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Lockdowns will cause 10 times more harm to human health than COVID-19 itself, says infectious disease expert


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010


Giver of truth
Jul 26, 2020

The cost of lockdowns in Canada is at least 10 times higher than the benefit in terms of population health and well-being, he estimates, at least if you account for numerous variables such as economic recession, social isolation and impacts on life expectancy, education and the full gamut of health-care priorities.

If you look at the issue worldwide, lockdowns will cause at least five times and, more likely, as much as 50 times more harm than benefit.

Many public health experts continue to implement mandatory lockdowns, as seen recently in Ontario and Quebec. But Joffe no longer supports most such measures, which is an about-face from his position in March.

COVID-19: Rethinking the Lockdown Groupthink



Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
Just as Sweden is starting to lockdown lol.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Can he truly be considered an expert if he doesn't have a degree in radiology?

sp free

Well-known member
May 31, 2003
If people were not selfish and followed mask wearing and social distancing then maybe lockdowns would not be needed.

We will be following suit if folks don't lock up their faces with masks and social distance.
Follow suit? Douggy has already done this.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
No they aren’t.
Yes the are! They are slowly starting and will intensify as the numbers go up! Do you know why this is? Well, let me share this with you because I'm a nice guy. Ready? Ok, let me feed you a dose of reality. IT IS A PANDEMIC and what they've done HAS NOT WORKED! The US is a failure because they have ignored the virus as you would push all to do.

Wake up and smell the coffee! Just do it from your own basement so you don't infect anyone please. If you Canadaman and Decoy are all together in the basment that is allowed. Multiple personalities are Covid safe if locked in one room.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
Fear mongering Nostradumass.

What is obviously clear is due to lockdowns:

1) serious vehicular accidents & deaths are way way down
2) flu deaths & serious complications have decreased tremendously
3) C-19 ill health & deaths are far less due to the lockdowns
4) likewise probably other communicable diseases (e.g. tuberculosis, HIV) have been greatly reduced by the extreme safety measures in place
5) street crimes have probably been highly reduced.
6) families have been able to spend more time together enjoying each others company while free from the slavery of that 4 letter word "work" that the vast majority hate. Giving more time for quality of life activities like sex & various entertainments.
7) abortions (child murder) are probably down.



Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
This is complete horseshit because Spain, UK, Holland and Belgium also did not have (as Italy did) a humongous influx of infected Chinese from Wuhan, they partially locked down and made masks mandatory in some countries, and they still have a higher death rate per capita than Sweden.
No doubt Spain & the UK got more visitors than Sweden did from hotspots like China & Iran. And Italy got more, too, as i already said to you before.

It's irrelevant to try to compare apples with banana peels. It's relevant to compare like with like, hence the comparison of Sweden with its 3 Northern European Nordic neighbours.

Sweden is relatively isolated up in Northern Europe, more people live alone in Sweden, & Sweden did not have (as Italy did) a humongous influx of infected Chinese from Wuhan early in the year, or a hug the Chinese campaign (that Italy did) that followed that, etc, etc, etc.

Sweden has way more total deaths than their 3 Nordic neighbours (Norway, Finland, Denmark) combined while Sweden has a 50% larger population than the 3 of them combined. And Sweden is no better off economically. Clearly hard lockdowns, as occurred in those 3 nations, were the superior choice to Sweden's soft voluntary isolation approach.

Sweden dead = 5,918
Norway dead = 278
Finland dead = 346
Denmark dead = 677

"Damn the science denying "Stable Genius" crowd, you all have the same commonality of not retaining, or understanding any information that you read, specifically if you have a predisposition on it formed from your biased & non factual way of thinking.
Here is a thread that I've explained the great similarities of Nordic countries to one another and the differences to other European countries from them, there is also articles linked in there that also touches on the point of sociological norms from Nordic countries to one another and the difference to other European countries.

If you lived in Europe and you didn't understand the undeniable similarities of Nordic countries to one another and their difference to the rest of Europe you lived an uninformed life. Even after this has been explained to you numerous times in different threads it's astonishing that you still do not understand this. One would have to be completely oblivious to it's surroundings and facts to not understand this.
Not that I expect you to understand or retain any of the information from the posts or articles in that thread.

Now your turn to answer the previous questions which you don't have a logical response for.

The scientific data shows the rate of transmission in both Sweden and Denmark is very similar proving your non factual theory to be false. Please do explain how you view Denmark to be in a 2nd wave yet you view Sweden's number of cases to be on a downslope and it being proof of Sweden reaching herd immunity?
Please also do explain how you originally thought the reduced number of deaths was proof of herd immunity?"

Sweden has way more total deaths than their 3 Nordic neighbours (Norway, Finland, Denmark) combined while Sweden has a 50% larger population than the 3 of them combined. And Sweden is no better off economically. Clearly hard lockdowns, as occurred in those 3 nations, were the superior choice to Sweden's soft voluntary isolation approach.

Sweden dead = 5,918
Norway dead = 278
Finland dead = 346
Denmark dead = 677

Denmark's 2nd wave is already declining while their deaths are almost nil & way lower than Sweden in Sweden's first wave.

OTOH Sweden's 2nd wave is spiking, skyrocketing, with no end in sight & its first wave had way more deaths than Denmark.

Bottom line: Sweden (no lockdown) is the loser. Denmark (lockdown) is the winner.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
"BMO forecasts full recovery of Canadian economy next year":



Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
In Japan, S. Korea, Taiwan and China, there are no lockdowns, everyone goes to work, school, shopping, dining. Amazing how do they do it? Simple they all wear masks, physical distance when they can. Here we have undisciplined cry babies, who keep making excuses.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Yes the are! They are slowly starting and will intensify as the numbers go up! Do you know why this is? Well, let me share this with you because I'm a nice guy. Ready? Ok, let me feed you a dose of reality. IT IS A PANDEMIC and what they've done HAS NOT WORKED! The US is a failure because they have ignored the virus as you would push all to do.

Wake up and smell the coffee! Just do it from your own basement so you don't infect anyone please. If you Canadaman and Decoy are all together in the basment that is allowed. Multiple personalities are Covid safe if locked in one room.
Baby Steps please Squeezer. Some of these posters who are science/fact denying the most basic facts can not, do not and will not understand the difference between a lower number and a number that is of a higher value. So let's get the easier subject of lower Vs higher number ingrained in their head before moving on to a more comprehensive subject such as preventive measures needed during a pandemic.

Not A Stable Genius
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  • Haha
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Fear mongering Nostradumass.

What is obviously clear is due to lockdowns:

1) serious vehicular accidents & deaths are way way down
2) flu deaths & serious complications have decreased tremendously
3) C-19 ill health & deaths are far less due to the lockdowns
4) likewise probably other communicable diseases (e.g. tuberculosis, HIV) have been greatly reduced by the extreme safety measures in place
5) street crimes have probably been highly reduced.
6) families have been able to spend more time together enjoying each others company while free from the slavery of that 4 letter word "work" that the vast majority hate. Giving more time for quality of life activities like sex & various entertainments.
7) abortions (child murder) are probably down.

I've read your list numerous times and have no major issues.

For the sake of balance, what negative effects would you say are obviously clear due to lockdowns? Surely there cannot be only positive outcomes.
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