As Candace points out, black people commit violent crimes at a disproportionate rate. That's why cops of ALL colors are skittish and on edge in these incidents. She's asking her own group to have some accountability and accept responsibility for their own actions. And pleading for them to change their ways and stop committing crimes at such a high rate. They hold the power to change things but sadly they continue to blame others and continue their poor choices which expose them to bad outcomes.I think you're missing the point.
Floyd could've been anyone, black people from all walks of life suffer police brutality at a disproportionate rate. That's why people are protesting. All victims of police brutality get smeared in the media. Did Chauvin know who Floyd was when he him killed him! I doubt it, so it's irrelevant. Chauvin was just as bad as Floyd was, you could even argue that he was worse.
I know some pieces of shit that were killed living their lifestyle and I didn't care. In fact, CTV's camera man pointed out that I was laughing when they saw me a scene and I told them I knew the victim. But this person wasn't killed by taxpayer-funded thugs who are supposed to serve and protect.
This does not discount the GF murder, this is different and the cop is clearly a murderer and should rot in hell. How this triggered riots and lootings is baffling since nearly everyone agrees the cop in this case was wrong. If there were protests inside the black community to try to effect change among themselves perhaps the would be more productive.