Andy Scheer is a Dual US citizen!!!


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
No one is saying that there are any issues with regards to it. However, when in the past Harper has taken a swipe against Dion and Mulcair for having dual citizenship, while he took all the credit for being a loyal Canadian, then that needs to be revealed. Especially as "American Broker" Baby Scheer was the one to question the former Governor General's dual citizenship, while keeping his own secret hush, hush until it was disclosed by the media. That hypocrisy needs to be pointed out. Otherwise, great to have dual citizens in Canada!!
Andrew Scheer is not a real Canadian!


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Cute coming from the guy that throws the names Donnie Boy and Baby Scheer around but has the signature line about Disrespectful Individuals. Guess you need to put yourself on ignore. Fell free to put me on ignore also Bver Puss.
Have I called you any names in the past Dicky Boy?? Show me where I have?? Why do you not point out the ridiculous names against Trudeau and all the Democratic Candidates by the right wingers?? I have put those on ignore who have used abusive language against me and those who generally abuse others on this Board. Obviously you are going at a tangent as you cannot comprehend that basic fact. Next time if you do not want any deflection then you should stick to the thread. Could not care less to debate with you any more!!


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Blackfaced Groper has two planes?
yes and he pays carbon offsets for both of them......meanwhile the American Scheer who was never an insurance broker ( what was he... a receptionist?) pays nothing to offset his one plane's carbon. The carbon offset s go towards projects like planting trees


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2011
yes and he pays carbon offsets for both of them......meanwhile the American Scheer who was never an insurance broker ( what was he... a receptionist?) pays nothing to offset his one plane's carbon.

Where do you think the money for those useless carbon offsets comes from?


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
I should do a poll on how many TERB members are dual (or more) citizens.

I suggested to one of my friends that she should apply for British citizenship under the "grandfather rule".
Its great to have dual citizenship as a layman, but when you are PM of the nation, your loyalties cannot be divided and your must give yourself wholly to the service of the nation. Sorry, not acceptable to have a dual citizen. Andy also hid the fact, knew it was not acceptable and was laggardly in dealing with it when he had plenty of time. Did he not think he was a contender until SNC broke? probably, cos he wasn't. In that case he was hedging..


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Where do you think the money for those useless carbon offsets comes from?
BTW the carbon offsets are not useless, they create value for carbon reduction and thus people will find ways to reduce carbon to because they can monetize it. Carbon offset is payment for someone else to reduce carbon so you can emit.


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2019
Did Trudeau do black or brown face during this decade?
It's not just that, he claims to be a feminist but seems to have issues with women in his cabinet and party. trying to strong arm them into doing what he wants them to do., feminist, ya right. He was also a man when he wore blackface on more than one occasion yet claims to be sensitive to racial issues. I'm glad you're giving him a free pass on everything. I would also mention the 2 planes issue but I don't think it's that big of a deal except for the fact it points to his hypocrisy even more.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
You think a 16 year old is a lady?
She is showing more maturity than numerous grownups including that POTUS down South. But I take my hats off as to her passion and how brave she has stood up, as she is an autistic person as well. We have seen numerous right wingers attacking her including those on this Board as well, with some real false derogatory statements about her!!


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Andrew Scheer is not a real Canadian!
He is a hypocrite who also attacked the former Governor General who was a dual citizen, while all along he was one as well. Yes, I agree that Trudeau is more of a Canadian than Scheer will ever be!!

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
He is a hypocrite who also attacked the former Governor General who was a dual citizen, while all along he was one as well. Yes, I agree that Trudeau is more of a Canadian than Scheer will ever be!!
Turdeau was a silver spoon fed champagne liberal elitist. Scheer grew up middle class and worked for everything he got. Like most Canadians. I'll take that any day.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Turdeau was a silver spoon fed champagne liberal elitist. Scheer grew up middle class and worked for everything he got. Like most Canadians. I'll take that any day.
OIC he criticized Trudeau for his various job functions in his resume, but had no problem bullshitting about being a "Broker" in his own resume!!

At least Trudeau was who he said he was as a teacher with a couple of other degrees!!

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
He is a hypocrite who also attacked the former Governor General who was a dual citizen, while all along he was one as well. Yes, I agree that Trudeau is more of a Canadian than Scheer will ever be!!
He's not a hypocrite at all. He only has US citizenship because his dad was American. He's got no loyalty to the United States, never lived there and never worked there. The circumstances were different for Jean. She acquired French citizenship through her marriage to filmmaker Jean Daniel Lafond, who is a sovereigntist. She even expressed some comments on tape that could be construed as separatist leaning in nature.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
He's not a hypocrite at all. He only has US citizenship because his dad was American. He's got no loyalty to the United States, never lived there and never worked there. The circumstances were different for Jean. She acquired French citizenship through her marriage to filmmaker Jean Daniel Lafond, who is a sovereigntist. She even expressed some comments on tape that could be construed as separatist leaning in nature.
Scheer is a damn hypocrite. It still does not justify his comments that he made about the former Governor General, especially as he did not disclose his own dual citizenship then.

His excuse was that "On that particular blog post, it was a question I asked my constituents," Scheer told reporters today.

So does that make any sense or justifies such comments, while keeping his dual citizenship very hush hush!! By the way Jean Daniel Lafonte did a great job as Governor General and was as loyal to Canada as can be!!


Jun 29, 2019
Liberal party was purchasing those offsets. Show us where they took taxpayers money for it??
Must be nice to be privileged and have the money to buy those "offsets". If you are rich and privileged you can pollute, it's fine. It's only us, poor schmucks that have to sacrifice our way of living.

That's the Liberal way!

I wonder how long before Oliver at "Oliver Jewellery" we be buying your broken offsets, "oh yaaaa"

How naive do you have to be to believe that BS?


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Must be nice to be privileged and have the money to buy those "offsets". If you are rich and privileged you can pollute, it's fine. It's only us, poor schmucks that have to sacrifice our way of living.

That's the Liberal way!

I wonder how long before Oliver at "Oliver Jewellery" we be buying your broken offsets, "oh yaaaa"

How naive do you have to be to believe that BS?
What BS are you going on and on about. Your comments make zero sense. If the Liberals are using their campaign money that they raised then that is what they used to purchase those offsets. Are you saying that only conservatives are using the Campaign money for their means??? Show us where they used the taxpayers money to purchase those offsets as you seem to imply??

Maybe you are on the payroll of Oliver's Jewellery. "Oh Yaaaahh" :rolleyes:


Jun 29, 2019
What BS are you going on and on about. Your comments make zero sense. If the Liberals are using their campaign money that they raised then that is what they used to purchase those offsets. Are you saying that only conservatives are using the Campaign money for their means??? Show us where they used the taxpayers money to purchase those offsets as you seem to imply??

Maybe you are on the payroll of Oliver's Jewellery. "Oh Yaaaahh" :rolleyes:
The hypocrisy of your supreme leader! He is preaching the carbon reduction yet he pollutes twice as much as the other guy, by having 2 planes. But its ok because he bought some "offsets"?

I have some offsets for sale, real cheep, 2 for 1. Would you like to buy some?
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