How long will this last?


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
Unfortunately I'm not one of those I'm still working full time hours I've never had one benefit from the government. I've always worked and paid taxes.

I may take the two weeks paid sick leave. We'll keep that between us though.
I guess many people would consider you lucky that you still have employment.


Active member
Jul 24, 2006
The very loose plan seems to be to reduce some of the restrictions by
mid to late June. Then slowly expand those restrictions if all goes well
and there's no second wave. I'd guess relative normalcy could return
by the fall but it won't be an actual memory until there's a vaccine or
herd immunity, as others have said. Biggest issue of our lifetime,


Active member
Jul 19, 2013
meanwhile...everyone who survived the Spanish Flu is dead.

just talked to a friend who said they are on tornado alert. so staying in the house is dangerous. I don't know how long this will last but the folks who have a bunker and the doomsday preppers are laughing right now and calling the rest of us sheep. oh well.

I just need this to go away soon so i can get me some pussy and ass :D


Active member
Feb 18, 2013
The very loose plan seems to be to reduce some of the restrictions by
mid to late June. Then slowly expand those restrictions if all goes well
and there's no second wave. I'd guess relative normalcy could return
by the fall but it won't be an actual memory until there's a vaccine or
herd immunity, as others have said. Biggest issue of our lifetime,
mid june? I don't think people will stand for this until then...….unless the governemnts will pay your mortgage/rent indefinatly


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Sweden is playing a dangerous game. 899 deaths so far. More than Canada.
Agreed and as long as the world is interconnected with travel there will be not curve flattening, the virus will simple just move countries or regions of high concentration to regions of low concentration. No country can become behave like a hermit for extended time periods. This virus may be here to stay. The virus moved from animal to human, human to human and now human to animal as tigers at the Bronx Zoo have it. This coronavid-19 is now a mutating globetrotter.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
Agreed and as long as the world is interconnected with travel there will be not curve flattening, the virus will simple just move countries or regions of high concentration to regions of low concentration. No country can become behave like a hermit for extended time periods.
I think you have answered your own question there. International travel will be restricted for quite awhile. When it does come back, it will be more onerous than ever. I would expect getting through border control will be tedious and slow. Many countries will likely try to figure out how to hold people until they can be tested. I'm not sure about this idea of "certification" for those who have recovered.

I expect the Schengen Area won't be reopened to all member countries until a member can demonstrate they have the virus under control. Sweden is the question mark in my mind.


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
Actually Fifi there is one guy still alive who served in the first world war, caught and survived the Spanish flu and just recovered from Covid as well. He's 102 and must be one tough dude

There are also two women, both 103 who have survived.

Wait a second... if he served in the first war, he would be older than 102! He would have been a baby during the Spanish Flu (1918 -1919).


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
I think you have answered your own question there. International travel will be restricted for quite awhile. When it does come back, it will be more onerous than ever. I would expect getting through border control will be tedious and slow. Many countries will likely try to figure out how to hold people until they can be tested. I'm not sure about this idea of "certification" for those who have recovered.

I expect the Schengen Area won't be reopened to all member countries until a member can demonstrate they have the virus under control. Sweden is the question mark in my mind.
We will have vaccine certs in our passports...that is one thing I predict.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
We will have vaccine certs in our passports...that is one thing I predict.
I agree. Some countries require proof of the yellow fever vaccination when traveling to and from high risk regions.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
I modified your font to normal. No need for big bold loud font. We can all read. Now check the global report below:

See Italy, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland, UK. They are all faring much worse than Sweden. Then see Germany, Norway and Denmark, who are faring much better than Sweden.

So your statement "It's clear the measures Sweden has taken is not working" is pure garbage. I am rooting for Sweden. Cheers.
As I said you fail to understand the two most important issue with this virus:
1. It's highly contagious
2. Asymptomatic carriers can carry the virus for weeks not knowing they have it and spreading it onto others
Exactly what is happening in Sweden.

Although you touted that they had 2 days of drops in the number of daily deaths from 77 to 17 and 12, just like I explained to you those numbers will again increase drastically and the last two days that is exactly what happened they went up from 12 to 20 and 114 today.
Now Sweden is adminstering very few tests, they've only administered 4700 more tests in the last 3 days, and that combined with no social distancing, they are in a lot of trouble with a fraction of the population we have in Canada.
Again it's clear that the measures they are taking so far is not working and to think otherwise is non factual.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
then explain why less than 1% of the population have the virus.

in ontario 0.03% have covid19
As of today April 14 there are 7500 confirmed cases of the Coronavirus in Ontario, that represents 0.05% of the population and we had our first confirmed case on March 10th. Getting the numbers correct is very important. That number and percentage of population is still going to be higher with the measures.

Thankfully the numbers are fairly low and manageable here due to social distancing, closing of non essential businesses and cancellations of non essential travel. If it wasn't for these measures we would be in a lot worse of a shape and have significantly higher numbers, like New York where 1% of the population is already affected.
In New York the 1st confirmed case of Covid19 was on March 1, and as of today April 14, yes in 45 days there are over 202 000 confirmed cases which is over 1% of the total population.
If you can't understand or believe the Coronavirus is highly contagious you clearly do not understand the numbers, how it's spread or the simple facts revolving the virus.


Area 51 Escapee
Apr 15, 2003
Stuck in Lodi again
It will be over shortly once the weather gets nicer.

This virus has little effect on those under forty and they don't end up in the hospital or dying from it. Do you really think that a bunch of teenagers and young adults are going to stay locked up all summer when they have nothing to fear? They will be out partying with their friends, going to the beach, dating and having sex whether the authorities like it or not.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
It will be over shortly once the weather gets nicer.

This virus has little effect on those under forty and they don't end up in the hospital or dying from it. Do you really think that a bunch of teenagers and young adults are going to stay locked up all summer when they have nothing to fear? They will be out partying with their friends, going to the beach, dating and having sex whether the authorities like it or not.
This is why I hope Trudeau invokes the emergency act so the people who are going to be careless to our society as a whole can pay dearly for their actions. Thankfully in Ontario the very high majority of people have been very well behaved and taking this matter very seriously minus a few selfish people who are clueless.
I would much rather have a self isolation period which will somewhat stop the exponential growth of the virus and once it's over we can get back to normal than to have a self isolation period and have a few selfish people disobey it only to make this period longer than it needs to be.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
This is why I hope Trudeau invokes the emergency act so the people who are going to be careless to our society as a whole can pay dearly for their actions. Thankfully in Ontario the very high majority of people have been very well behaved and taking this matter very seriously minus a few selfish people who are clueless.
I would much rather have a self isolation period which will somewhat stop the exponential growth of the virus and once it's over we can get back to normal than to have a self isolation period and have a few selfish people disobey it only to make this period longer than it needs to be.
dude you are sounding like a sheep lusting for dictatorial power over a mild virus that infects less than 1% of people. people are starting to protest against these illegal restrictions

if you think people will put up with living under mandatory house arrest during warm weather as their jobs and livelihoods vanishing think again.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
dude you are sounding like a sheep lusting for dictatorial power over a mild virus that infects less than 1% of people. people are starting to protest against these illegal restrictions

if you think people will put up with living under mandatory house arrest during warm weather as their jobs and livelihoods vanishing think again.
Once again this is not a mild virus and to referring to it as such is just ignorance.
As for your statement that it infects 1% of the people that is unknown. Had you said the Coronavirus has infected less than 1% of the Canadian population so far you'd be right.
Estimates say if we don't socially distance ourselves we could have expected about 1-2% of the population to contract the virus by the end of April, and the virus will not miracolously just go away at that point it will continue to spread onto others which in effect would be increasing the infection rate.

As no one currently knows the total percentage of people it will affect when it is done, and the percentage of people it will affect has a direct corelation with what each country takes as measures to fight the Coronavirus. But percentages would be a lot higher if we don't social distance.
Countries that social distance will have a smaller percentage of the population affected.


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
then explain why less than 1% of the population have the virus.

in ontario 0.03% have covid19
How do you know that when 95+% of the population hasn`t even been tested?
There are many people who are asymptomatic, many who had mild symptoms, and many who recovered without ever being tested (counted).

It is highly likely that the infection rate is way higher, thus the fatality rate is way lower.
Only comprehensive testing for anti-bodies will produce a reliable picture.

So far Ontario has tested almost 120,000 people, less than 1% of the population, with around 8500 (7%) being positive.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
We do not have to go to Mars to tell us what to do. We only have to look to Sweden. Those over 70 have been advised to stay indoors with their needs cared for with deliveries of food and medicines. Anyone with a cough and/or fever is advised to stay at home and alert the authorities and medics will go and run a coronavirus test and determine next course of action.

The rates of infection and deaths in Sweden have been higher than in Canada. Yet, Sweden kept kindergartens, primary and secondary schools open. The sky hasn't caved in. Mass gatherings of over 500 are banned but restaurants, bars, cinemas, garden centers, corner shops are all open with patrons spaced reasonably apart. Over two consecutive 24-hour periods, the number of deaths in Sweden has declined from 17 to 12. Seems the curve has flattened precipitously in that country without a lockdown.

Sweden refused to be cowed into submission by the coronavirus. Rather, Sweden has given the finger to the coronavirus. Sweden says life must go on with some precautions. The only thing the rest of us seem to fear is fear itself - said by FDR.
Somehow you are so misinformed that you think the number of deaths in sweden will not go up to what they were 2 days ago which was 70. To claim they've given the finger to the Coronavirus is false and shows how misinformed you are on the subject.
The number of deaths in Sweden will be up again in a few days and there will be more spikes in cases as well and until they have social distancing and mass quarantines it will not slow down.
They are going to be in for a very rough ride when their health care system is overburdened with patients.
So your statement "It's clear the measures Sweden has taken is not working" is pure garbage. I am rooting for Sweden. Cheers.
Sweden has not flattened the curve like you alluded to in your earlier post. You can root for Sweden all you want but that doesn't change the fact of what they are doing is not working.
At the current numbers and rate in Sweden which is surely to increase a person living in Sweden is 6X more likely to die from the Coronavirus than a person living in Canada. So like I said earlier the measures Sweden has taken is clearly not working. Only those who are immune to the facts would think looking at what Sweden is doing against the Coronavirus is a better solution to what we are doing in Canada.

As I stated earlier those numbers of deaths will significantly rise in Sweden, the same numbers that you touted for a drop 2 days in a row that went from 77 on April 10th, to 17 on April 11th, and 12 on April 12th, are now on a dramtic rise, 20 on April 13th, to 114 on April 14th and today April 15th so far there are 170 daily deaths.

Why are these numbers so important it's because until there is mass social distancing, or mass quarantines these numbers will not subside and the main contributing factor to that is and would be due to the asymptomatic carriers of the virus spreading it onto others.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
dude you are sounding like a sheep lusting for dictatorial power over a mild virus that infects less than 1% of people. people are starting to protest against these illegal restrictions

if you think people will put up with living under mandatory house arrest during warm weather as their jobs and livelihoods vanishing think again.
Majority of people obey the laws and understand the importance of them in these times. Unfortunatley a very small number of people showed up for a protest in Vancouver.
Unlike what the author of that video claimed as "A massive March" it looked like about 100 people showed up to protest. There are currently 27 000 confirmed cases of the Coronavirus in Canada meanwhile there are some handful of people who are just oblivious to the seriousness of this virus.

This is exactly why it's so important to have the emergency act invoked by Trudeau so that these people who disobey can be jailed and fined.
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