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Spot the difference! Clinton and Obama and the Easter Worshippers! :(


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2002
north york
As I told Zeibetter and IRIS, and let me remind you what I said earlier. As IRIS stated I do not have 10 different accounts this is the only account I have
As Zeibetter claimed I have never been banned bigotry.
Shapeup as you claim I have also never posted anywhere on this site, on any other site, blog, email, text or any form of communications or in person that "Jews should go back to the concentration camps" or have made any other antisemite remarks.
If you want to know why I was banned, yes I have been banned once when I first came on this board I posted a PM in one of the threads not knowing it is against the guidelines, and another time when the super troll Sempel was banned in a thread about an SP I had seen that he kept on equating my experience to a racist person seeing a non white SP and then complaining about it which ultimately led to the thread being locked and me being banned and Sempel being banned.

Again as I said earlier you have either read someone else's quotes and hoping or mistaken that it was me, or you're attempting to paint me in a different picture so you can point your fingers, just like Zeibetter and IRIS attempted. You can always check with the MODS.

I do expect an apology from you when you clarify with the MODS.
There is no mistake, its not someone elses quote. You were banned because you wished the Jews should go back to the concentration camps. Guys can go to the bank with this info and double check with Basketcase who is still here.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
There is no mistake, its not someone elses quote. You were banned because you wished the Jews should go back to the concentration camps. Guys can go to the bank with this info and double check with Basketcase who is still here.
Do direct me to the post.

Interesting enough I just checked a few of the many hundred threads you have started in the politics section (which mostly pertain to pro Israel, anti Palestine, and anti Iran and anti anyone who is against Israel) and in not a single one of those threads I checked from 2010-2018 do I even have a single post in them. Now those are facts you and everyone else can bank on.

Again as I said earlier you have either read someone else's quotes and hoping or mistaken that it was me, or you're attempting to paint me in a different picture so you can point your fingers, just like Zeibetter and IRIS attempted. You can always check with the MODS.
But either way do direct me to this post you talk about.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
One of the reasons we have a Trump is because Obama couldn't even say 'radical islamic terrorism"

He was a pussy then and a pussy now
The only reason you have a Trump — we don't up here — is because you're still stuck with your Electoral College as if it was the XVIIIth C. Most of you voted for anyone but him, and his effort best was well short of a win back then, and has been ever since. The only President since they started counting such stuff whose approval has never gone as high as 50%. Never mind into winning territory.

No wonder you're desperate and clutch at every straw the wind blows by.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
News Flash bro - You're a Roman Catholic 'CHRISTIAN'

Like saying I'm not Italian, I'm Sicilian.

You fail theology class dude!
Just to remind you that Sicilian pizzas are not made of Sicilians. You seem very prone to read ordinary English constructions in that perverse and silly way.

And there's certainly no evidence here, that you ever passed English Comp.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
So easter worshipper to Christians is equivalent to the N word for a black person, would the term Jesus freaks be considered the N word squared?
Just to remind you that only a teensy-weensy subset of self-proclaimed Christians — none of them within thousands of miles of the attack, or any of the suffering — has taken any such offence. And only at a couple of folks whose politics they dislike.

The common use of the term in other years in accounts of people attending special masses and services passed entirely unremarked.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
As I told Zeibetter and IRIS, and let me remind you what I said earlier. As IRIS stated I do not have 10 different accounts this is the only account I have
As Zeibetter claimed I have never been banned bigotry.
Shapeup as you claim I have also never posted anywhere on this site, on any other site, blog, email, text or any form of communications or in person that "Jews should go back to the concentration camps" or have made any other antisemite remarks.
If you want to know why I was banned, yes I have been banned once when I first came on this board I posted a PM in one of the threads not knowing it is against the guidelines, and another time when the super troll Sempel was banned in a thread about an SP I had seen that he kept on equating my experience to a racist person seeing a non white SP and then complaining about it which ultimately led to the thread being locked and me being banned and Sempel being banned.

Again as I said earlier you have either read someone else's quotes and hoping or mistaken that it was me, or you're attempting to paint me in a different picture so you can point your fingers, just like Zeibetter and IRIS attempted. You can always check with the MODS.

I do expect an apology from you when you clarify with the MODS.
Well said.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
Just to remind you that Sicilian pizzas are not made of Sicilians. You seem very prone to read ordinary English constructions in that perverse and silly way.

And there's certainly no evidence here, that you ever passed English Comp.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
If I invite you over to my home for a BBQ Dinner, it means I will be preparing food on a BBQ; it does not mean we are eating the cast iron BBQ itself FFS!!!



CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
If I invite you over to my home for a BBQ Dinner, it means I will be preparing food on a BBQ; it does not mean we are eating the cast iron BBQ itself FFS!!!

And if I invite you to join me next month at my church for Easter worship, it means we will be worshipping the usual Triune God come Easter Sunday, not that we will be worshipping the Day itself. ITOATH!!!*

ROFLing right back at ya! You gots it!
*In The Name of All That's Holy


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
What the hell is wrong with saying Easter worshiper.
This whole thread is unbelievable.
Well they are the usual ones who complain all the time about every little crumb on the table!!:rolleyes:


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Whats wrong with calling a black person the "N" word?
Comparison between apples and peanuts. That is all it is about. Ask any Catholic if they were offended by being called an Easter Worshipper when they attend Mass on an Easter Sunday, But the "N" word is offensive and abusive!!

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
If I buy a pair of Snow Boots it means that I have boots that are designed to be worn in snow; it does not mean my boots are made of snow!!!



Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Wargames as per your signature how did you come to the conclusion that Frankfooter is aka Groggy aka Gryfin aka Flubadub?
Since your new on here how do you know who those posters were and how they posted?


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
I think you should suck it up and move on, off topic is a madmax apocalyptic world, it is normal to be mischaracterized in off topic. Do not turn into Canada-man, some members here harassed him and now he keeps bringing up that grudge and he molds his world view around that grudge.
Unfortunately this is the third poster (Zaibetter, IRIS, Shapeup1) in this thread that has either accused me of being banned for bigotry or has accused me of having multiple handles which are all incorrect. Interesting enough I just checked a few of the many hundred threads that Shapeup1 has started in the politics section (which are for the majority pro Israel, anti Palestine, and anti Iran) and in not a single one of those threads I checked from 2010-2018 had I even made a single post in.
I've already asked him to direct me to the supposed post. But I know he can't because I have never posted "Jews would go back to the concentration camps" here or anywhere for that matter.

Shapeup1 is anti anyone who dare to criticize Israel.
In the past I have been critical of Israel for their inhumane treatment of Palestinians, and illegal settlements, guessing that doesn't sit well with Shapeup1 and Basketcase who he was discussing that post with.


Mar 27, 2016
LOL...Funny how you resort back to weird personal attacks every time you lose an argument.

You were told not to come back here until you get some intelligence...clearly you have failed to follow this very simple but important directive.
Duh...What argument ?? There was no argument. You want to take a swipe you get back. If you dish out expect to receive. And FFS stop keep brown nosing Dog, you look like his puppy.


Mar 27, 2016
Gotta say: That pic nicely sums up the reaction the OP and her claque expressed in their posts here about the words they didn't like.
Your second one, not so much.

But considering you and your little friends have just wasted several pages on empty name-calling in a thread about name-calling some name-callers, it's obvious you're wrong about all babies growing up.
^^ The Bloviator, mostly bullshit doesn't know how to start a thread.


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010
When Zaibetter and Iris lose an argument they always resort to accusations that the user is not who he claims to be, that he has multiple handles, etc. It’s standard operating procedure for those who lose arguments they start and who can’t keep up with their own poorly thought out debates.
We didn't lose any arguments. You and your aberals friends lost in that second, when you tried to explain the unexplainable.

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