attempting to quote as "scientists" (esp since there is NO consensus in the scientific community anyways)
Again, where is your proof? Quote the source.... and who told you to wear a single layer mask??????????

This is the problem, you guys cherry pick the most minute of details that no one actually follows or focuses on....

Give your head a shake!!


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
Scientifically illiterate people make me laugh. Your criticism is that she followed the information available at the time instead of using a crystal ball to tell the future.
You just don't get it
Multiple countries nipped this in the bud by implementing safety measures that Canada failed to

To the contrary Tam went on record publicly CONDEMNING everyone AGAINST restricting Chinese and calling those efforts as RACISTS

Back in March places like Korea were testing EVERYONE who crossed borders
Our borders were wide open and we had voluntary quarantines (and see how well that worked)
People were still flying to/from Florida for Spring Break for fucks sake

Point is she missed the bus, she was NOT aligned with worlds scientific community, and now whats done is done


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Sorry I disagree.
Her recommendation, based on the science at that time, was no mask. After one month new info came to light and she changed her recommendation and has been consistent for 8-9 months.

Keep in mind that in late summer, Ontario was down to under 100 cases per day and has been increasing since. If she'd recommended masks in the beginning in March, that would not have changed what has happened since late summer and where we are now.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
If you think "divided" means the 0.01% who think demon sperm is the problem.
Sure buddy

Here is Tam saying that person to person is "unlikely" on planes dated NOV 2020

The problem (aka idiocy) of her position is this; since they do NOT test people getting off airplanes (instead trusting their honour to self isolate) they do not document any cases of it spreading

Explain to me how a person driving across the border should be blocked (in case they spread the virus) but flying across border is a-ok
Anyone who believes the nonsense that an asymptomatic carrier is suddenly cured when they fly is the worst kind of covidiot


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Phil, does being able to blame someone make you feel better because even if you are correct it changes nothing. What is the purpose of trying to prove that she made a mistake for the first month? What happens then? Would you feel better if she got fired and they could appoint someone that looks like one of your never-ending supply of beauties that we could watch on TV? I'd go for that.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
The N95 are the only masks I see that will work.
Wrong. Over 99.9% of the masks people are wearing work. They work to reduce the liklihood of C-19 infections.

In study after study medical or surgical type masks were as effective as N95 masks.

These type of masks have been available to the public since forever.

Granted there was a shortage around March of these masks, but for her to finally realize that 1-layer masks are ineffective in November is incompetent, because that information was well known before that time
"The World Health Organization has recommended three layers for non-medical masks since June. When pressed about the sudden change for Canada, Tam said the research has evolved."


Others were recommending them long before June.

To the average John or Jane on the street & street corners that should have been common sense since about the time they were toddlers.

Is a KN95 mask better than a sheet of bum tissue as a mask. Duh.


Active member
Aug 14, 2019
In Ontario of the 3,004 deaths reported in the province, 12 were in people between the ages of 20 and 39 while 125 were between the ages of 40 and 59.

Seniors continue to be the demographic hardest hit by the disease. At least 799 people between the ages of 60 and 79 have died after being diagnosed with COVID-19 and 2,067 more deaths were logged in those over the age of 80.

What we do know is that we are destroying our economy, delaying surgeries, mental health is on the rise. We have shut down the province for 137 deaths. The old and aging unfortunately die every year. We are making a bad situation worse.
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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
In Ontario of the 3,004 deaths reported in the province, 12 were in people between the ages of 20 and 39 while 125 were between the ages of 40 and 59.

Seniors continue to be the demographic hardest hit by the disease. At least 799 people between the ages of 60 and 79 have died after being diagnosed with COVID-19 and 2,067 more deaths were logged in those over the age of 80.

What we do know is that we are destroying our economy, delaying surgeries, mental health is on the rise. We have shut down the province for 137 deaths. The old and aging unfortunately die every year. We are making a bad situation worse.
"mental health is on the rise"? That's a good thing ;

The economy is not dead or destroyed, but sleeping & on holiday. BMO forecasts a full recovery of the Canadian economy next year.

"A study published in the Journal of Public Health finds that for each person in the U.S. who died after contracting COVID-19, an average of nearly 10 years of life had been lost."

What is obviously clear is due to lockdowns:

1) serious vehicular accidents & deaths are way way down
2) flu deaths & serious complications have decreased tremendously
3) C-19 ill health & deaths are far less due to the lockdowns
4) likewise probably other communicable diseases (e.g. tuberculosis, HIV) have been greatly reduced by the extreme safety measures in place
5) street crimes have probably been highly reduced.
6) families have been able to spend more time together enjoying each others company while free from the slavery of that 4 letter word "work" that the vast majority hate. Giving more time for quality of life activities like sex & various entertainments.
7) abortions (child murder) are probably down.



Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
Lmao @ #7
I doubt anyone will ever take anything you say seriously after that one
I'd bet most intelligent regulars here haven't taken you seriously for quite some time ;

It is common knowledge that elective procedures were delayed during the lockdowns.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Seniors continue to be the demographic hardest hit by the disease. At least 799 people between the ages of 60 and 79 have died after being diagnosed with COVID-19 and 2,067 more deaths were logged in those over the age of 80.
Fuck 'em and fuck their loved ones as well. Who needs them?

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
You're absolutely right about fear. It will turn an intelligent human being into an animal.
The virus is out there. We're social creatures and being away from people for days and months isn't really an acceptable option anymore. Covid-19 will spread, nothing can change that.
Masks, social distancing, sanitizing will not curb the spread.
You could be in a store picking up a box of cereal that someone with Covid sneezed on. It could be anything else, like a bottle of wine or Gray Goose or a gas pump or mechanic coughing inside your car etc.
Most of us have spouses/partners, kids, friends, co-workers etc. Unless you live on a remote farm and able to feed self, you'll come in contact with multiple people throughout a day. What makes us think that someone from our household isn't capable of bringing virus home?
The truth is - we can't control the spread, can't control people close to us.
There's only 1 thing we can control!
You can control You!
Apparently, as one study found, most people with Covid-19 had Vitamin D and Zinc deficiency.
So here's my advice to anyone willing to listen:
Don't wait for shit to happen and take care of yourself now as a preventative measure.
Eat healthy. Don't smoke. Try to exercise. Take vitamins like D3, B complex, Fish oil, Zinc, Vitamic C (just a couple Kiwi per day) and whatever else one might be missing.
Stick to brands like AOR, Metagenics or Genestra. Can't go wrong with either one.
Trying to maintain good immune system is the only thing one can do until there's a vaccine or enough people with immunity to Covid-19.
I've been taking drops of Vitamin D daily. I'll incorporate the zinc as well.
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K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Thats not entirely true.
First they said masks arent necessary, then they said its better we start wearing them.
Then they passed a law making masks mandatory.
Then Dr. Tam later recants and says some masks work, while others don't.

I wont be surprised if they come out next year and admit wearing masks made little to no difference
I believe there are 2 peer reviewed studies out that claim mask wearing has had a negligible effect in stopping the spread.
I have no problem wearing a mask when I'm indoors with strangers. However, I refuse to wear one when I'm outside. I see so many wearing them outside its absolutely silly. Excessive mask wearing can also cause other health issues.
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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2017
Sure buddy

Here is Tam saying that person to person is "unlikely" on planes dated NOV 2020

The problem (aka idiocy) of her position is this; since they do NOT test people getting off airplanes (instead trusting their honour to self isolate) they do not document any cases of it spreading

Explain to me how a person driving across the border should be blocked (in case they spread the virus) but flying across border is a-ok
Anyone who believes the nonsense that an asymptomatic carrier is suddenly cured when they fly is the worst kind of covidiot
Tam is correct about transmission on planes. Planes have to meet safety standards including standards regarding ventilation and air circulation. The average plane changes the entire cabin of air every 3 minutes, a comically large amount of air gets moved through the cabin. The path of airflow in an airplane cabin is from the ceiling to the floor.

In the 1970s there was a case where a single passenger infected 80% of the passengers and crew with a virus. The case as studied, solutions were designed, and new standards were put into place.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
How can I quote a CP24 news conference?? Maybe try your luck and see if you can find it on youtube
Sure. Why don't I find evidence to support your claims?

What does my thread title say, smartypants??

Jeezus, you're slow today 😂
How many posts have you made claiming masks don't work?

But here you are saying masks work and some work better than other. You're just like cutandpasteman posting whatever self-contradictory stuff you can use to cast doubt on science.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Sorry I disagree.

And I'm speaking form HER perspective. If you're dealing a with an unknown, new virus then that should be ALL the more reason to be extra precautious...
Strange that after all your complaints about masks and lockdowns that you claim Canada should instantly implement the highest level of precautions for every new virus. I'm sure you look forward to the government mandating hazmat suits every time a new virus is identified.
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