Spot the difference! Clinton and Obama and the Easter Worshippers! :(


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Melania's tweet:

(that's like saying Easter Sunday) Not Passover Worshipers. Big difference

Hillary and Obama started a trend.

Guess we'll just change all the names.

It's Easter Worshipers

Passover worshipers

Ramadan worshipers

Those are the new names now. Because saying Christians, Jews and Muslims was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too hard for them.
Didn't say her heart went out 'to all Jews', not even 'to people celebrating Passover'†. However, like 'Easter worshippers', 'Passover worshippers' appeared in many media accounts. It's not like the term was made up this year.

What do you suppose the reaction would have been if Obama and Clinton had offered their sympathy to "all affected in the community" after the church bombing? No one has yet explained what was so offensive about them expressing sympathy for those attacked during their Easter Worship by referring to it.
†I believe Passover is a celebration, marked with the Seder Feast held in the family home. What may be done at a Synagogue is a Seder for those alone or without family. And although solemn and prayerful, it is a celebration of deliverance, not a service of worship.


Mar 26, 2018
Why does she call it a “place of worship” instead of a synagogue?

Why does she say “the community” instead of the Jewish community?

FLOTUS is an obvious anti-Semite! Why aren’t Right Wing pundits screaming from the roof tops about this obvious anti-Semitism?

Moreover, trump’s Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism called them “Passover Worshippers” as did The Times of Israel’s Jewish News Reporter site. MORE ANTI-SEMITES!!! LMAO!

Conservatives are MORONS!!! They are so stupid they literally don’t even comprehend how stupid they truly are! Pathetic!
It's NOT THAT FUCKING HARD. The Envoy loser has 35 likes on his tweet with a total of 2k followers. He's about to get ratio'd though. I get more LIKES on a bloody meme. NOBODY FUCKING SEEN IT!

They are called Christians, Jews and Muslims



Mar 26, 2018
Didn't say her heart went out 'to all Jews', not even 'to people celebrating Passover'. However, like 'Easter worshippers', 'Passover worshippers' appeared in many media accounts. It's not like the term was made up this year.

What do you suppose the reaction would have been if Obama and Clinton had offered their sympathy to "all affected in the community" after the church bombing? No one has yet explained what was offensive about them expressing sympathy for those attacked during their Easter Worship.
They don't worship EASTER or PASSOVER

But why ruin a good narrative with FACTS


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
They don't worship EASTER or PASSOVER

But why ruin a good narrative with FACTS
We're arguing with people who clearly struggle with the English language.

They know they're wrong but won't give up an inch. Watching them contort themselves into pretzels is fun lmao.


Mar 26, 2018
We're arguing with people who clearly struggle with the English language.

They know they're wrong but won't give up an inch. Watching them contort themselves into pretzels is fun lmao.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
It's NOT THAT FUCKING HARD. The Envoy loser has 35 likes on his tweet with a total of 2k followers. He's about to get ratio'd though. I get more LIKES on a bloody meme. NOBODY FUCKING SEEN IT!

They are called Christians, Jews and Muslims


The Envoy loser, FLOTUS, and The Times of Israel need to stop being so anti-Semitic!

They are called Jews. It’s not that hard...this bigotry must stop!!!


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
They don't worship EASTER or PASSOVER

But why ruin a good narrative with FACTS
No one has said anyone worshipped Easter, although it is the central miracle of Christianity. They have referred to worship at Easter. And thousand of ignorant folks — who hated them anyway — chose to deliberately misunderstand simple, common English they all use. As with Easter Rabbits, chocolates, eggs, and holidays, the word is a modifier denoting the occasion of the worship, not the object of it.

Pardon me for shouting.

What Christians do worship at Easter time is a piece of bread moistened with wine considered to be the blood and body of the risen Christ. But we prefer not to say so, and certainly never call them Communion worshippers. (Nor Cannibals, although they eat the bread) And we all go on using Easter as a modifier — Easter seals, Easter dinner, Easter parade, Easter baking, Easter clean-up — without comment.

Without comment that is, unless we're a couple of prominent Democrats, in a nation where a minority rump of desperate Trumpettes have nothing much to put their faith in.

Has he settled his taxes yet?


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
LOL the level of inanity showcased by the radical lefties in this thread is a reflection of the lunatics in charge of the democratic party.

There's no such thing as right and wrong, or reality. It's all a game of scoring political points even if it means digging your own grave lol.


Mar 26, 2018

The Envoy loser, FLOTUS, and The Times of Israel need to stop being so anti-Semitic!

They are called Jews. It’s not that hard...this bigotry must stop!!!
The Flotus NEVER called them 'Easter Worshipers" and THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT OF THIS THREAD!!

EASTER Worshipers.


Mar 26, 2018
No one has said anyone worshipped Easter, they referred to worship at Easter. And thousand of ignorant folks who hated them anyway chose to misunderstand simple, common English. As with Easter Rabbits, chocolates, eggs, and holidays, the word is a modifier denoting the occasion of the worship not the object of it.

What Christians do worship at Easter time is a piece of bread moistened with wine considered to be the blood and body of the risen Christ. But we prefer not to say so. And we all go on using Easter as a modifier — Easter seals, Easter dinner, Easter parade, Easter clean-up — without comment.

Unless we're prominent Democrats, in a nation where a minority rump of desperate Trumpettes have nothing much to have faith in.

Christians DON'T WORSHIP EASTER, THEY WORSHIP CHRIST!! Who died and was RISEN on Easter!

So NO, they are NOT Easter Worshipers, ARE THEY?? They are Christians who go to MASS to celebrate Jesus who was RISEN on Easter Sunday.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
The fact that the dimwits in this thread can't even admit that Obama and Clinton displayed political cowardice in choosing to use a phrase that is practically unheard of - compared to the conventional terms like CHRISTIAN or CATHOLIC - so as not to offend or cause discomfort to specific groups that believe in ANOTHER religion, is telling. And not in a good way.

They say that liberalism is a mental illness. It's looking that way.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
They don't worship EASTER or PASSOVER

But why ruin a good narrative with FACTS

Indeed...they worship on/during Easter and Passover.

Just like Christmas presents are not gifts given to Christmas; they are gifts exchanged during the Christmas season.

Just like Sunday drivers are not driving a day of the week; they are driving ON a specific day!

Just like Christian Worshippers are not actually worshipping other Christians...they are worshipping God.

ALL OF YOUR ARGUMENTS ARE STUPID...but you guys refuse to let it go...Hahahahahahaha!


Mar 26, 2018
Indeed...they worship on/during Easter and Passover.

Just like Christmas presents are not gifts given to Christmas; they are gifts exchanged during the Christmas season.
What you can't seem to wrap your head around is Christians do not worship Easter, they worship Christ! People who celebrate EASTER at mass are called "Christians'. It's really that FUCKING SIMPLE!

Those are FACTS. End of Story!

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
The fact that the dimwits in this thread can't even admit that Obama and Clinton displayed political cowardice in choosing to use a phrase that is practically unheard of - compared to the conventional terms like CHRISTIAN or CATHOLIC - so as not to offend or cause discomfort to specific groups that believe in ANOTHER religion, is telling. And not in a good way.

They say that liberalism is a mental illness. It's looking that way.

You people are ridiculous! You are so desperate to attack Obama and Hillary that you will literally latch onto ANYTHING!

PS: You realize neither Obama nor Hillary are running for office this year, right?

You are doing nothing to refute the stereotype of trump supporters’ being half-witted, poorly educated losers in life! Keep coming at Progressives with idiotic complaints like this...watching you make fools of yourselves pleases me!



Mar 26, 2018
You people are ridiculous! You are so desperate to attack Obama and Hillary that you will literally latch onto ANYTHING!

PS: You realize neither Obama nor Hillary are running for office this year, right?

You are doing nothing to refute the stereotype of trump supporters’ being half-witted, poorly educated losers in life! Keep coming at Progressives with idiotic complaints like this...watching you make fools of yourselves pleases me!

One of the reasons we have a Trump is because Obama couldn't even say 'radical islamic terrorism"

He was a pussy then and a pussy now

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
What you can't seem to wrap your head around is Christians do not worship Easter, they worship Christ! People who celebrate EASTER at mass are called "Christians'. It's really that FUCKING SIMPLE!

Those are FACTS. End of Fucking Story!

Nobody suggested for a moment that Christians worship Easter. That is not what the term Easter Worshippers means, any more than Christmas presents refers to gifts being given to Christmas. I have explained this to you twice now...if you carry on arguing you are either stupid or willfully ignorant.


Mar 26, 2018
Nobody suggested for a moment that Christians worship Easter. That is not what the term Easter Worshippers means, any more than Christmas presents refers to gifts being given to Christmas. I have explained this to you twice now...if you carry on arguing you are either stupid or willfully ignorant.
So now you're making up YOUR OWN definition of what an Easter Worshiper is??

Gimme a break! You NEVER heard that term before until we brought it to your attention.

What they did was replaced Christians with Easter Worshipers. That's exactly what they did.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Christians DON'T WORSHIP EASTER, THEY WORSHIP CHRIST!! Who died and was RISEN on Easter!

So NO, they are NOT Easter Worshipers, ARE THEY?? They are Christians who go to MASS to celebrate Jesus who was RISEN on Easter Sunday.
Only the Trumpettes have said Christians worship Easter, misrepresenting others. To quote myself with emphasis: the word is a modifier, denoting the occasion of the worship, not the object of it.

Do you really think that the marchers are parading Easter in their Easter Parade? Or that Mom's Easter cooking means she's boiling Easter up to serve for Easter Dinner?



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2002
north york
The resident Islamaphobe, I love how you think you are actually having a intelligent conversation when you are actually posting pictures/memes to facts you can not refute. Don't you have to go looking for articles from 1985 about a Muslim that did something wrong so you can label all Muslims the same and spread your hate.
I was banned for bigotry really that's news to me. When did this happen perhaps I had another handle?
Let me remind you, not because I'm backing up Z but because I never forgot and I was just talking about this a few months back with Basketcase. During one of the Israel threads you were banned because you hoped that the "Jews would go back to the concentration camps". Wigglee agreed with you and he was also banned but for a shorter time than you. Pure antisemitism.


Mar 26, 2018
Only the Trumpettes have said Christians worship Easter, misrepresenting others. To quote myself with emphasis: the word is a modifier, denoting the occasion of the worship, not the object of it.

Do you really think that the marchers are parading Easter in their Easter Parade? Or that Mom's Easter cooking means she's boiling Easter up to serve for Easter Dinner?

Easter dinner for who?????




No matter how you try to downgrade what was said, Christians aren't Easter Worshipers on EASTER, they are Christians. ONLY Christians celebrate EASTER at MASS
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