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Trudeau bans assault rifle


New member
Jul 4, 2018
I suspect that Trudeau is banning assault rifles now.
Just as ignorant as most Canadians. Assault rifles have been prohibited since the 70's (Prohibited = jail time if you are caught with it). Can the general population of Canada please be more specific of what they want banned.
Automatic action and release (Pull trigger once with multiple shots) - Already prohibited banned
Automatic action but single release (Pull trigger once) - Restricted firearm with limited ammo capacity allowed. Is this what you want banned?
Manual action (You need to physically load bullet into chamber via pump, bolt, break action) - These require PAL license. Is this what you want banned?
Rim fire or centre fire - Do you want to allow one and not the other?
Shotgun vs Rifle - All talk is only ever rifle banned. Do you also want semi auto shotguns?

The RCMP reviews every gun to provide a classification for it. They review the physical size, action, loading, release etc. OF EACH GUN. But the general public apparently knows better just by looking at it...

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
JT is ignorant. Plan and simple.

Assault rifles are prohibited firearms in Canada. An assault rifle is a fully-automatic firearm (machine gun) which fires an intermediate cartridge. That is one which is more powerful than a handgun but less powerful than a full sized rifle cartridge. Since they are machine guns they are prohibited firearms. Explained very well here.

Not commonly spoken of, in Canada there are only 3 reasons to own a gun. 1) Hunting, 2) Target range, 3) Collecting. Notice that 'Protection' is not on this list. When taking the gun course the first question they ask is why you want a license. They will remove you from class if you do not want to acquire a gun for the 3 reasons listed.
You are correct . You will never get a PAL if you wanted a gun for personal protection . Even the cops are not allowed to carry guns while off duty .

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
Just as ignorant as most Canadians. Assault rifles have been prohibited since the 70's (Prohibited = jail time if you are caught with it). Can the general population of Canada please be more specific of what they want banned.
Automatic action and release (Pull trigger once with multiple shots) - Already prohibited banned
Automatic action but single release (Pull trigger once) - Restricted firearm with limited ammo capacity allowed. Is this what you want banned?
Manual action (You need to physically load bullet into chamber via pump, bolt, break action) - These require PAL license. Is this what you want banned?
Rim fire or centre fire - Do you want to allow one and not the other?
Shotgun vs Rifle - All talk is only ever rifle banned. Do you also want semi auto shotguns?

The RCMP reviews every gun to provide a classification for it. They review the physical size, action, loading, release etc. OF EACH GUN. But the general public apparently knows better just by looking at it...
That's the problem . The general public are stupid . Thinking yes we can do away with those guns . Why because they have no need for them . They are not shooters so what do they care . Wait until the Feds want to take away what the general public wants and see what happens . Just look at things now . You can't have a party at your house . You can't have visitors at your house . They gave tickets to people who were in parks who sat on a bench for a bit . Ticket to a father who had his kids roller blading in an area where there was NOBODY AROUND BUT THEM . Stay home and don't go to your cottage even though you pay property taxes on your cottage .

I don't have a cottage nor do I do my walking in a park . Yes lets close down everything . What do I care . Same idea as many people who don't understand guns . I don't take drugs or drink booze . Lets do away with those things . LOL


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2017
Why does Trudeau have a problem banning hand guns? You don't use a 9 mm or Glock to hunt deer, either.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2002
They can ban rocket launchers if they like. It is not gonna stop someone who is hell bent on getting one and wishing do harm with it

JeanGary Diablo

Well-known member
Aug 5, 2017
According to Angus Reid polling, 78% of Canadians approve of an all-out ban on these weapons. Sounds like the Trudeau government is merely doing what Canadians want.


New member
Jul 4, 2018
According to Angus Reid polling, 78% of Canadians approve of an all-out ban on these weapons. Sounds like the Trudeau government is merely doing what Canadians want.
Again, please identify what 'these weapons' are. Everyone I talk to says assault rifles should be banned. And I agree.
Assault rifles have been banned since the 70's. So 78% of Canadians already have what they want.


Oh great, a buyback. Now the criminals will be robbing all the assault rifle owners so they can cash in. Hope not too many get shot in THAT transaction. JT is such a twat.

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
You don't use a 9 mm or Glock to hunt deer, either.
Why aren't these types of guns used for hunting . Because you are not allowed to . Even if you have 500 acres of land you can't shoot your hand gun on your property . Only at a certified gun club .

Then of course that type of gun will not be used for hunting . They do use large caliber hand guns with longer barrels to hunt in the US .

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
Again, please identify what 'these weapons' are. Everyone I talk to says assault rifles should be banned. And I agree.
Assault rifles have been banned since the 70's. So 78% of Canadians already have what they want.
+ 1000

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Supposedly any hunting rifle capable of 10,000 joules of energy is on the ban list as well


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
All you've done is punish law abiding citizens. ....
Yes, guns will be imported illegally. In my mind our court system has to take gun crimes more seriously.

But the 'punish law abiding citizens' garbage is just an NRA trash talking point. Are we also being punished because we cant drive a F1 car on the streets? Sorry but being part of a society means we have to abide by some limits.


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2001
Yes, guns will be imported illegally. In my mind our court system has to take gun crimes more seriously.

But the 'punish law abiding citizens' garbage is just an NRA trash talking point. Are we also being punished because we cant drive a F1 car on the streets? Sorry but being part of a society means we have to abide by some limits.
I see after all this time you are still willfully ignorant of firearms and firearms legislation and have failed to make any effort to do any research.

This ban will do NOTHING for gun crimes.

F1 cars were never approved for the streets, the same way an M16 isn't approved for civilian ownership. Not only that, but there were strict limits on the use of many of those rifles, so your argument is invalid.

The largest e petition in Canadian history with over 175,000 signatures opposed the ban of firearms by OIC. As well, most firearms polls showed that the Canadian public did not think additional legislation would reduce gun crimes.

You obviously have internet. Maybe try again and do some research so you don't continue to look ignorant.

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
What? I've seen a some at ranges when I used to go occasionally but a 1 AR for every 10 Canadians seems pretty ridiculous.

Well it's not . Just look at of the gun shop web sites and they all have plenty of AR platforms for sale . Many guys own more than 1 AR-15 that shoot all kinds of calibers . Same with handguns . Just about every hand gun owner has more than 1 handgun .

Yes, guns will be imported illegally. In my mind our court system has to take gun crimes more seriously.

But the 'punish law abiding citizens' garbage is just an NRA trash talking point. Are we also being punished because we cant drive a F1 car on the streets? Sorry but being part of a society means we have to abide by some limits.
You could never drive a F1 car on the street in the first place . Your right to drive which you never had wasn't taken away . Big difference .
We don't have a NRA so what do we care what they say.

We do have limits . We were given the right to own that type of gun in the first place . That's why we have to take a gun course and go through RCMP checks . Law bidding citizens are a part of society . Law bidding gun owners have to be a good citizen other wise we loose our PAL .

This guy who shot up the people in Nova Scotia was not a law bidding citizen . Those guns were not legal . Any law bidding gun owner would never own a smuggled gun . Why take that chance .

You want to be part of society than get rid of the booze and the drugs . There are even places that people legally go to take drugs . That's being part of society ???

Booze and drugs kill more people each year than do guns . Just look at that fuck who's on day parole now . Look who he killed . Don't hear of bleeding hearts saying lets get rid of booze do we .

Even now with the virus happening the LCBO and the Beer Store is open . WHY . We don't need that shit to be part of society do we .

In a couple of years when those guns are gone we'll see if the gang bangers have stopped the shoot em up in the city of TO . It won't happen because the guns that they use are smuggled into the country . What are you going to say then . Ban all guns now . LOL . That won't stop the shootings on the street . DAA .

You certainly picked a good handle for your self . BASKETCASE . LOL


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
The AR-15 couldn't be used for hunting deer anyway as it was already deemed restricted, meaning it's only usage was limited to gun ranges ie. paper target shooting only. If nothing else it highlights how little JT actually knows about the current gun laws in Canada (and joe public for that matter).

Assault rifles (full auto) have been illegal since the 70's. What JT is doing here is going after 'assault style' weapons (5 round limit and one round per trigger pull) - roughly 1500 styles of them, some restricted (gun ranges only) and some non-restricted (usable for hunting). The assault style long guns on that list, more or less are modular style facsimiles of assault rifles so are easy low hanging fruit for the government to show they are serious about gun crime, at least to the low information, guns are evil, voter. In the end it accomplishes sweet fuck all. We don't have the mass shooting issue in Canada that the States does due to more rigorous gun licensing requirements and the element in society comprising the majority of our gun violence are street thugs who are using hand guns on each other and not 'assault style' guns. An AR15 isn't going to fit down their pants.

Meaningful efforts to combat gun crime would have required JT to come up with community outreach programs to tackle gang violence and increased border enforcement to deal with smuggling (and that includes plugging the biggest holes - the reserves ex Kahnawake, Akwesasne etc...)
100% ^^^

For the record, I've never owned a gun nor do I ever plan to. I have gone to a gun range and fired a few handguns and rifles though.

That said, I think this new law is just window dressing and will do nothing to tackle the real problem of gun violence. This new law targets law abiding gun owners and does nothing to thwart criminals.

But holy fuck, you go on social media and present facts and legitimate reasons why this law won't make the slightest difference and you get attacked like you're all for men sexually assaulting children.

People are rarely murdered by legal gun owners. One exception was Marc Lépine. He had a permit to purchase a Ruger Mini-14 semi-automatic rifle before he went on his killing spree at École Polytechnique in Montréal, some 31 years ago. That weapon is now on the "banned" list. To which I say, so what. Lépine could've done just as much damage with a couple illegal handguns tucked in his pockets.

AK-47 - Maximum effective range of around 400 meters. Banned!
.303 Hunting Rifle - Maximum effective range of around 700 meters. Not banned.

Feel safer now?


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Regardless of your stance on the firearm issue (I am a firearm owner and I own at least one firearm impacted by this legislation(...
You should be afraid. You should be very afraid at this gregarious overreach of power to bypass proper parliamentary process and oversight to introduce your own ideological agenda. The minority government has shown willing to sidestep proper debate and oversight to push their ideals. The first dictatorial step on a very slippery slope.
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