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Spot the difference! Clinton and Obama and the Easter Worshippers! :(


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
They are cowards. They only cater two one Religion. If you can't even acknowledge the victims as Christians and come up with some play on words "easter worshippers"...how easy is it to say Christians than Easter Worshippers?
They were worshiping at Easter so they are Easter worshippers. They could be Passover worshippers or Ramadan worshippers. Of course, trolls love these kinds of semantic games and especially love posting where the shouldn't in order to ruin the experience for others. They get a charge out of it especially when they go off their meds.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
I call bullshit...you think it's ideal calling a Muslim a "Mohammad Worshipper" then because it doesn't sound right to me.


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010
They are cowards. They only cater two one Religion. If you can't even acknowledge the victims as Christians and come up with some play on words "easter worshippers"...how easy is it to say Christians than Easter Worshippers?
Yes. What's the next word in Christmas time? Pine Tree Worshippers?


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
I call bullshit...you think it's ideal calling a Muslim a "Mohammad Worshipper" then because it doesn't sound right to me.
I have seen these terms used for decades e.g Christmas worshippers. So I call bullshit on you. And the bigger bullshit is all the crocodile tears being shed for Christianity and Christians by uncharitable adulterers bearing false witness against others. Three of Christianity's big sins in one go... Give your head a shake...you couldn't care less about Christianity.

The mod should move this discussion if the OP won't do anything with it.


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010
I have seen these terms used for decades e.g Christmas worshippers. So I call bullshit on you. And the bigger bullshit is all the crocodile tears being shed for Christianity and Christians by uncharitable adulterers bearing false witness against others. Three of Christianity's big sins in one go... Give your head a shake...you couldn't care less about Christianity.

The mod should move this discussion if the OP won't do anything with it.
So from now you give orders for the MOD?


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
So from now you give orders for the MOD?
He sets the rules and you broke them so I suspect he will. BTW I used the word "should" which is different that "must" or "will". It is a recommendation like.... "Iris should stop trolling in the Lounge". It is not a order.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Yes. What's the next word in Christmas time? Pine Tree Worshippers?
Fraser Firs are the Christmas Tree of choice these days. Pines were never satisfactory, nor much used indoors because of their long needles and bare branches, and the Frasers drop fewer needles than Spruce or Balsam. Perhaps the word you were looking for was 'conifer', or maybe 'evergreen'.

I wouldn't have mentioned it, but you seem to feel precise wording and exact nomenclature is so much more important than any intended message. Perhaps you should alert the Thought Police about this WordCrime you detected.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
They are cowards. They only cater two one Religion. If you can't even acknowledge the victims as Christians and come up with some play on words "easter worshippers"...how easy is it to say Christians than Easter Worshippers?


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
Fraser Firs are more popular these days. Pines were never satisfactory indoors because of their long needles and bare branches, and the Frasers drop fewer needles than Spruce or Balsam. Perhaps the word you were looking for was 'conifer', or maybe 'evergreen'.

I wouldn't have mentioned it, but you seem to feel precise wording and exact nomenclature is so much more important than any intended message. Perhaps you should alert the Thought Police about this WordCrime you detected.
Precisely Oldjones. Because we all know that at the heart of Christianity is Christmas... with its pine trees, (sorry Fraser Firs), year round ornament stores, high value presents, Santa, the Grinch, ho ho, hos,, family fights at dinner, excessive drinking, over-eating, maybe midnight mass if you are sober enough... it is a highly solemn religious occasion with a basis firmly in the... er... Bible...maybe? No? Haven't found those references yet but I will keep trying.

Of course, the Muslims and "liberals" (that axis of evil) want to destroy Christianity by taking all that away.... starting with "Christmas trees" and next...the easter bunny. Sorry, the West has destroyed real Christianity long before the liberals or Muslims came along and hardly anyone raised a peep. I'm an athiest and find it all frankly unbelievable so I am not concerned that much. although I like ( truly pagan) Christmas trees in my house and excessive drinking.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Sorry, the West has destroyed real Christianity long before the liberals or Muslims came along and hardly anyone raised a peep.
This was how Easter was celebrated in 1956 in NYC.



Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
Right, with cross lighting on the side of large banking, sorry, money lending institutions. My point exactly.


Mar 9, 2018
I'm just glad we beat your asses in WWII or else we'd all be goose-stepping now.
You didnt fucking beat nobody.

Hitler wasnt killed. He lived out his years in Argentina. You show me Hitlers body and you might have an argument. The WW2 fiasco was the Rothschild baby. Jews killing Jews.

Good try on trying to claim a victory though. Get your history straight before spewing propaganda to the simple minded masses.


Mar 9, 2018
I have seen these terms used for decades e.g Christmas worshippers. So I call bullshit on you. And the bigger bullshit is all the crocodile tears being shed for Christianity and Christians by uncharitable adulterers bearing false witness against others. Three of Christianity's big sins in one go... Give your head a shake...you couldn't care less about Christianity.

The mod should move this discussion if the OP won't do anything with it.
I dont like the term "Christmas worshipper" or "Easter worshipper".

What makes you think I like being called a "xxxx-worshipper" and you justifying it just because you heard it "for years"?

WTF are you? Maybe I can call you something I heard for years? No? Dont like that do you? You're probably butt hurt now because of an idiotic statement YOU seem to think is OK? Shows your intelligence.


Mar 9, 2018
They were worshiping at Easter so they are Easter worshippers. They could be Passover worshippers or Ramadan worshippers. Of course, trolls love these kinds of semantic games and especially love posting where the shouldn't in order to ruin the experience for others. They get a charge out of it especially when they go off their meds.
Yes, you are right. They are "Worshippers". However, when someone PROPERLY identifies with one and NOT with the other, that becomes impartial and biased. As the Liberals would say, RACIST!


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
Who cares what you like? it is in common use...that's a fact. Like Christmas shopper... Not sure why you are so butt-hurt about not being addressed by what you think as a proper Christian title but then again you are on an escort website so you are entitled to whatever hypocrisy you wish to embrace.

What pisses me off is all this bullshit about being concerned about Christianity and in some threads family values when, if they had real concern concern, a lot of the people professing this stuff would not be on Terb and they might look at the real history and practice of the faith they are supposedly trying to defend and maybe live by it. Of course, they won't because they don't believe or it is too hard to do.

Look in the mirror before you cast stones.

I dont like the term "Christmas worshipper" or "Easter worshipper".

What makes you think I like being called a "xxxx-worshipper" and you justifying it just because you heard it "for years"?

WTF are you? Maybe I can call you something I heard for years? No? Dont like that do you? You're probably butt hurt now because of an idiotic statement YOU seem to think is OK? Shows your intelligence.


Active member
Dec 22, 2003
Back in the 6ix
Let's see...

Politics - check
Religion - check
Intl Affairs - check

There is a forum for this that actually handles and is named for all those 3 that you are supposed to post in and for which you are no stranger to, no matter what your reason please read the sticky in that forum .. keep it out of the Lounge.

Have a good day.



Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
I agree it should never have been posted here. IRIS seems to feel it is her right to do so because no agrees with her in those forums. I couldn't let the bullshit go though.

Let's see...

Politics - check
Religion - check
Intl Affairs - check

There is a forum for this that actually handles and is named for all those 3 that you are supposed to post in and for which you are no stranger to, no matter what your reason please read the sticky in that forum .. keep it out of the Lounge.

Have a good day.



Mar 9, 2018
Who cares what you like? it is in common use...that's a fact. Like Christmas shopper... Not sure why you are so butt-hurt about not being addressed by what you think as a proper Christian title but then again you are on an escort website so you are entitled to whatever hypocrisy you wish to embrace.

What pisses me off is all this bullshit about being concerned about Christianity and in some threads family values when, if they had real concern concern, a lot of the people professing this stuff would not be on Terb and they might look at the real history and practice of the faith they are supposedly trying to defend and maybe live by it. Of course, they won't because they don't believe or it is too hard to do.

Look in the mirror before you cast stones.
Watch what you say snowflake.

When it comes to PROPER grammar, capitals are used when speaking of religion and its religious leaders. Its proper name. When we say Jesus, its capitalized. Same with Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Not fucking "Easter worshipper"! Shows your intelligence level. And you want to school me? You respect religion. Period!

Its not what you heard for years! Its like calling black people something I heard for years and saying its ok because of it! Sounds stupid, right? Now you see why someone would take offence to the terms Obama and Hillary use?


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010
Fraser Firs are the Christmas Tree of choice these days. Pines were never satisfactory, nor much used indoors because of their long needles and bare branches, and the Frasers drop fewer needles than Spruce or Balsam. Perhaps the word you were looking for was 'conifer', or maybe 'evergreen'.

I wouldn't have mentioned it, but you seem to feel precise wording and exact nomenclature is so much more important than any intended message. Perhaps you should alert the Thought Police about this WordCrime you detected.
Thank you for this indispensable information Mr. National Geographic. I still prefer a WHITE pine tree in Christmas time. I hope it doesn't make me white supremacist!

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