You have to follow the entire thread. There was hatin' on her here because she wasn't always a conservative. I said earlier it was common in the news industry for talking heads to repackage themselves. A thread can have two or more discussions intertwined.
So what, Wyatt?!
They make money from being TV talking heads and they say and do whatever they need to make that $$$$$. You take any of them seriously?
You're saying this, as if it's some great discovery you've made. Becoming a media pundit is one of the great "money for nothing" gigs in the Western world. Every dubious turncoat in the land wants to land such a gig. In ages past, these people would be carnival barkers selling snake oil.
This thread quickly morphed into a discussion about U.S. police brutality and less about Candace and her words. That's fine, no problem, but we do have this exact discussion going on concurrently in several other threads.
Me, I'm just "lounging" here enjoying my lunch.