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The Blue Jays 2019 Season


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Hey 23, you do realize YOU are using a statement by Shapeero to make YOUR point?!?
Sure. Even though I don't like his approach to running the team does not mean that he doesn't understand the concept of market size.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Just heard Dan and Buck say that during shapeero's media day today, the Jays' president admitted (in Dan and Buck's words) that "Toronto is a huge market". Just to ensure that this does not go over your head, the key word is "huge".

Be a man and admit that you have been wrong all along arguing that Toronto is not a big market. Anything more than an unequivocal admission just would make you look foolish.

Toronto is a big market with enormous resources at their disposal
As far as nationwide fan support the Jays are probably the biggest market in MLB, but if you're not spending like a big market are you really a big market team then??

Its kinda like owning a Ferrari without the engine


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
As far as nationwide fan support the Jays are probably the biggest market in MLB, but if you're not spending like a big market are you really a big market team then??

If a 6'5" defenceman plays with the physicality of a 5'8" player, he is still 6'5" when they measure his height.

Just because they refuse to take advantage of the huge market at their disposal, does not make that market any smaller.

Phil, you are the only person, that for some reason, cannot comprehend this point. Even shapeero admitted that the Jays have a huge market. Why are you still debating this?


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
In that case, what is the statute of limitations?

What is a reasonable time frame for a management that inherited a talented playoff team and has the resources of a huge market and one of the wealthiest owners to return them to the playoffs?

IMO, anything over 5 years is a fail. (I know they made the playoffs in the 1st year of shapeero, but it was all based on AA's work. Shaps did next to nothing to try to get a team that was so close to winning the AL to the next level, the WS. I feel that he squandered their position as a very talented team. He did not want to win with a team that was assembled by someone not named mark shapiro.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010

If a 6'5" defenceman plays with the physicality of a 5'8" player, he is still 6'5" when they measure his height.

Just because they refuse to take advantage of the huge market at their disposal, does not make that market any smaller.

Phil, you are the only person, that for some reason, cannot comprehend this point. Even shapeero admitted that the Jays have a huge market. Why are you still debating this?
I understand perfectly what you're trying to say, I just dont agree with it because there are more factors that go into defining what a big market team is then just how many fans you have. Another important factor is how many high priced free agents want to come here (or are Rogers willing to sign), and the answer is very few.

Add to that we are #16 on Forbes most valuable MLB teams and I'm sorry but we're just not a big market team:


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I understand perfectly what you're trying to say, I just dont agree with it because there are more factors that go into defining what a big market team is then just how many fans you have. ]
Let's try this, Toronto is a team that is in a big market. Hence they are by definition, a big market team. A "big market team" does not mean that they act like big shots and throw around a lot of money. Milwaukee could field a payroll of $250M, but they would still be a small market team, because they have a small fan base.

To address the bolded area, you are wrong. There is One and only ONE factor that goes into the definition, and that is the size of the market. The Jays are a team that is in a big market and has access to more fans than most teams.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Let's try this, Toronto is a team that is in a big market. Hence they are by definition, a big market team. A "big market team" does not mean that they act like big shots and throw around a lot of money. Milwaukee could field a payroll of $250M, but they would still be a small market team, because they have a small fan base.

To address the bolded area, you are wrong. There is One and only ONE factor that goes into the definition, and that is the size of the market. The Jays are a team that is in a big market and has access to more fans than most teams
It all comes to a matter of opinion anyways, but I disagree we are a big market team. And our #16 position on Forbes would confirm that


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
It all comes to a matter of opinion anyways, but I disagree we are a big market team. And our #16 position on Forbes would confirm that
It is fact. Not opinion. (I didn't know that Forbes calculates populations.)

You are just too thick too understand something so basic.

Perry Mason

Well-known member
Aug 20, 2001
He did not want to win with a team that was assembled by someone not named mark shapiro.
Of all the foolish things on which you are fixated, this the most foolish!

First of all, you have no clue what professionalism means (btw, what is your occupation/profession?).

In the second place, what is the evicence in support of this foolish obsession?


Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
It is fact. Not opinion. (I didn't know that Forbes calculates populations.)

You are just too thick too understand something so basic
Except we're not a big market team, honeybun


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Of all the foolish things on which you are fixated, this the most foolish!

First of all, you have no clue what professionalism means (btw, what is your occupation/profession?).

In the second place, what is the evicence in support of this foolish obsession?

That's just a little embellishment I like to throw in, which you are justified in calling me on because it is admittedly just provocative speculation (but it sure has the appearance of being a purge of anything AA.). If that is all you are calling me on, I guess the rest of my criticisms of management are not as easy to dispute. It has taken 4 years of year over year decline just to go from the playoffs to a hundred loss season. How long should it take for a team to go from 100 losses to playoff contending?

BTW, I did 9 years (didn't even have to repeat any LOL) of undergrad and post-grad university to achieve my profession which is legislated by a college similar to the Law Society. Thank you. So I know very well what professionalism entails.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Except we're not a big market team, honeybun
Phil, you keep displaying that you have no clue what you are talking about.

You said yourself that the Jays have probably the largest fan based market in MLB. You are arguing against yourself.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Phil, you keep displaying that you have no clue what you are talking about.

You said yourself that the Jays have probably the largest fan based market in MLB. You are arguing against yourself
Read my posts more carefully, I'm saying that's not the only criteria what you base on what a big market team is


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Read my posts more carefully, I'm saying that's not the only criteria what you base on what a big market team is
You are using a wrong definition of "big market team". It is a team that exists in a market with a larger than most population, which you've admitted is The Jays' situation. It is not necessarily a team that has a high profile and spends a lot of money. (Most teams that have a very large fan base, do conduct themselves thusly. Sadly the Jays do not. That is a very large factor in my disappointment in management.)

As simple as that concept is, I suspect that you are unable to grasp it.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
You are using a wrong definition of "big market team". It is a team that exists in a market with a larger than most population, which you've admitted is The Jays' situation. It is not a team that has a high profile and spends a lot of money.

As simple as that concept is, I suspect that you are unable to grasp it
Its you who doesnt get it, look at the top of the Forbes list, all the big teams are there (Yankees, Dodgers, Sox, Cubs, Giants and Mets).
Those are your big market teams. And where are the Jays, 16th on the list:

You can have the biggest fanbase in the league, but still not be a big market team.
In 1992/1993 Jays were definitely a big market team. All the high priced free agents wanted to come here. Now they dont, and thats because Rogers doesnt want to spend the money. It seems they prefer the slow rebuilding process from within the youth system
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