Trudeau bans assault rifle

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
This is the equivalent of banning every make and model of a car used by drunk driver where someone died.
Not really. As he pointed out, and for once I can't argue with him. Guns have only one purpose. To kill. Cars are meant to be a safe means of comfortable conveyance.By saying these guns only carry 5 rounds, does that mean they're not really a threat?


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2007
Let`s not forget the 600 million bucks it will take to buy back these evil looking guns. We`re already spending over 80 million on border security to stop smuggled guns, how`s that going? Take a look at the Gov`t. StatsCan webpage to see what`s really going with gun deaths in Canada. From 2000 to 2016 there were 13168 gun deaths in Canada,9919 were suicides. From 2014 to 2018 handguns killed 623, rifles and shotguns 324, in the "other" category it was 18, non specific about what they were. I believe no one in Canada has been killed with an AR 15, the exception is a person having a finger shot off by one in a kidnapping in BC some years ago. How in the hell did buffoons like Trudeau and Bill Blair ever get the positions they have. Maybe we do get the government we deserve. Blair handled that G 20 thing real well too. It looks like Trudeau will never miss the opportunity to take advantage of a crisis, first the virus(trying to get unlimited taxation and spending until 2022) and then Nova Scotia, for some sarcasm how about banning "assault vans" after the Yonge St. shitbag killed 10. What is happening with our country?
I`d also like to add that one way or the other I don`t care about guns. What matters is the severe abuse of power by self important and entitled politicians who are totally drunk on their own power sending our country into an out of control debt spiral that will never ever be resolved. Trudeau publicly stated that he admires the efficiency of the Chinese government. Anyone else see something here? Instill fear and panic in the population,...remove rights,...flat line the economy,.. make people dependent on gov`t handouts,... attempt to disarm the population. Ya gotta` wonder.


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2011
Not really. As he pointed out, and for once I can't argue with him. Guns have only one purpose. To kill. Cars are meant to be a safe means of comfortable conveyance.By saying these guns only carry 5 rounds, does that mean they're not really a threat?
The point your missing is hunting rifles and these 'assault rifles', the ones non-restricted, JT is banning are both used for hunting. The whole modular nature of assault style rifles, is one of things that lends itself to being a popular platform for hunting varmits, wild hogs etc... If you actually hunted you would know that. So banning one type of rifle and not the other accomplishes what exactly?!? And the 5 round magazine limit is for any centre fire rifle with a magazine feed. And note the OIC isn't banning every magazine fed centre fire rifle it's only banning those on that list I posted. So again, what exactly are you accomplishing by banning them?

Yes it means those 5 round long guns are not really a threat. You know why? Because we actually have rigorous standards people have to go through in order to get a fucking gun in this country legally? When was the last time you saw a street thug running around with an AR15?

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
The point your missing is hunting rifles and these 'assault rifles', the ones non-restricted, JT is banning are both used for hunting. The whole modular nature of assault style rifles, is one of things that lends itself to being a popular platform for hunting varmits, wild hogs etc... If you actually hunted you would know that. So banning one type of rifle and not the other accomplishes what exactly?!? And the 5 round magazine limit is for any centre fire rifle with a magazine feed. And note the OIC isn't banning every magazine fed centre fire rifle it's only banning those on that list I posted. So again, what exactly are you accomplishing by banning them?
Less guns less gun deaths? UK. Japan. other countries that don't allow John Q public to pack weapons have less gun deaths. I was a gun nut as a youth growing up in the UK. Loved guns. Wet my pants every time I saw a Luger. The deal used to be you had to be a member of a gun club. Get nominated to buy a weapon and store it at said gun club. Can't take it home with you. It stayed at the gun club under lock and key. You could have conjugal visits with your gun, but it stayed at the gun club. Down side was that you couldn't sleep with it. Up side was, you can go to the corner store for a can of beans without worrying about some disgruntled gun owner having a bad day.


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2011
Less guns less gun deaths? UK. Japan. other countries that don't allow John Q public to pack weapons have less gun deaths.
Buddy. JT isn't banning guns he's banning a specific variant of guns. And you know what he's doing? He's offering a buy back? So what's going to happen? Joe hunter is going to sell his now prohibited rifle to the government and then go buy a rifle on the non-restricted list because he still wants to hunt! So have you really ended up with less guns? Nope!!! Only thing JT is doing is spending tax payer dollars to take a bunch of scary looking guns out of circulation, appealing to his voter base and wasting tax payer $$$.


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2007
Buddy. JT isn't banning guns he's banning a specific variant of guns. And you know what he's doing? He's offering a buy back? So what's going to happen? Joe hunter is going to sell his now prohibited rifle to the government and then go buy a rifle on the non-restricted list because he still wants to hunt! So have you really ended up with less guns? Nope!!!
And may I add that "assault rifle" is good for what?... maybe a few hundred yards while a "hunting rifle", a .303, will kill you a mile away. Obviously a well thought through plan.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
I do not know if any of the victims of the of the N.S. mass shooting were killed with an assault rifle. I think they were killed with a pistol or from fires. I suspect that Trudeau is banning assault rifles now because there will be public support and there will be little or no apposition in parliament with only a few members attending the virtual parliament.
I can tell you there are all sorts of nuts in Canada with assault rifles and they will not be turning their weapons in when the law comes into effect. There was a guy here on TERB using the moniker AK-47 that claimed to have a AK-47 assault rifle. He even showed a pic of it on TERB. He had to admit it was not an actual AK-47 when I spotted it was not what he claimed it was. It was really a cheapo surplus store version of the AK-47 used by a lesser communist country than the USSR, but just as deadly.
In the last few weeks the preppers in the US and Canada have been preparing for the end of the world and going nuts. I suspect that the N.S. shooter might have been upset with other things and the pandemic crisis might have set him off. There may be a few more loose nuts out there.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
Buddy. JT isn't banning guns he's banning a specific variant of guns. And you know what he's doing? He's offering a buy back? So what's going to happen? Joe hunter is going to sell his now prohibited rifle to the government and then go buy a rifle on the non-restricted list because he still wants to hunt! So have you really ended up with less guns? Nope!!! Only thing JT is doing is spending tax payer dollars to take a bunch of scary looking guns out of circulation, appealing to his voter base and wasting tax payer $$$.
I am not defending JT's policy on anything. He is a grand standing effeminate twat. However, just as a concept. Less guns,less gun deaths still seems like a rational formula. I realize nobody is taking anything about it seriously. It is just another case of him posing. Like bringing in 25000 Syrian refugees has solved the problem in Syria and helped Canada. Or letting Haitians shuffle across the border from the US into waiting buses and hotels in Quebec. All for nothing.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
I do not know if any of the victims of the of the N.S. mass shooting were killed with an assault rifle. I think they were killed with a pistol or from fires. I suspect that Trudeau is banning assault rifles now because there will be public support and there will be little or no apposition in parliament with only a few members attending the virtual parliament.
I can tell you there are all sorts of nuts in Canada with assault rifles and they will not be turning their weapons in when the law comes into effect. There was a guy here on TERB using the moniker AK-47 that claimed to have a AK-47 assault rifle. He even showed a pic of it on TERB. He had to admit it was not an actual AK-47 when I spotted it was not what he claimed it was. It was really a cheapo surplus store version of the AK-47 used by a lesser communist country than the USSR, but just as deadly.
In the last few weeks the preppers in the US and Canada have been preparing for the end of the world and going nuts. I suspect that the N.S. shooter might have been upset with other things and the pandemic crisis might have set him off. There may be a few more loose nuts out there.
Thanks for solving that one. I thought he was pissed at his ex girlfriend fucking another fella. Your theory doesn't really tackle the replica police car or RCMP uniform though .does it?

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
Less guns less gun deaths? UK. Japan. other countries that don't allow John Q public to pack weapons have less gun deaths. I was a gun nut as a youth growing up in the UK. Loved guns. Wet my pants every time I saw a Luger. The deal used to be you had to be a member of a gun club. Get nominated to buy a weapon and store it at said gun club. Can't take it home with you. It stayed at the gun club under lock and key. You could have conjugal visits with your gun, but it stayed at the gun club. Down side was that you couldn't sleep with it. Up side was, you can go to the corner store for a can of beans without worrying about some disgruntled gun owner having a bad day.
Other countries . What do they have to do with Canada . Are we going to follow what other countries do . Prostitution is legal in other counties . They don't throw you in jail for paying for a blow job . Shall we do that here in Canada . Other countries have capital punishment . Shall we have that here . Other countries throw you in jail and you will never be seen again . Shall we do that here in Canada .

Other countries arrest you for demonstrating . Shall we do that here . Other countries arrest you for speaking the truth . Shall we do that here . Other countries sell their gasoline at a very low price . Why don't we do that here .

Here's one for you , other countries allow you to carry a side arm . Again shall we do that here . Other counties don't have a limit on the length of a barrel . Maybe we should do that here .

Other countries force you to go into military service for a while . Maybe we should do that here . Other countries treat their women like shit . Maybe we should do that here . Other countries have prohibition . Yea lets do that here . LOL

I worry more about some nut case driving a car under the influence of drugs or booze than a disgruntled gun owner . By the way the guy who killed wasn't a disgruntled legal gun owner .

When was the last time a legal gun owner get so disgruntled that he did a shoot em up at someone purchasing a can of beans .

Are you forgetting the disgruntled driver of a van who plowed through a bunch of people in TO . Maybe we should protect ourselves from disgruntled vehicle drivers and do away with all vehicles . Wouldn't the streets be safer if we did that .

Other countries . Yea if you say so .

Do you feel much safer now . Go buy your can of beans and make yourself happy . Never mind the gangs who walk around with illegal guns or the drive by shootings . Trudeau is taking away guns from legal qualified registered owners . Canada is a much safer country because of that . LMFAO


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2013
I am not defending JT's policy on anything. He is a grand standing effeminate twat. However, just as a concept. Less guns,less gun deaths still seems like a rational formula. I realize nobody is taking anything about it seriously. It is just another case of him posing. Like bringing in 25000 Syrian refugees has solved the problem in Syria and helped Canada. Or letting Haitians shuffle across the border from the US into waiting buses and hotels in Quebec. All for nothing.
Your theory does nothing when you share the worlds longest undefended border with a country that exports illegal guns to this country, by the truck load, through Native reserves, and other means.
You could put a full gun ban in place in Canada, and it wouldn't make a lick of difference, when almost every gun crime, including the N.S. mass shooting, was done with an illegally obtained US handgun.

All you've done is punish law abiding citizens. Taken away their rights, and left a population unable to defend itself from the totalitarian Government, that Trudeau is rapidly becoming.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
Other countries . What do they have to do with Canada . Are we going to follow what other countries do . Prostitution is legal in other counties . They don't throw you in jail for paying for a blow job . Shall we do that here in Canada . Other countries have capital punishment . Shall we have that here . Other countries throw you in jail and you will never be seen again . Shall we do that here in Canada .

Other countries arrest you for demonstrating . Shall we do that here . Other countries arrest you for speaking the truth . Shall we do that here . Other countries sell their gasoline at a very low price . Why don't we do that here .

Here's one for you , other countries allow you to carry a side arm . Again shall we do that here . Other counties don't have a limit on the length of a barrel . Maybe we should do that here .

Other countries force you to go into military service for a while . Maybe we should do that here . Other countries treat their women like shit . Maybe we should do that here . Other countries have prohibition . Yea lets do that here . LOL

I worry more about some nut case driving a car under the influence of drugs or booze than a disgruntled gun owner . By the way the guy who killed wasn't a disgruntled legal gun owner .

When was the last time a legal gun owner get so disgruntled that he did a shoot em up at someone purchasing a can of beans .

Are you forgetting the disgruntled driver of a van who plowed through a bunch of people in TO . Maybe we should protect ourselves from disgruntled vehicle drivers and do away with all vehicles . Wouldn't the streets be safer if we did that .

Other countries . Yea if you say so .

Do you feel much safer now . Go buy your can of beans and make yourself happy . Never mind the gangs who walk around with illegal guns or the drive by shootings . Trudeau is taking away guns from legal qualified registered owners . Canada is a much safer country because of that . LMFAO
Other countries have made prostitution illegal.
Other countries cut your hand off if they catch you smoking a cigarette. (Isis occupied Iraq )
Other countries throw gay people off roofs
Other countries Execute prostitutes.
Other countries issue sentences of 1200 lashes for having a blog considered disrespectful to the government
Other countries allow little boys to be raped in police stations.
So what's your point?

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
And may I add that "assault rifle" is good for what?... maybe a few hundred yards while a "hunting rifle", a .303, will kill you a mile away. Obviously a well thought through plan.
First of all an AR-15 is not an assault rifle . It's not fully automatic . What is a AR-15 good for . Target practice . People having fun at a gun club . You could use an AR-15 to hunt with but the feds never allowed that .

If they changed the laws and let you hunt with an AR-15 than many people would .

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
First of all an AR-15 is not an assault rifle . It's not fully automatic . What is a AR-15 good for . Target practice . People having fun at a gun club . You could use an AR-15 to hunt with but the feds never allowed that .

If they changed the laws and let you hunt with an AR-15 than many people would .
But I know you would never admit it but AR-15's were designed for what purpose?


New member
Jul 4, 2018
JT is ignorant. Plan and simple.

Assault rifles are prohibited firearms in Canada. An assault rifle is a fully-automatic firearm (machine gun) which fires an intermediate cartridge. That is one which is more powerful than a handgun but less powerful than a full sized rifle cartridge. Since they are machine guns they are prohibited firearms. Explained very well here.

Just because it looks dangerous does not mean it is, and vica versa. There are many 'hunting style' guns that are not questioned that are more dangerous than the AR-15.

The laws in Canada are currently perfect. There is is a 2 day course required to be taken, and a screening requirement by RCMP required before you are granted a licence to posses. In addition this has to be re-applied every 5 years. This screening requires a signature of your partner to get. Canada makes it hard enough that you can do it if you really want to, but too hard for someone that is not really serious.

Not commonly spoken of, in Canada there are only 3 reasons to own a gun. 1) Hunting, 2) Target range, 3) Collecting. Notice that 'Protection' is not on this list. When taking the gun course the first question they ask is why you want a license. They will remove you from class if you do not want to acquire a gun for the 3 reasons listed.

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
Other countries have made prostitution illegal.
Other countries cut your hand off if they catch you smoking a cigarette. (Isis occupied Iraq )
Other countries throw gay people off roofs
Other countries Execute prostitutes.
Other countries issue sentences of 1200 lashes for having a blog considered disrespectful to the government
Other countries allow little boys to be raped in police stations.
So what's your point?
My point is this . Don't tell us what other countries are doing which you did in your post . You want to do what other countries are doing than lets do that . All of that which you mentioned . If they do it than it must be OK for us according to you

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
I do not know if any of the victims of the of the N.S. mass shooting were killed with an assault rifle. I think they were killed with a pistol or from fires. I suspect that Trudeau is banning assault rifles now because there will be public support and there will be little or no apposition in parliament with only a few members attending the virtual parliament.
I can tell you there are all sorts of nuts in Canada with assault rifles and they will not be turning their weapons in when the law comes into effect. There was a guy here on TERB using the moniker AK-47 that claimed to have a AK-47 assault rifle. He even showed a pic of it on TERB. He had to admit it was not an actual AK-47 when I spotted it was not what he claimed it was. It was really a cheapo surplus store version of the AK-47 used by a lesser communist country than the USSR, but just as deadly.
In the last few weeks the preppers in the US and Canada have been preparing for the end of the world and going nuts. I suspect that the N.S. shooter might have been upset with other things and the pandemic crisis might have set him off. There may be a few more loose nuts out there.
I remember that . You called him out saying it's not a real AK-47 . By the way AK-47 guns are illegal in Canada unless your a licensed gun collector which most people are not . Who the hell wants to own a gun if you can't shoot it at a gun club .
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