Rose cooked himself by pressing the same lie over and over again.Gambling is a crime much worse than cheating. You are now bringing a criminal element into the game. The biggest scandal in the history of baseball is the Black Sox. Gamblers got involved and we know what happened. MLB will do whatever it has to to avoid anything like that again. Rose bet on his own team, but what if he was in over his head and some gamblers threatened him unless he threw some games. It can be a slippery slope. That is why he will never get in.
Question, if they took away the Astros WS, would you agree that Rose should stay out?
Either plead the fifth or tell the truth and plead for leniency.
Although it is a slippery slope I could make a case that his betting on his own team shows how ultra competitive he is.
And if he showed true contrition when first accused he might be back in the game now.
But being egocentric ( just like a certain president) he couldn't bring himself to admit he had broken the rules. And from what I'm told this is something that is drilled into you every spring training. You can't bet on games. You can't plead ignorance here. Every player literally signs off on this.