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Spot the difference! Clinton and Obama and the Easter Worshippers! :(


Well-known member
May 10, 2011
Toronto, ON
Many if not most or all responsible media outlets do refer to the victims as Christians and that they were targeted specifically because they were Christians.

The OP is far from the only one critical of Clinton and Obama. (Of course, she might be the minority on this Board.)
You use Dennis Prager as a defense?? LOL

Too cute!


Mar 27, 2016
Very good catch are da Babe !!! Guys that have called you names on this thread are LLL... Low Life Libtards. Imam Tawhidi is great and honest, I hope the radicals don't kill him. Hillary and Obama are two political correct ass kissers, I will share these tweets across the globe. Sick !!!!


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
And who the fuck are you to give any order for me?? You are useless as Beckham was for the English national team. He was there but for what??
This board full of worthless liberal armchair warriors as you. The MOD the only person here, who can send me a message about what is acceptable and what is not. Until then , you can do one thing only: You can kiss my ass!
If you don't like something just report it. Liberals are the best to reporting everyone and everything, what are against their rainbow colored world. Police or facebook or twitter report , send anonymous mails everywhere...etc. You guys are just cowards as Obama and Hillary was in their twitter! Because the MOD moved the thread here, where no one will read it anymore, I don't post any comments . You can start to suck each others dicks from now! Good luck!
Ah, not only did you get this thread ported to the politics forum but you probably alienated half of terb.
Welcome to the gutter.

May you now get only angry right wingers as your clientele, as you seem to want.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Yes. What's the next word in Christmas time? Pine Tree Worshippers?
You and the alt-right circle jerk would probably complain that saying "Christmas worshippers" didn't identify them as Christians.

p.s. I don't see Trump using the word Christians in his tweet either. He doesn't even mention Easter or that the targets were churches .

He must be one of those democrat assholes.

p.s. Scrolling through his twitter feed makes me wonder how much time he spends actually working if he has that much time to tweet.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You didnt fucking beat nobody.

Hitler wasnt killed. He lived out his years in Argentina. You show me Hitlers body and you might have an argument. The WW2 fiasco was the Rothschild baby. Jews killing Jews.

Good try on trying to claim a victory though. Get your history straight before spewing propaganda to the simple minded masses.
WTF is wrong with you?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
The amount of name callling in this ONE thread toward a woman on this board over a stupid thread they don't like or want moved, is eye opening and speaks volumes about your characters.
Where did the name calling start?


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
WTF is wrong with you?
Trump even stated that 138 "MILLION" people were killed before he corrected his tweet. But if these were "EVANGELISTS" then he might have stated that the word "Christians". I still do not know why the Trumptards are not attacking him for not stating the Christians or even more precise The "CATHOLICS"!! Ohhhh, I guess to his Trumptard Base, he is above any criticisms for his charades in his tweets!!


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Many if not most or all responsible media outlets do refer to the victims as Christians and that they were targeted specifically because they were Christians.

The OP is far from the only one critical of Clinton and Obama. (Of course, she might be the minority on this Board.)
How about this idiot. Where is the word "Christians" or even more precise "Catholics" in his tweet. Why is there no backlash from the right wingers about it??


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
How about this idiot. Where is the word "Christians" or even more precise "Catholics" in his tweet. Why is there no backlash from the right wingers about it??
Because there is no idiotic phrase "Easter Worshippers" used in the tweet. Do you follow?

Incredible how libtards will twist themselves into a pretzel trying to defend obvious cases of political correctness and double standards. This is why nobody trusts you.


Active member
Jan 22, 2011
Thanks for posting this IRIS, I now better understand why some of my family and friends throughout the US are so upset.

Easter worshippers? WTF does that even mean? It doesn't even make sense.

I can only imagine the shitstorm that would rain down if someone noteworthy referred to mass-murdered Muslims as "we send our condolences to the Ramadan worshippers". All holy hell would ensue lol.

It's like many of the dems woke up Sunday morning and somehow instinctively knew to use this bizarrely weird replacement phrase for CHRISTIANS. That no one's ever heard of before! Possible that Soros' printers ran overtime to get the memo out. Though even if some of these idiots had repeated the word Christian they'd probably burst into flames LOL!

Latinos/Hispanics are now the largest ethnic group in the US, something like 60 million and will account for over 13% of all eligible voters in 2020. If the dems keep this kind of crap up it'll bite them in the ass. Millions of legal Latinos are VERY HAPPY with their lives right now = the highest employment #'s in history = very happy with Trump. The dems best not fuck around with Christianity, I know for fact many Hispanics are feeling mocked and insulted. Plus their hearts ache for the targeted victims and their families being reduced to a comedic insult/meme.

Thanks again IRIS and for the link to that Imam, he's so cool.

BTW Please stay safe out there. The level of rage and misogyny in this thread is very disturbing and should not be taken lightly.


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
I'm a member for more years than 9 and posted here on purpose. The lounge has more readers than the political section. But much nicer if you complain about these twitters and not about where I posted this.
+ 9


Active member
Jan 22, 2011
+ 9

Ummm perhaps she had a different working name prior to 2010?

Or lost her p/w and started another account?

Just a couple of suggestions for you to gnaw on.


Mar 26, 2018
Where did the name calling start?
It's all here for you. You show me where the first PERSONAL insult towards a member begins.

I'll wait...


Mar 26, 2018
p.s. I don't see Trump using the word Christians in his tweet either.
As was already pointed out...It's not about saying the word Christian, it's about inventing a name to avoid having to use the word Christian.

Trump didn't say "christian" either but only those Dems are the assholes....that's how Fox news rolls...
Here’s the BIG take-away. Hillary and Obama went so far to avoid saying the word Christian they made up a new term “Easter worshippers”.

He doesn't even mention Easter or that the targets were churches

Keep looking. You missed it. What he didn't call them were 'Easter Worshippers' and he never will!

138 people have been killed in Sri Lanka, with more that 600 badly injured, in a terrorist attack on churches and hotels. The United States offers heartfelt condolences to the great people of Sri Lanka. We stand ready to help!


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2005
Holly Fuck, How can the ones fighting for the word Christian, can be so fucking ignorant about their own religion.

Worshiping on Easter is what makes you a Christian. It's the miracle of the resurrection. Where Jesus, God himself rose from the dead, that why we are Christian. Without the miracle there would be no Christianity.

Learn to pronounce
the most important and oldest festival of the Christian Church, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ and held (in the Western Church) between March 21 and April 25, on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the northern spring equinox.


Mar 26, 2018
Holly Fuck, How can the ones fighting for the word Christian, can be so fucking ignorant about their own religion.

Worshiping on Easter is what makes you a Christian. It's the miracle of the resurrection. Where Jesus, God himself rose from the dead, that why we are Christian. Without the miracle there would be no Christianity.

Learn to pronounce
the most important and oldest festival of the Christian Church, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ and held (in the Western Church) between March 21 and April 25, on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the northern spring equinox.

They are Christians because they worship "CHRIST" who was persecuted, died & was risen on Easter Sunday.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Holly Fuck, How can the ones fighting for the word Christian, can be so fucking ignorant about their own religion.

Worshiping on Easter is what makes you a Christian. It's the miracle of the resurrection. Where Jesus, God himself rose from the dead, that why we are Christian. Without the miracle there would be no Christianity.

Learn to pronounce
the most important and oldest festival of the Christian Church, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ and held (in the Western Church) between March 21 and April 25, on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the northern spring equinox.
Christians don't worship a festival. They worship Christ.



Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Nothing hateful about it. It's just a twitter from a well known Imam who see this sick world normally. Fortunately there are millions of muslims, who are not radical and want to live in peace.
If it's happen in a mosque at the time of Ramadan , no one in the world will call them "Ramadan Worshippers". If it's happen in a synagogue no one call them " Passover Worshippers". It is very sad the word "Christian", start to slip into the politically incorrect category in the XXIst. century.
It's a typical disgusting double standards by the liberals. These well known democrat politicans used the same "Easter Worshippers" phrase in their condolence twitters, instead of Christians. Example: Ami Bera, Julian Castro, Jared Polis and many more. As I see it's become a new trend and frankly it's a shame. When liberals call me hateful, homophobic, nazi...etc. I'm fine with it. Because I know, I did something right. Again!

They say Easter because they are both living in a predoninantly Christian society, so it is understood and Easter is more specific and familiar to the audience they are addressing. Sad that you use this to attack Democrats. The point should be that all senseless terror is wrong, whether committed by Muslims or Christians or athiests....... yet Iris chooses to focus on her hate campaign against "liberals".


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Thank you for this indispensable information Mr. National Geographic.
I still prefer a WHITE pine tree in Christmas time. I hope it doesn't make me white supremacist!

No, but judging by your picture it would make you someone who steals from someone else's garden. Doubt you'll find a Christmas Tree lot or farm that stocks Eastern White Pines for sale. They rate Number 8.

You're the one who tried to pick a fight over ordinary words you didn't like. And in the Forum for polite and pleasant conversation at that.


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
Holly Fuck, How can the ones fighting for the word Christian, can be so fucking ignorant about their own religion.

Worshiping on Easter is what makes you a Christian. It's the miracle of the resurrection. Where Jesus, God himself rose from the dead, that why we are Christian. Without the miracle there would be no Christianity.

Learn to pronounce
the most important and oldest festival of the Christian Church, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ and held (in the Western Church) between March 21 and April 25, on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the northern spring equinox.
Except he was taken down after about an hour and still alive. However, still an hour longer than I've ever been crucified.
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