Brazil's presidnet should be tried for murder


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
I don't know about beating the US in deaths. Trumptard has released his religious wing nut fan base to attend church starting tomorrow. It's going to get nasty on the other side of the border. The good part is he's actually culling his fan base.
I don't know if they will surpass the USA in deaths on paper but Brazil is a very large country with a significant amount being rural area population, and lacks the healthcare resources to be able to monitor, report Coronavirus cases and deaths properly with a very corrupt government starting with their president all the way down, it's a lot easier for them to supress the actual numbers.
I fully believe when it's all done Brazil will have the most number of excess deaths than any other country.


New member
Dec 28, 2004
I wish there was a like button like there now is on Merb.

I hope Bolsonaro and his cabinet are charged with crimes against humanity.....feel real bad for the innocents in Brazil.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Brazil is facing a disaster and so will Georgia and Texas as they reopen and begin to fill up hospital resources within the next 2 to 3 weeks.
Both Georgia and Texas reopened of course to much criticism from the left. They didn't face anything close to a disaster.

Here's what happened in Georgia

Here's what happened in Texas

When all is said and done we will find out that the extended stay at home lockdown orders we faced will have had a far more deleterious effect than had we just kept all businesses open but practice social and physical distancing measures like Sweden did.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Both Georgia and Texas reopened of course to much criticism from the left. They didn't face anything close to a disaster.

Here's what happened in Georgia

Here's what happened in Texas

When all is said and done we will find out that the extended stay at home lockdown orders we faced will have had a far more deleterious effect than had we just kept all businesses open but practice social and physical distancing measures like Sweden did.
Sweden you say, hmmmm

Sweden isn't anywhere close to reaching herd immunity after anti-lockdown strategy

Scott Gottlieb says we will be better prepared for a second wave of COVID-19 in the fall, but a spike in new cases may also arrive at a time when other seasonal illness circulate. The head of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration between 2017 and 2019 adds that Sweden leads Europe in coronavirus deaths despite attempts at herd immunity.

I'd bet money that Texas and Georgia are manipulating the numbers. Once 2 to 3 weeks have passed the one thing this covididiots will not be able to hide are the cases in ICU and dying.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
That's misleading since the contagion arrived in Brazil a month after Canada. The Brazilian public want him gone, They are calling him BolsoNero.
You will never make TeeJay understand anything that is sensible. As of today, Brazil has over 22K deaths and counting.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
Brazil hit 30,000+ cases today but I think those numbers are misleading. There are more than that.

To date: Brazil 363,618 cases and 22,716 deaths.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
Trump has banned Brazilians (you know what I mean) from the U.S. He said that the U.S. is very capable of producing its own infected people and don't need to import more from Brazil.


New member
Dec 28, 2004
So much for your silly conspiracy theories TeeJay. Brazil had more reported CV-19 cases yesterday than Canada had in the whole month of May


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
So much for your silly conspiracy theories TeeJay. Brazil had more reported CV-19 cases yesterday than Canada had in the whole month of May
You're ruining their TinFoil hat sorority frat house.

Wait for the spikes happening with all these protests going on, especially in the US.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Are you joking????

No Lockdown
209 MILLION population
5,466 dead

Insane Lockdown
38 Million population
3,082 dead

Brazil is kicking our asses in terms of way less infections, way lower percent of death, and way fewer civil liberty violations
If you think he should be "tried for murder" what do you think is appropriate response to Trudeau and Tam?
People like Teejay still haven't understood the importance of social distancing, isolations/quarantines or the use of face masks, nor do they understand the importance of tracing and health measures that need to be in place to limit the spread of the virus to as low as possible.

Considering that the numbers Teejay posted were only 19 days ago and the large increase in deaths in Brazil, Here are the numbers and the stark difference both measures or non measures taken represent:

No Lockdown
212Mln+ Population
19,000+ Deaths

37Mln+ Population
6,000+ Deaths

The worst part in all of this is the numbers that were expected to be seen in Brazil is just starting to show.
With the lack of resources Brazil has available to properly report Coronavirus cases and deaths, the lack of healthcare available in Brazil to the population in the rural area and those leaving in shanty towns also known as the Favela's which combined together represent north of 20% of Brazil's population, and their president not taking any measures to fight the spread of the Coronavirus, the numbers of cases and deaths being reported in Brazil are significantly lower then what they actually are. I can't even fathom what the actual numbers are but here is what's reported so far

740,000+ confirmed cases
38,000+ deaths
181/Mln deaths
212Mln+ Population

96,000+ confirmed cases
7,900+ deaths
209/Mln deaths
37Mln+ Population

A lot of you compared Brazil (no shutdown) to Canada (shutdown) a while back as at the time their number of cases and deaths were far lower than Canada, and it fit your narrative that shutting down was not the right thing to do but the proof is in the data that shutting down along other measures is the right way to combat the Coronavirus.
Unfortunately there is no end in the number of cases and deaths in Brazil as they haven't done anything to limit the spread of the Coronavirus and the numbers they are reporting are significantly lower than what they are.
Last when I posted the numbers of cases and deaths for Brazil it was May 21 and they had 19,000+ deaths, as of today June 9 they have 38,000+ deaths. They've doubled the number of deaths in 19 days with no sight of these numbers slowing down.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
So Brazil has almost 6x the population of Canada and only about 3x the number of deaths. They would need 36 000 deaths to equal Canada and that would still be in their favor because they didn't close their economy and we did.

This is a perfect proof that closing down of the economy and telling people to stay under house quarantine was a bad decision.
Only in the mind of those who lack understanding of the facts and data regarding the Coronavirus is it that they think quarantines and shutdowns do not work.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Only in the mind of those who lack understanding of the facts and data regarding the Coronavirus is it that they think quarantines and shutdowns do not work.
Dude, the over played lockdown is coming to an end. No one cares if you think you understand the virus better than anyone else. Bottom line is, you have zero knowledge of the virus just like everyone else on terb. All you do is repeat the garbage CNN writes.

Opening of the daycares signals the end is near!!! About time Mr. Ford.

Numbers (dead, active, recovered), contract tracing, testing, etc are meaningless now.

Starting of Stage 3 will pass with so little fan fare no one will even care.

Discovering a vaccine, people will stand up and take notice. I would not keep my fingers crossed.

BTW, make sure to keep your pecker holsetered until a vaccine is found. LOL

Bet most of those who died in Brazil lived in the slums. Not a high priorty, if those lives mattered they would have cleaned up the slums decades ago.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Dude, the over played lockdown is coming to an end. No one cares if you think you understand the virus better than anyone else. Bottom line is, you have zero knowledge of the virus just like everyone else on terb. All you do is repeat the garbage CNN writes.

Opening of the daycares signals the end is near!!! About time Mr. Ford.

Numbers (dead, active, recovered), contract tracing, testing, etc are meaningless now.

Starting of Stage 3 will pass with so little fan fare no one will even care.

Discovering a vaccine, people will stand up and take notice. I would not keep my fingers crossed.

BTW, make sure to keep your pecker holsetered until a vaccine is found. LOL

Bet most of those who died in Brazil lived in the slums. Not a high priorty, if those lives mattered they would have cleaned up the slums decades ago.
Unfortunately people like you still lack understanding of the facts and data regarding the Coronavirus.
You still haven't figured out the difference in risk between 10 VS 50 VS 100 VS 500 new daily cases and keep repeating that the risk is the same regardless of the number of daily cases.

Ever since March 25th roughly a week after the lockdown began you've been irrationally and ignorantly predicting in 2 week time frames is when businesses or agencies will re open and you've been wrong all along. First it was mid April, then end of April beginning of May, then May long weekend, then June 1st and now you somehow think stage 2 is going to start on June 19, keep on predicting eventually you might get it right, I got faith in you.
You've been wrong because your irrational predictions are based on your personal wants and not on the actual data regarding the Coronavirus.

And quarantines work the Brazil experiment is proof of quarantines working. Look at Brazil today another 33,000+ new daily cases and another 1300+ new deaths and these numbers are with Brazil having so little resources to be able to report the number of cases and deaths properly as well as their president not caring about this virus or the people.

Like I said you lack knowledge are irrational, loud, ignorant and lack empathy, the more you post the more you keep proving this.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Brazil's Health Ministry has reporting issues, I don't believe they are glitches as they claim.

"For the second day in a row, the National Health Datatbase which records official nationwide numbers of COVID-19 cases and deaths has been hit by a system glitch.
On Thursday, June 18, Sao Paulo's Health Secretary Jose Henrique Germann announced that data in Brazil's most populous and worst hit state Sao Paulo are being underreported due to problems with the National Health Database, which is the responsibility of the Health Ministry."

I believe this is all Bolsonaro's doing as throughout Brazil people are starting to call for him to step aside due to his failure in limiting the spread of the Coronavirus. So he will try to supress the numbers of cases and deaths even more then the under reported numbers they were announcing.



Well-known member
May 23, 2010
So Brazil has almost 6x the population of Canada and only about 3x the number of deaths. They would need 36 000 deaths to equal Canada and that would still be in their favor because they didn't close their economy and we did.

This is a perfect proof that closing down of the economy and telling people to stay under house quarantine was a bad decision.
No Lockdown
1,200,000+ confirmed cases
54,000+ deaths
256/Mln deaths
212Mln+ Population

102,000+ confirmed cases
8,400+ deaths
225/Mln deaths
37Mln+ Population

Shutting down the economy was the right decision to make in Canada. Without having very strict tracing and health measures in place to keep the economy open like they did in some East Asian countries (South Korea, and Taiwan), the only other way to successfully fight the spread of the Coronavirus and keep it's effect to as low as possible would be through quarantines.

Like I told you over a month ago and have said all along Brazil will be the perfect example of how no lockdowns do not work. Also we should remember these numbers that are reported from Brazil are heavily underreported as they don't have the resources and are suppressing the data that is coming out of Brazil.
The actual real numbers of deaths from the Coronavirus in Brazil will be significantly higher than reported and will be seen in the number of excess deaths.
Last edited:


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
Govts run by blowhards and autocrats had the hardest time getting this under control.
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Some US states starting to panic and bring in restrictions again starting with closing bars. Idiots! All because they are to macho to wear masks and follow social distancing. I hope this doesn't happen here because of all the selfish pricks!
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Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Govts run by blowhards and autocrats had the hardest time getting this under control.
Brazil's president who has been denying the threat of the Coronavirus has tested postive for COVID-19.



Well-known member
May 23, 2010
So Brazil has almost 6x the population of Canada and only about 3x the number of deaths. They would need 36 000 deaths to equal Canada and that would still be in their favor because they didn't close their economy and we did.

This is a perfect proof that closing down of the economy and telling people to stay under house quarantine was a bad decision.
Like I said earlier Brazil will be the perfect example of what doing nothing or doing something very late (if they do decide to do something) will lead to.
And these numbers from Brazil is with the underreporting of data due to lack of resources available as well as government suppression of data.

No Lockdown
1,700,000+ confirmed cases
68,000+ deaths
320 deaths/Mln population
8100+ cases/Mln population
212Mln+ Population

106,000+ confirmed cases
8,700+ deaths
232 deaths/Mln population
2800+ cases/Mln population

37Mln+ Population
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