Andy Scheer is a Dual US citizen!!!


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
The hypocrisy of your supreme leader! He is preaching the carbon reduction yet he pollutes twice as much as the other guy, by having 2 planes. But its ok because he bought some "offsets"?

I have some offsets for sale, real cheep, 2 for 1. Would you like to buy some?
So you call it hypocrisy because your Cult leader has pretended that he is going to have a plan for reducing the Greenhouse Gases emission but has been hush hush about it. Maybe you should get on your knees and devote this Cult leader with those "Cheep" 2 for 1 offsets that you have for sale.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
But does he have dual campaign planes? One for himself and one for his extensive wardrobe while lecturing the rest of us about causing too much CO2 in the atmosphere. Talk about a hypocrite.
The experts used to claim that the world was flat too.

I have a piece of property that is considered a wetlands (carbon sink). When Ontario under Wynne was considering joining California in the Cap and Trade market, I researched to see if I could get a carbon credit and sell it as an offset. I could but it was not a significant amount and more trouble than it was worth. But today my property is still taking in as much carbon as it would if it was being sold as an offset. Only difference is someone hypocrite like Trudeau doesn't get to pretend that he is not contributing to global CO2 levels by buying an "offset" from me. The more carbon he produces the more goes into the atmosphere no matter how many "offsets" he or the Liberal party buys.
Funny that a guy who doesn't believe in global warming is upset about carbon from planes.


Jun 29, 2019
So you call it hypocrisy because your Cult leader has pretended that he is going to have a plan for reducing the Greenhouse Gases emission but has been hush hush about it. Maybe you should get on your knees and devote this Cult leader with those "Cheep" 2 for 1 offsets that you have for sale.
Have we met before? Sorry can't remember the name. shack? or SchlongConery?


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
He's not a hypocrite at all. He only has US citizenship because his dad was American. He's got no loyalty to the United States, never lived there and never worked there. The circumstances were different for Jean. She acquired French citizenship through her marriage to filmmaker Jean Daniel Lafond, who is a sovereigntist. She even expressed some comments on tape that could be construed as separatist leaning in nature.
The point is, he kept his dual nationalities a secret until it was exposed, much to his chagrin. He initiated the renunciation way too late. He is a phony and is now being exposed. Maybe he should go back to being a receptionist in an insurance office in Saskatchewan. Or maybe hook up with Dick Assman and do a TV sitcom based on a bad imitation of Corner Gas ! Or maybe he goes all Rambo on the Little Mosque on the Prairie.....


Cute coming from the guy that throws the names Donnie Boy and Baby Scheer around but has the signature line about Disrespectful Individuals. Guess you need to put yourself on ignore. Fell free to put me on ignore also Bver Puss.
Nailed it. Bver is the worst for name calling and insulting on the board, ie disrespectful. He doesn't put people on his ignore list because they are disrespectful, he puts them on because they ask him questions he does not want to, or cannot, answer. Or they call him out on his Trump-like blustery posts and he cannot defend himself, thus easier to ignore them. He makes a fool of himself but blames others for it. I'm proud to be on his ignore list, it's like a confirmation of being reasonable



CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Turdeau was a silver spoon fed champagne liberal elitist. Scheer grew up middle class and worked for everything he got. Like most Canadians. I'll take that any day.
Apart from the insurance job we've heard so much about, the only work on Scheer's record is politics, mostly Member of Parliament (he was elected at 25).

Trudeau's record is more varied, and activist on the political side (elected at 36), but he was an actual Drama Teacher, with a B.Ed. from UBC. Both families were well-to-do, and both got their B.A's living at home, Scheer in Ottawa, Trudeau in Montreal.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
If you want to pay more medical for emergencies at the expense of saving a few tax dollars then vote for American style heath care. I'd rather pay a little more taxes for better health care. Tommy Douglas voted greatest Canadian of all time.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Could an American be Canada's next prime minister?
Only when the elections were called did Baby Scheer apply to revoke his US citizenship in August. Just a couple of months before the elections. What a hypocrite in the manner that he has denounced others in the past for having dual citizenship. No way Canadians are going to elect an American PM. LOL!!


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
I don't have cable TV. What are the latest Liberals ads like? Is it "Andrew Scheer an American that will sell Canada to the US"?

pavel bure

Active member
Apr 20, 2002
Nailed it. Bver is the worst for name calling and insulting on the board, ie disrespectful. He doesn't put people on his ignore list because they are disrespectful, he puts them on because they ask him questions he does not want to, or cannot, answer. Or they call him out on his Trump-like blustery posts and he cannot defend himself, thus easier to ignore them. He makes a fool of himself but blames others for it. I'm proud to be on his ignore list, it's like a confirmation of being reasonable

Where is Bver being disrespectful to anyone on this Board?

Are you on his Ignore list?

His posts that I read, in most instances has evidence in the form of links to back him up.

Even our own wonderful Kathleen has respect for him, though they have different political views. She has made that crystal clear, and that is very interesting. I find Bver's labelling of Baby Scheer, humorous. Donnie Boy is too good a term for someone like Trump. But the real very derogatory statements are numerous on this Board, those two that are referred to by Juan definitely do not fit the bill.

pavel bure

Active member
Apr 20, 2002
Have we met before? Sorry can't remember the name. shack? or SchlongConery?
You joined on June 2019. What was your previous name prior to that date?

You are hilarious if you think that Baby Scheer or Donnie Boy are disrespectful.

Obviously you have not read the actual disrespectful posts.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I don't have cable TV. What are the latest Liberals ads like? Is it "Andrew Scheer an American that will sell Canada to the US"?
I haven't seen them either, but they are hardly needed.
Scheer keeps admitting things, like he registered for the draft of the US and that he lied about his resume.
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