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Rioting possible this weekend in T.O.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
Just like there are bad cops there are bad protesters.
They all get lumped into one group. 1 bad= all bad. The bad ones get all the attention and media so everyone assumes they all have to be bad.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
downtown stores such as Hudson Bay and Best Buy have started to board up their windows in anticipation:
According to a CTV news report late last night, The Bay took down their boards. Apparently, The Bay was accused of being anti-black and racist by putting up boards.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
According to a CTV news report late last night, The Bay took down their boards. Apparently, The Bay was accused of being anti-black and racist by putting up boards.
the bay are cowards


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
If there is a protest/demonstration this weekend, will you participate? If not, then you are the problem. Ok, I'm being sarcastic.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Im holding you to this statement.

ANTIFA was filmed destroying store fronts in Hamilton last year after a rally. The police basically gave them an escort.

If you are too ignorant to understand that ANTIFA is a global group, then you need to crawl out from under your big rock.

I just hope the media tells the truth if ANTIFA start problems and tell the sleepy people it was KKK or white MEN.

Sure thing, Hatchet.

Hold me to my statement - LOL!


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
With all the opportunities for chaos in the US now, why would antifa bother w Canada??

I think the chances of a significant protest are pretty low. In the US, protests have been happening every day for a week. In Canada, a couple on the weekend and then zilch.
I'm thinking it may be some Montreal types on a road trip if this is true.


Well-known member
May 3, 2014


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
My old man used to say: 'If you don't want to get your nose broken in a bar fight, don't go to a bar where there is likely to be a fight'. Anyone who joins these protests now, should know and understand exactly what they are getting themselves into by attending and participating. I have zero sympathy for those that find themselves 'caught up' in the truth of what will likely occur.
Completely agree. Protesters must take responsibility to make sure that their behaviour is not used by others to loot and break the law. If they want to have organised protests, they must first make sure they are able to prevent any criminal activity and work with the police to do so.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
Watch an American protester plea with ANTIFA to stop rioting and stealing because it will help TRUMP get re-elected!
This is what I agree with. This riots make the silent majority taht support republicans to want to go to polls


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2016
BLM got the Pride organisers to cave to their demands so did they really screw up?
But ultimately it backfired, it created problems among the pride crowd many resigned and many gays don't appreciate them. Many resent them.


Active member
Apr 1, 2007
Completely agree. Protesters must take responsibility to make sure that their behaviour is not used by others to loot and break the law. If they want to have organised protests, they must first make sure they are able to prevent any criminal activity and work with the police to do so.
Metro Cops do brutality right. They will be out in full riot gear, shields, and without name tags. Our boys in black (the got rid of the pussified blue long ago) will be looking for a fight. I'll just watch it online from my bedroom with a cold drink. It is going to be brutal!! Good thing there is plenty room in the hospitals now that the people who were going to die have died.


Active member
Apr 1, 2007
Im holding you to this statement.

ANTIFA was filmed destroying store fronts in Hamilton last year after a rally. The police basically gave them an escort.

If you are too ignorant to understand that ANTIFA is a global group, then you need to crawl out from under your big rock.

I just hope the media tells the truth if ANTIFA start problems and tell the sleepy people it was KKK or white MEN.
Clearly Soro's tentacles are at work here. His cousins controlling the mainstream media narrative are trying to discredit Trump's plans to declare Antifa a terrorist organization. No surprise what comes up first in a simple Google search:


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2008
But ultimately it backfired, it created problems among the pride crowd many resigned and many gays don't appreciate them. Many resent them.
they might resent them, but in the mot passive, "bottomed" way;
for all that matters, BLM is now their bully BBC pimp and pride org submissively do as they are told


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2020
Clearly Soro's tentacles are at work here. His cousins controlling the mainstream media narrative are trying to discredit Trump's plans to declare Antifa a terrorist organization. No surprise what comes up first in a simple Google search:
I wonder if people know George Soros supports the BLM campaign?
Best for Britain[3][4]
European Movement UK[5]
Scientists for EU[5][6]
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Center for Public Integrity[8]
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Tides Center and Foundation[13]
Wikimedia Endowment[14]
Black Lives Matter[15]

The funny thing is that if you were to click on the BLM, it leads you to a WIKI page that makes NO mention of Soros supporting BLM.

I wonder why WIKI would forget to mention Soros' interest in BLM??? SOros himself is proud of the BLM movement!

#Blacklivesatters, is actually funded by billionaire George Soros. The Soros headed Open Society Foundation has hijacked the BlacklivesMatters campaign through substantial funding in the last few years, and this has led to people blaming Soros for funding these protestors, who are destroying private and public property in American cities.

Soros has funded the causes of Globalization through the agency Open Society Foundations (OSF), which has an endowment of more than 19 billion dollars. And in the last three decades, he has made every effort to accelerate globalization and weaken the Nationalist values around the world.

Conservapedia, the Conservative wiki primarily managed by American conservatives has described Soros as “an anti-Semitic atheist, international financier and con artist who bankrolled the presidential campaigns of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, among other left-wing causes.”

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
If there is a riot (complete with looting and burning) I predict it will be the same shit that we saw for the G20 a few years ago.

The media will be out in force hoping for the shit to go down so they can put on video and feel important. (Sex sells and riots sell commercials as opposed to the every day reporting.). The presence of the media will lead to a situation where the crowd takes on a life of its own. First the crowd will get twitchy. Then the excitement will build like "something is going to happen" . Then everyone will be looking to see who has the guts to start the ball rolling, then the crowd will start to swirl and minor shit will happen and the media will run to the scene and then the cops will try to control it. Then a few yahoos will start lighting things on fire and stomping on cop cars and then the crowd will smash windows the cops move in and then all he'll will break loose.

The mob mentality will take over and the looting will start and the burning.

Then the cops will move in and everything will go sideways.

In the end there will be a lot of damage and destruction and for what?

A chance to steal a TV from Bestbuy? 99 percent of these "protesters" could even tell you where and when Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated. Or what he stood for.

I'm all for peaceful protest, but they need to have their protest out at Downsview Park. They can chant and sing and bang on drums and light each other on fire. I don't care.

But that's no fun is it?

The mob is there solely to create trouble and revel in the rush of adrenaline that no-one can touch it. It's not about George Floyd. George Floyd is just the excuse.

If this is indeed a "peaceful protest " (which is horse shit) then do us all a favor and have your protest in the middle of nowhere. You can get your supposed point across without burning and looting and destruction. The media can cover it all.

If I hear one more time the words "peaceful protest " about this I'm going to puke. There's nothing peaceful about mob mentality. That's just groups of people in denial as to why they are really there.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Just curious as I saw nothing that was a designation of who was Antifa. What do they look like? Do they have a logo? A banner? Just asking.


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
I wonder if people know George Soros supports the BLM campaign?
Best for Britain[3][4]
European Movement UK[5]
Scientists for EU[5][6]
Media Matters for America[7]
Center for Public Integrity[8]
Human Rights Watch[9]
Priorities USA Action[10]
American Bridge 21st Century[10]
America Votes[10][11]
Millennium Promise[12]
Tides Center and Foundation[13]
Wikimedia Endowment[14]
Black Lives Matter[15]

The funny thing is that if you were to click on the BLM, it leads you to a WIKI page that makes NO mention of Soros supporting BLM.

I wonder why WIKI would forget to mention Soros' interest in BLM??? SOros himself is proud of the BLM movement!

#Blacklivesatters, is actually funded by billionaire George Soros. The Soros headed Open Society Foundation has hijacked the BlacklivesMatters campaign through substantial funding in the last few years, and this has led to people blaming Soros for funding these protestors, who are destroying private and public property in American cities.

Soros has funded the causes of Globalization through the agency Open Society Foundations (OSF), which has an endowment of more than 19 billion dollars. And in the last three decades, he has made every effort to accelerate globalization and weaken the Nationalist values around the world.

Conservapedia, the Conservative wiki primarily managed by American conservatives has described Soros as “an anti-Semitic atheist, international financier and con artist who bankrolled the presidential campaigns of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, among other left-wing causes.”
The soros conspiracy is the 21st century version of Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Toronto Escorts