Telling an Escort to Raise Her Rates

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Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
Yeah I know. I was even called an exploiter for paying my SB $300 for an all-nighter actually evening night and morning because she never wants to leave LOL.

Oagre nailed it, it's all about the delivery. I believe in my 3 rules and I've always stated I don't blame the ladies to get what they can get, I blame the weak men who think with their little heads.
Why are men weak for choosing to spend their money how they want and you are not cheap for spending your money on you want?

Why can't it just be that you spend your money your way and that doesn't mean you are cheap and they spend their money their way and that doesn't mean they are weak?

Why do you get to insult my clients for exercising the same right to choose what they spend their money on as you do?


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Why are men weak for choosing to spend their money how they want and you are not cheap for spending your money on you want?

Why can't it just be that you spend your money your way and that doesn't mean you are cheap and they spend their money their way and that doesn't mean they are weak?

Why do you get to insult my clients for exercising the same right to choose what they spend their money on as you do?
I'll gladly answer your question but first, why do you have me off ignore? PUT ME BACK ON IGNORE, I felt special.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2015
You both just made me spit my hot fucking coffee out and splattered all over my new shirt!

You now will also both be sent a cleaning bill!
Is there a deposit needed ;)

Had to play the part of the board BETA with the crying and disney joke dont take it personally people in case you were worried about me

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
I'll gladly answer your question but first, why do you have me off ignore? PUT ME BACK ON IGNORE, I felt special.
Because I wanted to see what you said to Your twitter nemesis.

Now will you answer my questions so I can put you back on ignore?

I'll add, why are you not watching the World Series?


Well-known member
May 15, 2018
Why are men weak for choosing to spend their money how they want and you are not cheap for spending your money on you want?

Why can't it just be that you spend your money your way and that doesn't mean you are cheap and they spend their money their way and that doesn't mean they are weak?

Why do you get to insult my clients for exercising the same right to choose what they spend their money on as you do?
Very simply, it’s an ego thing for a lot of guys. Not accusing anyone here specifically, but it is. A lot of guys in this business who are cheap aren’t cheap because they don’t have the money, they’re cheap because it’s an ego boost to them to be able to get something for less than other guys, especially if they know they’re getting something for less than they know it should be worth. That’s why all guys who pay higher rates are beta male suckers, and all guys who get things for less, be it by going the SB route, or only using cheaper agencies are super stud hot shots. Again, not always, but my observation is that this is accurate in many cases. A lot of guys just like to feel superior because they got the pussy cheap.

I know the blockings and white knight accusations are coming. Bring it, bitches!


Active member
Jul 17, 2018
Very simply, it’s an ego thing for a lot of guys. Not accusing anyone here specifically, but it is. A lot of guys in this business who are cheap aren’t cheap because they don’t have the money, they’re cheap because it’s an ego boost to them to be able to get something for less than other guys, especially if they know they’re getting something for less than they know it should be worth. That’s why all guys who pay higher rates are beta make suckers, and all guys who get things for less, be it by going the SB route, or only using cheaper agencies are super stud hot shots. Again, not always, but my observation is that this is accurate in many cases. A lot of guys just like to feel superior because they got the pussy cheap.

I know the blockings and white knight accusations are coming. Bring it, bitches!
Well, I have to say that I believe in freedom of choice. Anyone is free to spend their hard (or not) earned money however way it pleases them, including transactional sex.

I, for once, cannot and will not overpay. No matter what. That's my philosophy and if you call me a cheapskate, maybe I am. But I don't feel superior to anyone by doing so. It's just the way I am.

Euro Male

Well-known member
Nov 30, 2004
concrete jungle of toronto . . .
Very simply . . . . it’s an ego thing for a lot of guys. it’s an ego boost to them to be able to get something for less than other guys!

A lot of guys feel superior because they got the pussy cheap . . . . .
You Killed it!

Dial back the clock, lot of it goes Waaaaaaaaay back to our Jr. High School days!

In Jr. High-School, the Beta's were the losers, sniffers, the hallway monitors, the ones giving away their milk money (....begging groveling) just to get the cuties to even just say 'hi'. The very same girls too busy gettin' busy with the studly Alpha's behind the Football bleachers!

Fast-forward to today
. . . . .
. . . . . same guys falling over themselves buying girls drinks (paying for pussy) at the Clubs are the same guys pissed when she leaves with the dude that's don't play that shit!

Don't hate the playa ---- hate the game

Rule of the 3 C's of hooking-up with the honey-babies . . . . . CHARM, COCK, CASH (in that order)


Well-known member
May 15, 2018
Well, I have to say that I believe in freedom of choice. Anyone is free to spend their hard (or not) earned money however way it pleases them, including transactional sex.

I, for once, cannot and will not overpay. No matter what. That's my philosophy and if you call me a cheapskate, maybe I am. But I don't feel superior to anyone by doing so. It's just the way I am.
Freedom of choice is fine. We all hobby differently. What I’m talking about are the guys who almost brag about how little they spend and disparage guys who spend more.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2015
Very simply, it’s an ego thing for a lot of guys. Not accusing anyone here specifically, but it is. A lot of guys in this business who are cheap aren’t cheap because they don’t have the money, they’re cheap because it’s an ego boost to them to be able to get something for less than other guys, especially if they know they’re getting something for less than they know it should be worth. That’s why all guys who pay higher rates are beta make suckers, and all guys who get things for less, be it by going the SB route, or only using cheaper agencies are super stud hot shots. Again, not always, but my observation is that this is accurate in many cases. A lot of guys just like to feel superior because they got the pussy cheap.

I know the blockings and white knight accusations are coming. Bring it, bitches!
You may very well be correct. And I for one have no problem if that makes someone ego boosted then power to them, people have much worst ways to boost their egos so its fine lol Everyone is looking for different things.. I am sure some guys who pay more think their hot shots and get ego boost that way; I dont agree with that but thats the other side.


Well-known member
May 15, 2018
You may very well be correct. And I for one have no problem if that makes someone ego boosted then power to them, people have much worst ways to boost their egos so its fine lol Everyone is looking for different things.. I am sure some guys who pay more think their hot shots and get ego boost that way; I dont agree with that but thats the other side.
Also true. There are a lot of people in general who seem to think spending tons of money unnecessarily makes them a big shot.


New member
Oct 13, 2018
This is going to be shocking. Stefania are you sitting down?

I'm not going to challenge you because you made a business decision and if it works for you monetarily, attract enough clients for you then all the power to you. You didn't insult anyone and be overly nasty so for that, I will do the same!

Obviously your business model doesn't appeal to myself for my own personal reasons which is mainly privacy but that's okay too, as I'm not your target market.

I mainly state the obvious from a client's perspective and that is we do not have to accept policies we on this side of the table are not comfortable as you yourself do for your own well being and comfort.

Carry on and if you're happy, keep doing what you're doing.

ps...if you tear a strip of the ass kisser's like TorontoGentleman, Tawlguy and a few other's I'll buy you a month's worth of cheesecake!

That's an intelligent, well written post. Squeezer PM-ed me and even he was impressed with it.

If you stopped taking cheap shots at people like me and making blanket pronouncements about everybody on this board and took the trouble to communicate your thoughts, you'd have many, many more friends.

You do yourself less than justice much of the time.
Give me a break oagre, you post some incredibly rage-inducing things yourself too. I could say the same to you about having "more friends". Just as you two have your own little I-hate-Stefania fanclub in PMs, a lot of the ladies are in my DMs constantly griping about the things you guys post. Squeezer himself admits he doesn't have Twitter because all the indies would block him. You two aren't innocent parties and I'm the evil one who comes out of left field. Your post about not caring whether you cancel last minute because "she can find something else to do with the time" was so triggering and really reeked of not giving a shit of the inconvenience you can cause girls by cancellations. Even for an agency, cancellations are inconvenient. The booker might not say anything directly to YOU, but behind the scenes there is definitely frustration and "fuck and I just turned another client down who asked for that timeslot too." So many people pull this shit on us and does it really kill people to do better than this? If you cancel last minute, have enough respect for the other person's time to compensate them for their troubles - yes, even if it's an agency girl. If you MUST cancel, next time you see her give her an even bigger tip. Imagine she really needed that extra $100-200 from that call to buy food for her kids and you just took that away from her.

You both are always going around saying things like "never give a deposit or screen!" when all the girls are trying to do is stay safe. When you guys go around touting things like we're all thieves and going to blackmail or out you, people listen to these things and make our jobs so incredibly more difficult. You guys have no idea how many girls message me and the horrific things that clients do to them, and they want to screen but continue not to, putting themselves at constant risk because they can not afford the drop in volume. If you guys really did understand the reason many of us screen, and the shit that providers go through, you might be a little bit more sympathetic about it and even actually consider - god forbid - actually screening.

My client - the one who was jittery about his information in my emails whom I deleted for - used to share sentiments like many clients where he was hesitant to screen because he has a family and obviously a lot to lose. When he screened with me, it was so difficult because he was unable to verify his LinkedIn was really his (his work email server was down), and I refused to take his word for it. On his end, he sees a provider that's making things more difficult than they need to "and why is my LinkedIn not enough?" when on my end I'm remembering the time I accepted a LinkedIn without cross-verifying and it turned out the guy had lied and it wasn't really him, and I just can not rest easy meeting this client without 100% guaranteeing he is who he says he is. These things happen a lot to us, and after a few bad experiences a lot of providers become scared everytime they meet new clients. Said client and I were almost on the verge of giving up on each other, but we persisted and after conversing with him a bit when he was getting frustrated, he understood WHY exactly it was so important for me to know 100% without a doubt his identity. And he prioritized my comfort and need for safety. When we met up, I had what I would easily say was one of the best calls of my career. He's now one of my favourite clients. My level of comfort with him was crucial to this. I would never have been able to provide him with that quality level of call without first feeling as safe as I could be. And the reason it was one of my best calls was not because of acronyms or whatever crap you guys prioritize here - but because the best courtesan experiences that can happen are about way, way WAYYY more than just the sex.

For awhile, I was so terrified of new people because I never knew who would come in and try to rob me, secretly record me, overstay their time, go on the forums later and trash talk me for the kicks of being an asshole, or god forbid - physically assault me, possibly even kill me. Even the "good clients" can go rogue, and I was so scared of being harmed that I couldn't relax even with my regulars, always expecting the other shoe to drop. This would translate into sessions where I was on edge and couldn't be myself - I'd set timers for calls so clients wouldn't overstay, and become the "clockwatcher" you guys always talked about - and it wasn't because I wanted to kick the client out ASAP, it was because I didn't want him to overstay 15m and then later think he's entitled to that every session and expecting 30m, 45m, and later thinks he doesn't have to pay. I had pepper spray and knives hidden all around my incall. I'd force clients to leave everything in the bathroom and never have cellphones or anything that could be used to record around me. What hurt my business the most was my refusal to talk to clients in between bookings. Do you guys have any idea how many people flood our emails and texts in between bookings wasting our time with no intention of bookings? It's the most common complaint I've heard providers have about clients. "OMG, these guys are too needy!" I never wanted to let anyone even THINK they could take me for that kind of ride so I never talked to clients after bookings, and I did probably come off as too "cold" for some guy's tastes so even though the sessions would go well, the clients would move on. This too, is something I've since greatly relaxed on - experience and time has provided me the skill to be better at judging who's going to waste my time and who is fine to message, and I chat regularly with many of my regulars now.

What really made the anxieties start to subside for me was being unforgiving with giving myself the peace of mind I needed to work. Knowing I had the upper hand in that if anyone tried to harm me, I would have ground to hold them responsible, is crucial to this. Starting to collect deposits was one of the best, if not the best, decision I ever made. I only started asking for them for all my calls under a month ago. It's funny, because before deposits I'd always be on edge before an appointment because "what if they cancel? I only booked X clients this month, and he booked a four-figure call for this week, and if he cancels it'll throw off my entire month." I had one regular cancel twice on me and want to constantly email back and forth, and without a deposit, I had no way of confirming whether his "I'll rebook" was honest or him stringing my along for free attention without any intention of spending actual money on me. I could not relax around him. He now gives me deposits, and even if he has to rebook, the deposit gives me the peace of mind he is serious about seeing me. We email regularly and there's no longer any anxiety on my end.

Yet guys like you going around touting "NO DEPOSITS!!" made me SO hesitant to start asking for them because I really was scared I'd lose too much business and isolate too many clients and my biz would tank. So your "blanket pronouncements" about every indie and our policies really fucking hurt us a LOT.

FYI: I've never been a dumbass, I didn't get my following in the community because I'm a "man hating bitch." I have a lot of writings on my website that explain these things very thoroughly and if you'd ever taken the time to actually get to know me as an individual, you'd already know these things about me.

And if you want to thank anything for why I'm so Zen recently, thank the fact I ask for deposits and screen fully, ironically enough. I've become a way, WAY better provider due to these things. I've noticed a huge correlation between comfort of your provider and the quality of the encounter. You guys really are missing out on a lot when you refuse to screen.


New member
Oct 13, 2018
Yeah I know. I was even called an exploiter for paying my SB $300 for an all-nighter actually evening night and morning because she never wants to leave LOL.

Oagre nailed it, it's all about the delivery. I believe in my 3 rules and I've always stated I don't blame the ladies to get what they can get, I blame the weak men who think with their little heads.
This is the kind of shit I'm talking about. You say anyone who screens or gives me a deposit is a "weak man who thinks with their little heads." You guys touting blanket statements and here is another one. My clients are far from being "beta weak men" - they just want me to be comfortable meeting them.

And FYI $300 yes is cheap AF. If you value her at all as a person, you will give her more money not try to get the best bang for your buck (no pun intended), especially if the person doesn't know better. And yes, she doesn't know better - no one would accept $300 if they were aware of the fact that they could be making so much more. I always overtip and give people money to show my appreciation for them. My tattoo artist charges $250 an hour and last time he tattooed me for 4 hours, and only asked me for $500. From hearing the things he talks to me about, he undercharges because a lot of people try to nickle and dime him THE SAME WAY YOU GUYS DO TO US, and he gets scared no one will pay him or come back if he charges his regular rate. So he quotes me $500 because he's probably scared if he makes me pay $1000 I'll stop going to him and find someone cheaper. I don't take his discounts - I give him his full rate. He deserves to be fairly compensated for his work and I appreciate the art he does and his job. I guess I'm a "loser bitch" trying to get into his pants because I want him to be paid what he deserves :fish:

TL;DR: Pay people what they deserve even if they're too scared to ask for it. Stop being cheap.


New member
Oct 13, 2018
Let's be real . . . . . any SP's crushing it, making serious bank, sure as hell doesn't have the time to ramble on and on with Loooooooooong-Ass posts! :yawn:
I'm at the school library right now in between studying for a midterm I have tomorrow. I just said in my "long ass post" I only work 5/6 days a week. This is my part-time job dude, get a grip on yourself. For once a civil discussion on terb and you're here trying to ruin it. Go away

Then people wonder why I make fun of them on Twitter :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Because I wanted to see what you said to Your twitter nemesis.

Now will you answer my questions so I can put you back on ignore?

I'll add, why are you not watching the World Series?
I despise baseball. It puts me to sleep.

Stefania isn't my nemesis. If anything her twitter attitude is a hindrance and if I'm not mistaken she was talking rebranding. Today she came off calm, in control and she articulated herself nicely without bashing the review board and its members. Therefore she deserves to be in turn treated with respect back. I do not hold grudges expect maybe with Ben!:fencing:

Now to your question.

I am frugal except when it comes to cars, holidays, friends and family but I also will not pay more for a Porsche or a holiday because it's at a downtown dealership or some high-end travel agency, I will shop around. I lectured a good friend for overpaying for his golf clubs and confiscated his man card until he returns them and buys the right ones.

Either price, screening or deposits it is about letting the brethren know they have choices and for god's sake make the right choice if not, your man card is at stake!

Now please put me back on ignore or you will get your knickers in a knot and probably bite off some poor john's weiner if he has a Vin Diesel look and reminds you of me!


New member
Oct 13, 2018

You just got play'd . . . . . you just showed your shit!

Thanks for playing . . . . . next
I didn't realize till people were talking about it that TERB had an ignore function. You'll be my first victim. As soon as I figure out how to do it.

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
Very simply, it’s an ego thing for a lot of guys. Not accusing anyone here specifically, but it is. A lot of guys in this business who are cheap aren’t cheap because they don’t have the money, they’re cheap because it’s an ego boost to them to be able to get something for less than other guys, especially if they know they’re getting something for less than they know it should be worth. That’s why all guys who pay higher rates are beta male suckers, and all guys who get things for less, be it by going the SB route, or only using cheaper agencies are super stud hot shots. Again, not always, but my observation is that this is accurate in many cases. A lot of guys just like to feel superior because they got the pussy cheap.

I know the blockings and white knight accusations are coming. Bring it, bitches!
I never really thought about it.

I do personally think it is silly to say a person with a budget limit is being cheap. Because I know that is often not the case.

I think what you wrote can definitely be a part of the equation for pushing the rate issue. It is an ego boost to get pussy cheaper then the next guy and even better when you can call him weak or a laptop or a beta. That combo can sure make a man feel his balls are much bigger then they actually are.

I despise baseball. It puts me to sleep.

Stefania isn't my nemesis. If anything her twitter attitude is a hindrance and if I'm not mistaken she was talking rebranding. Today she came off calm, in control and she articulated herself nicely without bashing the review board and its members. Therefore she deserves to be in turn treated with respect back. I do not hold grudges expect maybe with Ben!:fencing:

Now to your question.

I am frugal except when it comes to cars, holidays, friends and family but I also will not pay more for a Porsche or a holiday because it's at a downtown dealership or some high-end travel agency, I will shop around. I lectured a good friend for overpaying for his golf clubs and confiscated his man card until he returns them and buys the right ones.

Either price, screening or deposits it is about letting the brethren know they have choices and for god's sake make the right choice if not, your man card is at stake!

Now please put me back on ignore or you will get your knickers in a knot and probably bite off some poor john's weiner if he has a Vin Diesel look and reminds you of me!
You kinda missed my point on the cheap thing but no worries. This is workable.

My question now is, why can't you just say there are choices, this is what I do? Instead of calling my clients losers, weak and betas.

Speaking of betas, word on the street is only real alphas watch baseball and men who don't are ...... ;)

I didn't realize till people were talking about it that TERB had an ignore function. You'll be my first victim. As soon as I figure out how to do it.
Click on his name, select view profile, on the left side you will see ignore user. I have just done the same. He is very booooooooooooorrrrrrrrriiiiiinnnngggggg. Lol.


New member
Oct 13, 2018
You kinda missed my point on the cheap thing but no worries. This is workable.

My question now is, why can't you just say there are choices, this is what I do? Instead of calling my clients losers, weak and betas.

Speaking of betas, word on the street is only really alphas watch baseball and men who don't are ...... ;)

Click on his name, select view profile, on the left side you will see ignore user. I have just done the same. He is very booooooooooooorrrrrrrrriiiiiinnnngggggg. Lol.
GIRLLLLLLLL!!! I owe you money or something now !! WHAT A WONDERFUL INVENTION.
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