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Why is Israel not expected to comply with UN Resolution 242?


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2005
And Palestinians watched a child killed next to his father.

Attacking a police station is much different than civilians.

In this conflict both sides have lost their humanity. Pointing fingers to see who is wrong and who is right will do nothing for peace.

The past can't be changed, but all the inocente lives lost should make both sides want to stop the fighting.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
And Palestinians watched a child killed next to his father.

Attacking a police station is much different than civilians.

In this conflict both sides have lost their humanity. Pointing fingers to see who is wrong and who is right will do nothing for peace.

The past can't be changed, but all the inocente lives lost should make both sides want to stop the fighting.
Im not pointing fingers. This is just every day reality of living in Israel.


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2005
Im not pointing fingers. This is just every day reality of living in Israel.
For both sides, and like I said before. There are a number of people that greatly benefit financial on both sides by keeping the conflict going. Which hurts the economy of both Israel and Palestine. Because one thing those people understand is that conflict only flourishes where there is poverty.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
For both sides, and like I said before. There are a number of people that greatly benefit financial on both sides by keeping the conflict going. Which hurts the economy of both Israel and Palestine. Because one thing those people understand is that conflict only flourishes where there is poverty.
Sorry, there's no equivalency.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Blah blah blah, repeat same, blah blah blah. You didn't actually address the things I said the USA pays for to secure Canada did you? How much has NORAD cost. Tens of billions. Look it up. And it's a binary treaty.

Let alone the extra burden they pay in Nato costs.

And who know how much free Intel they gather and share with us.

We are just as much a beneficiary and client for USA military protection as anyone. To think otherwise is to put your head in the sand.

Why would I report you? It's far better to take your petty points and continue to own you.
As usual you make shit up as you go when your opinions get refuted by facts, and as usual you have little to no clue of what you post about.
It is news to the Canadian government and all Canadian's (execpt you) that the cost of NORAD (tens of bliions) is paid for by the United States only and it is also news that it's a binary treaty.
NORAD is a bi national military organization formally established in 1958 by Canada and the United States to monitor and defend North American airspace

Canada contributes financial resources, physical assets and personnel to NORAD. Specifically, Canada's NORAD contribution includes Canadian Armed Forces personnel serving in NORAD-related activities in both the U.S. and Canada; fighter aircraft on alert status during normal operations; the operation and maintenance of the Canadian portion of the North Warning System – a chain of radar stations along the northern edge of North America; and, forward operating locations to support fighter operations in the North.

You're a clueless uneducated fool who has no clue about what he posts about, you just like to argue your opinions and try to pass it off as facts, and when you get called out for it you claim it's either an insult to you or you come up with a new point (opinion) as an attempt to try to deflect from looking like the uneducated fool you are. You get owned on the daily by not only myself but also by so many others, they just mop the floor with your opinions, and even new members have caught on to your bullshit.

Again the United States giving Israel a $3-4Bln/year military aide is not the same thing as the close relationship Canada has with the United States and that is a fact.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
Canada contributes financial resources, physical assets and personnel to NORAD. Specifically, Canada's NORAD contribution includes Canadian Armed Forces personnel serving in NORAD-related activities in both the U.S. and Canada; fighter aircraft on alert status during normal operations; the operation and maintenance of the Canadian portion of the North Warning System – a chain of radar stations along the northern edge of North America; and, forward operating locations to support fighter operations in the North.
Like the Snowbirds? I love the Snowbirds.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
As usual you make shit up as you go when your opinions get refuted by facts, and as usual you have little to no clue of what you post about.
It is news to the Canadian government and all Canadian's (execpt you) that the cost of NORAD (tens of bliions) is paid for by the United States only and it is also news that it's a binary treaty.
NORAD is a bi national military organization formally established in 1958 by Canada and the United States to monitor and defend North American airspace

Canada contributes financial resources, physical assets and personnel to NORAD. Specifically, Canada's NORAD contribution includes Canadian Armed Forces personnel serving in NORAD-related activities in both the U.S. and Canada; fighter aircraft on alert status during normal operations; the operation and maintenance of the Canadian portion of the North Warning System – a chain of radar stations along the northern edge of North America; and, forward operating locations to support fighter operations in the North.

You're a clueless uneducated fool who has no clue about what he posts about, you just like to argue your opinions and try to pass it off as facts, and when you get called out for it you claim it's either an insult to you or you come up with a new point (opinion) as an attempt to try to deflect from looking like the uneducated fool you are. You get owned on the daily by not only myself but also by so many others, they just mop the floor with your opinions, and even new members have caught on to your bullshit.

Again the United States giving Israel a $3-4Bln/year military aide is not the same thing as the close relationship Canada has with the United States and that is a fact.
You think it's equal? Really?


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
You think it's equal? Really?
You keep spewing your opinion which are non factual and when you can't refute the facts on to the next point you go.
You tried equating the United Stated giving Israel a yearly military aide in the tune of $3-4Bln as the same thing as Canada having a close relationship with the United States. I Called you out for it and when you couldn't refute the facts, then on to the next point you go.
Then you tried to label NORAD as a binary treaty, I called you out for it and again you couldn't refute the facts and on to the next point you go.
Now you are trying to give us your opinion that it's not an equal treaty when NORAD is actually a bi national military organization. As usual you have no clue what you are talking about, and you like to argue your opinion as facts and make things up as you go. Here are the Facts

- The United States giving Israel a $3-4Bln/year military aide is not the same thing as the close relationship Canada has with the United States. The Canadian army is not financially aided by the United States and that is a fact.
- NORAD is a bi national military organization formally established in 1958 by Canada and the United States to monitor and defend North American airspace
Canada contributes financial resources, physical assets and personnel to NORAD. Specifically, Canada's NORAD contribution includes Canadian Armed Forces personnel serving in NORAD-related activities in both the U.S. and Canada; fighter aircraft on alert status during normal operations; the operation and maintenance of the Canadian portion of the North Warning System – a chain of radar stations along the northern edge of North America; and, forward operating locations to support fighter operations in the North.

Next time you come back here posting please educate yourself before shooting your mouth off and then post facts not your opinion. :biggrin1:


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
You keep spewing your opinion which are non factual and when you can't refute the facts on to the next point you go.
You tried equating the United Stated giving Israel a yearly military aide in the tune of $3-4Bln as the same thing as Canada having a close relationship with the United States. I Called you out for it and when you couldn't refute the facts, then on to the next point you go.
Then you tried to label NORAD as a binary treaty, I called you out for it and again you couldn't refute the facts and on to the next point you go.
Now you are trying to give us your opinion that it's not an equal treaty when NORAD is actually a bi national military organization. As usual you have no clue what you are talking about, and you like to argue your opinion as facts and make things up as you go. Here are the Facts

- The United States giving Israel a $3-4Bln/year military aide is not the same thing as the close relationship Canada has with the United States. The Canadian army is not financially aided by the United States and that is a fact.
- NORAD is a bi national military organization formally established in 1958 by Canada and the United States to monitor and defend North American airspace
Canada contributes financial resources, physical assets and personnel to NORAD. Specifically, Canada's NORAD contribution includes Canadian Armed Forces personnel serving in NORAD-related activities in both the U.S. and Canada; fighter aircraft on alert status during normal operations; the operation and maintenance of the Canadian portion of the North Warning System – a chain of radar stations along the northern edge of North America; and, forward operating locations to support fighter operations in the North.

Next time you come back here posting please educate yourself before shooting your mouth off and then post facts not your opinion. :biggrin1:

Really? That's what you are quibbling about?

And once again. If one nation sets up military bases and equipment in another nation, in a binary way, with that larger nation carrying the load, then by definition they are supying military aid.

That you try to avoid this with semantics just makes you look stupid.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010

Really? That's what you are quibbling about?

And once again. If one nation sets up military bases and equipment in another nation, in a binary way, with that larger nation carrying the load, then by definition they are supying military aid.

That you try to avoid this with semantics just makes you look stupid.
Still at it with your nonsense, and you keep repeating your opinion rather than the facts. I get it you like to argue opinions as facts to death but the facts are:

Canada contributes financial resources, physical assets and personnel to NORAD. Specifically, Canada's NORAD contribution includes Canadian Armed Forces personnel serving in NORAD-related activities in both the U.S. and Canada; fighter aircraft on alert status during normal operations; the operation and maintenance of the Canadian portion of the North Warning System – a chain of radar stations along the northern edge of North America; and, forward operating locations to support fighter operations in the North.
Both the USAF and the RCAF are a part of NORAD. There are Canadian (Winnipeg) and American (Denver, Alaska) bases so your assumtion that one nation sets up milatary bases and equipment and then is carrying the load is wrong. Both Canada and US have bases, equipment, personell that are used for NORAD.

Again this is not the same as The United States giving Israel a $3-4Bln/year military aide every year. The Canadian army is not financially aided by the United States and that is a fact.
Again you are uneducated about so much but yet you keep spewing nonsense. No wonder so many call you out for your bullshit


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Still at it with your nonsense, and you keep repeating your opinion rather than the facts. I get it you like to argue opinions as facts to death but the facts are:

Canada contributes financial resources, physical assets and personnel to NORAD. Specifically, Canada's NORAD contribution includes Canadian Armed Forces personnel serving in NORAD-related activities in both the U.S. and Canada; fighter aircraft on alert status during normal operations; the operation and maintenance of the Canadian portion of the North Warning System – a chain of radar stations along the northern edge of North America; and, forward operating locations to support fighter operations in the North.
Both the USAF and the RCAF are a part of NORAD. There are Canadian (Winnipeg) and American (Denver, Alaska) bases so your assumtion that one nation sets up milatary bases and equipment and then is carrying the load is wrong. Both Canada and US have bases, equipment, personell that are used for NORAD.

Again this is not the same as The United States giving Israel a $3-4Bln/year military aide every year. The Canadian army is not financially aided by the United States and that is a fact.
Again you are uneducated about so much but yet you keep spewing nonsense. No wonder so many call you out for your bullshit
This, right here, is the definition of triggered.

Love the bold print. Because, well yelling in the internet requires bigger pixels.

Anyway you keep up your delusion that Canada is an equal partner and can secure it's own borders. I prefer to see the reality and accept it as needed.

It's an unequal partnership. Based on the NATO model with us as junior partner.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
This, right here, is the definition of triggered.

Love the bold print. Because, well yelling in the internet requires bigger pixels.

Anyway you keep up your delusion that Canada is an equal partner and can secure it's own borders. I prefer to see the reality and accept it as needed.

It's an unequal partnership. Based on the NATO model with us as junior partner.
Not triggered one bit, and not yelling either, it's in bold so that you can read, although I can't help you with the comprehension of it.
Again calling people triggered or labelling their posts as an "insult" which you constantly do is a tactic you use when you can't refute facts.
As for your delusion that the United States giving Israel a $3-4Bln/year military aide is the same thing as Canada having a close relationship with the USA and being in a Bi National Military Organization with them called NORAD, you keep your delusion. I prefer to deal with facts rather than opinions.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Not triggered one bit, and not yelling either, it's in bold so that you can read, although I can't help you with the comprehension of it.
Again calling people triggered or labelling their posts as an "insult" which you constantly do is a tactic you use when you can't refute facts.
As for your delusion that the United States giving Israel a $3-4Bln/year military aide is the same thing as Canada having a close relationship with the USA and being in a Bi National Military Organization with them called NORAD, you keep your delusion. I prefer to deal with facts rather than opinions.

Now look at the first line of every post he writes and ask yourself if he likes to use cheap insults.

You need to actually look into a reality check I think. We are not equal partners in defense.

We can't even patrol our own borders.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Now look at the first line of every post he writes and ask yourself if he likes to use cheap insults.

You need to actually look into a reality check I think. We are not equal partners in defense.

We can't even patrol our own borders.
Calling you out for your lack of comprehension in regards to NORAD is not an insult it's a fact. I am actually enjoying posting facts meanwhile you keep posting your opinion. Your name is Butler100%Exposed because you are exactly that.
Had you originally stated that Canada and United States do not fully put the same amount of money into NORAD I would have agreed with you but you didn't. You tried to argue that The United States giving Israel a $3-4Bln/year military aide every year is the same as Canada having a close relationship with The United States and being in a Bi National Military Organization with them.

Again NORAD is a Bi National Military Organization which Canada contributes financial resources, physical assets and personnel to. Specifically, Canada's NORAD contribution includes Canadian Armed Forces personnel serving in NORAD-related activities in both the U.S. and Canada; fighter aircraft on alert status during normal operations; the operation and maintenance of the Canadian portion of the North Warning System – a chain of radar stations along the northern edge of North America; and, forward operating locations to support fighter operations in the North.

There is even replacing of the North Warning System chain of radar for NORAD that will be happening over the next few years, which will cost Canadians up to $11Bln. Canada's cost to NORAD is 40% and the US is 60% and it was agreed to by both sides, of course the American's share is higher because the American's always want a bigger military presence and have a huge problem with military spending (AKA the Military Industrial Complex), hence why the current issue the United States has with NATO.

If as you have previously clailmed that you are against the Military Industrial Complex you would have known this. You keep showing yourself for the fraud you are.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Calling you out for your lack of comprehension in regards to NORAD is not an insult it's a fact. I am actually enjoying posting facts meanwhile you keep posting your opinion. Your name is Butler100%Exposed because you are exactly that.
Had you originally stated that Canada and United States do not fully put the same amount of money into NORAD I would have agreed with you but you didn't. You tried to argue that The United States giving Israel a $3-4Bln/year military aide every year is the same as Canada having a close relationship with The United States and being in a Bi National Military Organization with them.

Again NORAD is a Bi National Military Organization which Canada contributes financial resources, physical assets and personnel to. Specifically, Canada's NORAD contribution includes Canadian Armed Forces personnel serving in NORAD-related activities in both the U.S. and Canada; fighter aircraft on alert status during normal operations; the operation and maintenance of the Canadian portion of the North Warning System – a chain of radar stations along the northern edge of North America; and, forward operating locations to support fighter operations in the North.

There is even replacing of the North Warning System chain of radar for NORAD that will be happening over the next few years, which will cost Canadians up to $11Bln. Canada's cost to NORAD is 40% and the US is 60% and it was agreed to by both sides, of course the American's share is higher because the American's always want a bigger military presence and have a huge problem with military spending (AKA the Military Industrial Complex), hence why the current issue the United States has with NATO.

If as you have previously clailmed that you are against the Military Industrial Complex you would have known this. You keep showing yourself for the fraud you are.
So I said the USA pays more.

You just proved the USA pays more.

And by your own admission again. They do it for control.

Thanks for that!
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