Interesting compared Sweden & Belgium cases and death rate. Both countries are in Europe. Why do we look at other cities or countries in Asia what have they done. Are they doing a better job? Beside Korea, Hong Kong is a city with 7.5 millions population (one of the most high density well developed cities), the government has all the healthy quarantine implemented to prevent the spreading of the virus in the city. As it is today, there are only ~1000 cases with only 4 deaths. Case in the past 10 days is only one digit increased. Compared with all European and North America, there would that be something we need to learn.In Sweden it’s life as normal, Belgium has a lockdown and yet Belgium’s cases and death rate are much higher than Sweden’s....we are only prolonging this while giving up freedom and killing our economy at the same time....
Hong Kong City is not lock down totally but have new requirement for gathering. There is a very tight arrangement for inbound travellers. (Infection Control Advice for Person under Compulsory Home Quarantine by Law). Hong Kong has the case starting mid January until mid of March is called first wave until the 2nd wave is a lot of all Hong Kong Residents from Europe, US and Canada are rushing back Hong Kong because they trust Hong Kong Government is doing a better job to protect their health in this pandemic and now has been proved they made a right decision.
Look at the web site you can see very detail what Hong Kong Government has done protect the health of all citizens (all ages) to get this low death rate compared with the rest of the world.