Scheer Just Announced a Campaign Promise That Would Let Rich Canadians Dodge Taxes


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2017
Andrew Scheer Just Announced a Sneaky Campaign Promise That Would Let Rich Canadians Dodge Taxes

“This is very blatantly a tax break for millionaires”

September 26, 2019

Andrew Scheer’s Conservatives have a sneaky plan that would let rich Canadians avoid taxes by using numbered companies as a tax loophole.

This week, the Conservative leader held a campaign event where he pledged his “support to small businesses” through a couple of tax changes, except he left a few important details out of his announcement.

What Scheer portrayed as tax relief for small business owners was, in reality, a plan to reopen a pair of tax loopholes that have been exploited by millionaires who use private corporations to make money off stock markets and real estate.

Two things Scheer is promising to do include bringing back “income sprinkling,” a tax scheme that allows owners of private corporations to “sprinkle” income to their children and spouses, and also — more significantly — change the way passive income is taxed.

Kevin Milligan@kevinmilligan

Replying to @kevinmilligan

Today's @CPC_HQ announcement brings back income sprinkling, and allows firms with $1million+ of assets to
shelter their savings in ways not available to other Canadians.

These proposals clearly benefit the highest earners who have private corps.…


12:25 PM - Sep 24, 2019

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Passive income generally refers to the income made off investments, as opposed to the money an ordinary business makes selling goods and services.

Scheer’s plan allows wealthy Canadians who run personal investments through a numbered company to be taxed at a lower small business tax rate, rather than the normal personal tax rate.

“This is very blatantly a tax break for millionaires,” Toby Sanger, Executive Director of Canadians for Tax Fairness, told PressProgress.

Sanger said Scheer’s tax scheme would easily cost “over half a billion dollars.”

In 2017, the federal government announced it was closing a loophole in the small business tax code that allowed rich Canadians to use private companies to shelter their investments to dodge taxes. At the time, Scheer’s Conservatives railed against the move as an attack on farmers and small business owners.

Sanger said Scheer’s Conservatives are trying to confuse the public by conflating a tax loophole for millionaires with a tax cut for mom and pop shops on Main Street.

“The Conservatives and the business lobby groups really tried to paint these measures as things that would hurt small mom and pop shops,” Sanger said, “but the real beneficiaries of these are wealthy individuals and professionals who are sheltering billions and billions of dollars in these private corporations.”

Despite Scheer’s sneaky attempt to portray a loophole for millionaires as something that benefits ordinary small business owners, the overwhelming majority of small business owners don’t actually benefit from it.

“This is very clearly the millionaires,” Sanger stressed, noting a majority of farmers and small business owners don’t even make enough money to benefit from the tax loophole Scheer wants to reopen. “The people who are benefitting from this have at least a million dollars in passive investments.”

Jamie Golombek, Managing Director of Tax and Estate Planning for CIBC Financial Planning and Advice told Postmedia that Scheer’s reversal on passive investments would cost the government $688 million by 2029.

Despite the Conservatives’ efforts to portray the change as an effort to support small businesses, UBC economics professor Kevin Milligan noted the top 2.9% of companies account for 88% of passive income.

Kevin Milligan@kevinmilligan

Replying to @kevinmilligan

What is the target of the passive income measures?

Firms with investment *income* of more than 50K per year.

The measures only affect the top 2.9% of private corps--but they get 88% of the passive income.…

Kevin Milligan@kevinmilligan

Replying to @kevinmilligan

7/ Maybe the complaints about taxes are coming from the top 2.9% of private corporations who are affected by the measures on passive income. The bottom 97.1% are exempt.

Note that the top 2.9% have 88% of the passive income!…


12:30 PM - Sep 24, 2019

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The rest of the companies that are classified as small businesses have little to gain.

Milligan noted the bottom 97.1% of Canadian-controlled private corporations are exempt from the benefit.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
His just undoing Justin's act on small business, which is only the largest source of employment in the economy
I think some economic courses should be compulsory for the loonie left


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
This is what baby Scheer is all about!!
Surprising he admits it.
He should have just done a Ford or Trump and claim to support the middle class during the election and then just lower taxes for the rich after he gets elected.
That's the tradition.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
His just undoing Justin's act on small business, which is only the largest source of employment in the economy
I think some economic courses should be compulsory for the loonie left
So Trudeau did what he did and yet employment is doing well. Same BS you said about the min wage hike. All ideological RUBBISH with no shred of evidence .


Been Around
Mar 15, 2014
Room 38DD
Scheer continues to sound incapable as the campaign progresses. It almost appears that Preston Manning has been writing his speeches and coaching him in the background!

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Scheer continues to sound incapable as the campaign progresses. It almost appears that Preston Manning has been writing his speeches and coaching him in the background!
What was he thinking announcing a judicial inquiry into SNC Lavalin in Quebec? He also defended his stance of a punitive drug policy, he hasn't ruled out repealing the verdura laws. His Universal Tax Cut doesn't add up ...unless you're making $300,000.00 + a year. And let's not forget Bill C-36.

I was wrong about Scheer being an Evangelical, he's a devout Catholic.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
His just undoing Justin's act on small business, ...
The mom and pop businesses that people think about with the term "small businesses" don't tend to make enough profits for it to make much of a difference. It is the "small" businesses of 50-100 employees (including my company) where the change will be significant. It will likely mean I'll can take home a bigger bonus but my boss (the owner) will end up paying less in taxes that I do despite earning a shitload more.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
The mom and pop businesses that people think about with the term "small businesses" don't tend to make enough profits for it to make much of a difference. It is the "small" businesses of 50-100 employees (including my company) where the change will be significant. It will likely mean I'll can take home a bigger bonus but my boss (the owner) will end up paying less in taxes that I do despite earning a shitload more.
The owner does not take on risk so that you get a bigger bonus
I have seen this many times if owners do not obtain a return reflective of the risk they are taking they make changes ie head count or discretionary compensation, relocation or get out of the business altogether

It it is absolutely astounding that supposedly educated people can justify increasing the tax burden on their employer rather than expecting their elected officials to be responsible spending other peoples money


Been Around
Mar 15, 2014
Room 38DD
What was he thinking announcing a judicial inquiry into SNC Lavalin in Quebec? He also defended his stance of a punitive drug policy, he hasn't ruled out repealing the verdura laws. His Universal Tax Cut doesn't add up ...unless you're making $300,000.00 + a year. And let's not forget Bill C-36.

I was wrong about Scheer being an Evangelical, he's a devout Catholic.
Ha ha the panic mode is on! His rant about further pursuit of SNC Lavalin inquiry was a smoke screen to cover up his lack of realistic platform, and he announced it at the wrong place which was Quebec lol.
Regarding his universal tax cut scheme, who knows how many of rich Cons supporters will benefit from it?


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Ha ha the panic mode is on! His rant about further pursuit of SNC Lavalin inquiry was a smoke screen to cover up his lack of realistic platform, and he announced it at the wrong place which was Quebec lol.
Baby Scheer is like a kid in a candy factory. The Quebecers will be rolling their eyes at his stupid decision in this whole affair. Wrong time and wrong place!!


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
The owner does not take on risk so that you get a bigger bonus...
No shit. As usual you completely ignore the point. These cuts will not help real small businesses, they will help the multi-millionaires with a couple hundred employees.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
... rather than expecting their elected officials to be responsible spending other peoples money
We sure haven't seen that from Ford and Sheer is promising a decrease of taxes to the very rich and a cut to services of those in need.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
So Trudeau did what he did and yet employment is doing well. Same BS you said about the min wage hike. All ideological RUBBISH with no shred of evidence .
Canadian employment is driven by the US economic growth and primarily due to Trumps one time tax cuts
That drive is starting to sputter

Name the policies Justin Trudeau brought forth that where designed to drive employment?
then offset them by
1. his attack on small business
2, his job killing and pipeline killing environmental policies


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
No shit. As usual you completely ignore the point. These cuts will not help real small businesses, they will help the multi-millionaires with a couple hundred employees.
So the scale of the layoffs just gets bigger
Again if the owner of ANY business does not achieve his required after tax return on investment then he takes action

It it is absolutely astounding that supposedly educated people can justify increasing the tax burden on their employer rather than expecting their elected officials to be responsible spending other peoples money


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
We sure haven't seen that from Ford and Sheer is promising a decrease of taxes to the very rich and a cut to services of those in need.
a decrease of taxes on any Canadians is a good thing
the wealthy pay a significantly higher % of total tax revenues
More than their fair share

a cut to services of those in need.
One can always find an example of those in need for any govt service
In fact one can also an example of those in need for a whole slew of services the govt does not provide

As a result of past irresponsible liberal govts we now have an unsustainable debt load of $350 B
This is unsustainable and needs to get addressed and addressed now!
Cuts have to be made and there will be some in need who will have took elsewhere. Sad and it could have been prevented had some restraint/ common sense been applied for 15 years of incompetent and irresponsible Liberal management
If no action is taken to address the debt issue now then ALL government services will become impaired

It is odd how the loonie left understand environmental unsustainability all too well, however turn a blind eye to financial unsustainability as if it nothing to be concerned with or insist someone else must pay for what they value


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
The owner does not take on risk so that you get a bigger bonus
I have seen this many times if owners do not obtain a return reflective of the risk they are taking they make changes ie head count or discretionary compensation, relocation or get out of the business altogether

It it is absolutely astounding that supposedly educated people can justify increasing the tax burden on their employer rather than expecting their elected officials to be responsible spending other peoples money
Sorry, but whether or not any particular return is reflective of any particular risk is the basic decision for all business-people, and as long as you're in the black, it's entirely subjective. Taxes are objective.

There's no defensible reason why the same business operated as a corporation should pay significantly lower taxes than if it was operated as a sole proprietorship.

Given the limited liability of corporations, one might well argue that their possible mis-management creates greater risk for the community as a whole. They may have to take-on with the social costs of a corporate bankruptcy for example, while the 'owner' walks away still unaffected and still very wealthy, insulated from the consequences of his under-resourcing and mismanagement. See Trump, Donald J.

If the income splitting Scheer proposes to re-establish is indeed a socially useful economic tool, good for the country, then why not allow all taxpayers to divert income to spouses and children, in a similar way as making them notional 'shareholders'?
PS: Full disclosure, although I never did the income-sprinkling thing, in spite of my accountant alerting me to it, I did for some years contract to supply professional services through a wholly-owned corporation.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Name the policies Justin Trudeau brought forth that where designed to drive employment?
The new NAFTA and tariff issues with the US.

a decrease of taxes on any Canadians is a good thing
the wealthy pay a significantly higher % of total tax revenues
More than their fair share
Then why has the divide between rich and poor gotten bigger?
Why is it now the highest its been since the great depression?
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