If the computer has all the necessary data -- and it probably already has -- it can compute patterns swing by swing, pitch by pitch, and tell you what, analytically, a hot streak, a cold streak and an average streak look like. Even predict probabilities for the next pitch or at bat based on the actual situation on the field......but I doubt it shows you when I a player is in a groove.
Everything people do happens in patterns. Whether or not we know what those patters are, is a different question.
The computer would not be 100% accurate but way more accurate than that gut feeling... and that is not denying the value of gut feelings. But give the computer enough historical data and it can reach very high predictive accuracy.
Get used to it! That is what The Information Age and Artificial Intelligence means!
In the future, teams won't even have to play the games. They will just feed in all the latest data and information and the computer will calculate the outcome. :nod: