The One Spa

N.S. police warn active shooter may be driving what looks like RCMP vehicle....


Aug 23, 2001
Is that surprising to you?

When a thread on the Danforth Shooter was posted while it was still an active crime scene, Charlemagne and Oagre were the first two to jump in, smugly stating the shooter was "white" based on some preliminary video footage of his rampage. While most of us were reeling from the tragedy which was still in its infancy stages, those two were cackling about the colour of the dude's skin. WTF?

When he was ID'd and it was revealed that Faisal Hussain was a lone wolf jihadi whose family originated from Pakistan, whoa! the narrative changed completely. 50 pages ensued with those two (and others) making excuses because the poor boy was "obviously crazy" and suffered from so-called "mental illness". Which other than a [professionally ghost-written] letter provided by the family, it was NEVER proven that the killer had been treated for mental illness. In fact the full story surrounding that case of premeditated terrorism was deliberately withheld and will undoubtedly never be divulged to the general public. And that suits the liberal snowflakes and sjw's just fine.

So here we go again. The bodies aren't even cold yet and the alt-lefts are already creating a racial divide where none should exist. SMH.

First of all, he wasn't a "lone wolf jihadi". The Sun dangled that as bait for months and every rightie on TERB danced around chanting until...... The Sun quietly dropped that angle one day, along with the crap about "inside police information supporting these facts". It was all a game to crank up the anti immigration / anti Muslim people and help the Tories.... as it always is with The Sun.

So he wasn't a jihadi - lone wolf or otherwise. He was just crazy. Or nasty. Or a fucked up jerk. Or whatever. But people like you will never accept that because you've made up your minds already. Right?

I deliberately stayed out of this thread because - quite frankly - this board and the people on it are a waste of my time. But even when you get out, somebody decides to take a potshot at you because that's the type of life they have and the type of person they are, I guess.

So have fun, latinboy. We both know that you will now go completely off the rails and post rant after rant to try and "strike back" at me. And you know something else?..... I won't even bother to read your nonsense. I spent months - years! - reading the tripe on this unhappy board written by its unhappy denizens - (or at least the 15 or 20 guys who keep posting on this type of thread exactly the same shit day in and day out) - and I can't be bothered.


Active member
Sep 23, 2002
The sad thing is because of this pandemic, They cant have proper funerals to say there good byes.

|2 /-\ | /|/

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Why do you only focus on the negative toxic people, their comments and not filter it out? By replying to them are you not giving them validation? Why do you make generalizations like this when it is not true. Look at the daily numbers, the thread views and the 20 or so shit disturbing trolls that like take all the attention away. A lot of the communication happens in PMs here and it is still a good community. It’s kind if like a microcosm of society. It all depends on your own biases and projections and how you choose to view it. I think this place is an awesome place and has a lot of awesome peopleI still maintain contact via PMs. Just because you choose to allow a few to define the whole I believe is your problem.

I think spiral dynamics does a better job at defining people and their social intentions vs just politics and religion.

However what is the root of people snapping, being depressed and not being able to introspect? It is ego, being programmed away from your own being and not recognizing your own face in the mirror when you look at this. This is why when tragedies happen people go crazy, start to project and take it out on others. They don’t know how to behave and react when events happen outside their limited program. Think of computer crashing when you install too many programs that come with hidden malware.

First of all, he wasn't a "lone wolf jihadi". The Sun dangled that as bait for months and every rightie on TERB danced around chanting until...... The Sun quietly dropped that angle one day, along with the crap about "inside police information supporting these facts". It was all a game to crank up the anti immigration / anti Muslim people and help the Tories.... as it always is with The Sun.

So he wasn't a jihadi - lone wolf or otherwise. He was just crazy. Or nasty. Or a fucked up jerk. Or whatever. But people like you will never accept that because you've made up your minds already. Right?

I deliberately stayed out of this thread because - quite frankly - this board and the people on it are a waste of my time. But even when you get out, somebody decides to take a potshot at you because that's the type of life they have and the type of person they are, I guess.

So have fun, latinboy. We both know that you will now go completely off the rails and post rant after rant to try and "strike back" at me. And you know something else?..... I won't even bother to read your nonsense. I spent months - years! - reading the tripe on this unhappy board written by its unhappy denizens - (or at least the 15 or 20 guys who keep posting on this type of thread exactly the same shit day in and day out) - and I can't be bothered.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
This board and the people on it are a waste of my time
Says the guy who's been on here for almost 20 years and has over 21,000 posts :spit:

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
You U-men stop fighting over there!


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2003
Central Ont. between here & there
well that did not take long for the thread to fall off the rails & get off topic.
so many families have lost loved ones, while some bicker about left or right or posts from the past.

It appears that there are lots of crime scenes with maybe more bodies to be found in burnt out homes.

Lets hope the true East coast attitude comes to the top & they take the high road by helping or supporting each other in this their time of need.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
well that did not take long for the thread to fall off the rails & get off topic.
so many families have lost loved ones, while some bicker about left or right or posts from the past.

It appears that there are lots of crime scenes with maybe more bodies to be found in burnt out homes.

Lets hope the true East coast attitude comes to the top & they take the high road by helping or supporting each other in this their time of need.
My thoughts exactly. To bring politics into this discussion in order to win arguments in long forgotten threads is pathetic IMO.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Is that surprising to you?

When a thread on the Danforth Shooter was posted while it was still an active crime scene, ....
And the whole right wing menage went wild because the guy could have been Muslim even if religion had nothing to do with his motivation and you are still doing so.


Well-known member
Dec 22, 2009
Rcmp going to be sued by families who couldve saved loved ones had an emergency alert been issued. I mean we get amber alerts that are loud AF when a kid 500km away is missing, but they couldnt issue one here? Esp since they knew of this as of Saturday night, the person out for a walk Sunday morning is just one example of someone who should still be alive. Absolute incompetence.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Rcmp going to be sued by families who couldve saved loved ones had an emergency alert been issued. I mean we get amber alerts that are loud AF when a kid 500km away is missing, but they couldnt issue one here? Esp since they knew of this as of Saturday night, the person out for a walk Sunday morning is just one example of someone who should still be alive. Absolute incompetence.
Makes you wonder, doesn't it. Considering they've issued two alerts in this Province for COVID-19 already...

Jiffy Pop

Active member
May 6, 2003
Might be a little tin foil hat thinking but I think a big reason why no alert was posted is because big brother was worried that if posted everybody in Nova Scotia who owns a gun would of took it out of storage and loaded it to prevent themselves of being the next victim and the suspect was dressed as a cop so might have put some of the police in possible danger.


Well-known member
I grew up in Nova scotia and dated a young lady from that area in my early 20's for 3 years. A few thoughts from chatting with some locals, and a few retired boys in blue.

1.He was dead before he was dead. You don't shoot a police officer while dressed as a police officer and live.
2.Rural RCMP in Nova Scotia are very few and far between and response times are stretched. This could have been much worse.
3.Lawsuits are coming over that alert.
4.This is the nightmare scenario. This isn't big city violence...…...this is country rural, which is considered a safe zone from this kind of violence. Innocence lost
5.Fuck the Globe and Mail for letting me know this shit stains hobbies...……….
6.If the scenarios I'm hearing are true I'm horrified for these poor souls last moments on earth

black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
Got to be honest, I'm a little surprised and shocked about the lack of participation in this thread. When this happens in the U.S we have threads that are 15 pages long. Here we have the worst one in Canadian history, during a pandemic where is at home just filling time on the net, and very little reaction to this.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Got to be honest, I'm a little surprised and shocked about the lack of participation in this thread. When this happens in the U.S we have threads that are 15 pages long. Here we have the worst one in Canadian history, during a pandemic where is at home just filling time on the net, and very little reaction to this.
In tough times people are simply prioritizing.
Ashley Madison
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