
Relationships are tough these days


Active member
Oct 5, 2008
My last two girlfreinds have been a nightmare. Reason why social media and them being constantly on it (addicted) specfically instagram. They where spending way to much time on it and i was never sure what they where doing or talking to. I have no problem with them being on it once i awhile keeping in touch with freinds and family but spending hours on it everyday and then who knows how much time on the weekends was a real problem for me.

Its a real relationship killer and the best i can figure why women are on it so much is attention. I cant see myself in a real relationship these days with the cell phone so powerful in peoples lives. Im not going to compete with it for my girls attention.

Anyone else having issues with your SO being on her phone and social media way to much.
To address your point OP. If a woman I’m dating starts texting nonsense or checking social media during our date. 2 things happen:

1) I will not cover her half of the dinner at the restaurant I took her to which she probably can’t afford

2) she does not get a ride back to her place in my Porsche / M3 / whatever car I decided to take that day

You did the right thing. If they want to whore around on social media, just pump and dump them


We can debate causes (e.g. narcissism, attention-seeking genes) all we want and never come to a conclusion but we are left with the simple fact that we are now surrounded be people that spend a massive amount of time on social media. This is historically unique and it is fucked up. They do it at home, in bars (surrounded by real people), while driving, shopping, while out with their family (it is really sad to me seeing a mom and daughter shopping and the daughter spends the whole time on the screen ignoring her mom and walking around bumping into people)... and even at the gym. I often struggle to get a gym machine because some idiot is sitting on it surfing instagram or reddit. It is even common for people to leave their android on a machine's seat while they work out on a different one. Holy fuck people!

Honestly, they just strike me as losers and a waste of humanity. Do they have nothing better to do? Are you that empty that they need to walk around looking at a screen all day full of throw away pictures and inane commentary on useless topics? Some of us are old enough to remember how are parents gave us a hard time for watching an hour of TV a day but it is infinitly worse now Personally, I think women ARE the worst offenders when it comes to social media (not by much though). I am so turned off by it that I now find very physically attractive women to be repulsive if they display the mannerisms of a social media obsessed girl. It is that bad.

Josephine Grey

Well-known member
Oct 2, 2017
Dawn lee and the other SP please sit down

OP is talking about hot young pussy in college/early 20s that is obviously addicted to Instagram and attention. It’s a societal problem, young men are addicted too but for young women it’s much more prevalent

This doesn’t apply to you because you’re a decade older and don’t face the same social pressure. Instead of denying it and trying to fault the OP just discuss the issue at hand.
I never meant to pass a judgement on OP but I don't think we are talking about escort here, but serious relationship. If the young hot 20 yrs old pussies are all addicted to social media maybe go for a still very young hot late 20's pussy and see what happen. The only point that I am trying to make here is that you cannot make the same mistake over and over and keep wondering why. No offence to the Op.You cannot obviously change a generation.

I don't know if not give her a ride back in your breathtaking car or leave her with the bill in that very expensive restaurant is a solution. It might makes her cry. Maybe leave her education to her parents...(you are sarcastic when you say stuff like that right?)


Active member
Oct 5, 2008
how do you know that's what he's talking about lol? he didn't mention how old his girlfriends were. i'm still in my 20s, although i can see how hard you're trying to make this about me lmao.

actually ALL women face the same pressures to look good, on social media and off social media. that's not really the issue at all. you can look good on social media while still feeling like you want to put down the phone and focus on your partner BECAUSE HE'S WORTH IT AND MORE INTERESTING than your instagram timeline. they're not mutually exclusive at all lol.
Because any woman 30+ who still obsessed over Instagram is either;

1) paid for it (advertising)
2) marketing their services / business



3) still way behind in life, not mature, failure to launch to adulthood


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2017
I have no issues with dawn lee or any other sp commenting on this thread. I Actually like dawn lee she's opinionated strong women. I read a few of her blogs after the whole Toronto sun thing.

To clarify this women was east Indian, 28, works for the government, long black hair very busty, eyes so bright that they shine, a smile thats incredible, lips where so full and soft kissing her was heaven. I was crazy for her still am. I met her on vacation she was there with her cousin we spent a amazing week together dated on are return. I never had instagram didn't know much about it she got me into it because as i found out its a huge part of her life. I found myself looking at other people's lives who i dont know or care about. Then i found myself looking at all the people she was following or who where following her. It was crazy. I got right into it and felt like i was losing myself and felt depressed. Instagram is so stupid and such a waste of time there so much better things to do.

Anyways deeper into are relationship i figure she was spending three to four hours on it a day and probably seven or eight on the weekends. She put these stupid pics up with the filter and like flowers around her head or animal faces lol. I didn't tell her but she looked like a idiot. Grown ass women doing that is just silly.

I would of been with her but I'm not going to be with someone who wastes all that time on Instagram its retarded. I wouldn't trust them anyways. I never told her to get off, im not going to tell people what to do or that there throwing away there life on stupid stuff.

I think its a huge addiction like drugs or cigarettes. They can't help themselves lots of these people grew up on Instagram. Sad thing is its so embedded in there life they can't stop. I never realized this till this last 12 months or so.

Never talked to her for months she called me recently and I've come to realize her heads all fucked up from social media although there a part of her that totally amazing i just hate the social media side.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2017
The other one before her was some 25 year old chick who had like 10000 followers she thought she was some kind of celebrity lol. I couldn't care less about her ( just a fling ) she was always on her phone. I found it odd. Wherever we would go she would take pics and post them lol. Even like meals and stuff.

No one knows about this so just figured on venting a bit on here since i don't know anyone. Get it off my chest its been a tough go.

I haven't been on Instagram for many months. Deleted my account.

It was one hell of a strange experience and i will never ever date anyone who spends a lot of time on it.

Everyone is comparing there lives to other people's no wonder depression is so common


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Women with their phones are to blame for the breakdown of the social contract between the sexes and yet it's a man who invented the cell.
The first Smartphone, the Blackberry was a business oriented device with high security features.

Then in 2006 the iPhone came along with a sleek design, simple button pushing and a camera. And sales to women skyrocketed.

Why? Because I've seen studies done where women use the Camara all the time compared to men. To check makeup, check if their ass looks ok in an outfit. To send pics of clothing choices for peer approval. To document every moment they look great.

And alot if it has to do with the social competition that women do engage in from the tween years. A culture of approval/ostrasization used to establish a pecking order and then on men to gain "the upper hand" using emotional manipulation.

Full disclosure alot of this is my SO who hates this and won't engage in it.

Smartphones have widened the circle these behaviors can be engaged in, both in numbers and how often.

Do all women engage in this? Certainly not. I even see some young ones disengaging. But the drive for competition is strong as is the peer pressure.

That's why it's in some ways a great tell for us guys. If they don't have the capability emotionally to shut it out then you know your place in the pecking order.

And can seek a better partner.


Jun 8, 2009
The flipside to this is that if you speak to young women they'll tell you there's hardly any men out there worth dating. Quite a few are under the impression that most men are 30-year old sad losers who still live at home, do nothing apart from playing video games, and their only experience with female company is when they hire a hooker to fuck them.


The Chiseler
Jan 4, 2008
A lot has certainly changed in how we interact.

Nowadays, if you go into a coffee shop like Starbucks to drink coffee, without a smartphone or laptop, you're a weirdo LOL
Gone are the days where you can just sit and watch the world go by.


The Chiseler
Jan 4, 2008
Nor would any guy post incessantly on an escort review site without ever posting a single review. What's your point Mr. Eunuch?
His view of sugar babies is way off base as are most of his views

Josephine Grey

Well-known member
Oct 2, 2017
Its not their fault. Its part of the imprisons people. Its hard...I struggle with this every day. Luckily I haven’t posted any personal shit online but I struggle not touching my phone, not checking on social media, not posting on terb, it gives me anxiety sometimes if I am missing the phone for more then a few minutes and the device is not on me to allow me to lead multiple lifestyles with my core identity with fake aliases. I am consciously now tying to break this and have made progress but I struggle with it on the daily like an addiction. I can only imagine how bad it is for these younger generations especially the teens and the people in their 20s...for reference I am in my late 30s...its not their fault, some of them don't even see or realize its a problem and can’t see whats happening until it becomes too late and starts affecting their life and depression sets in deep down. They think this is normal, they see it al around them, they think this is part of life. Its a viscous downward cycle. It will only get worse...this is just the tip of the iceberg, its affecting a lot of people. Some of you are so lucky you escaped this...a lot of people can’t even see.

I have so much admiration for you to admit it! It is true that it is hard to stay away. In my case I am not big on social media but I pass the time reading the forum. It keeps me entertained. I wasn't like that before.
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The Chiseler
Jan 4, 2008
We really do need a Dawn Lee call in radio show


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Females love attention, specifically male attention. Not sex, but attention driven by sex appeal. And lots of it; the more, the better. It's in their DNA to want to attract as many potential highly suitable partners as possible so they can choose the top specimen to mate with.

Modern technology in the form of social media is the absolute ultra perfect marriage for the female attention-seeking gene, and that's its downfall. I'm not going to make any dire predictions about what this means for society. I really don't know how things will turn out. The only thing that is certain is that there's no going back from here.
Plenty of males start threads on terb looking for attention too ;)


Aug 19, 2007
The first Smartphone, the Blackberry was a business oriented device with high security features.

Then in 2006 the iPhone came along with a sleek design, simple button pushing and a camera. And sales to women skyrocketed.

Why? Because I've seen studies done where women use the Camara all the time compared to men. To check makeup, check if their ass looks ok in an outfit. To send pics of clothing choices for peer approval. To document every moment they look great.

And alot if it has to do with the social competition that women do engage in from the tween years. A culture of approval/ostrasization used to establish a pecking order and then on men to gain "the upper hand" using emotional manipulation.

Full disclosure alot of this is my SO who hates this and won't engage in it.

Smartphones have widened the circle these behaviors can be engaged in, both in numbers and how often.

Do all women engage in this? Certainly not. I even see some young ones disengaging. But the drive for competition is strong as is the peer pressure.

That's why it's in some ways a great tell for us guys. If they don't have the capability emotionally to shut it out then you know your place in the pecking order.

And can seek a better partner.
Nailed it. Not surprisingly, school administrators say anxiety and depression even among grade school kids sky rocked every year after this. We're seeing this now, and it's a 'crisis' in universities. Can't handle reality, or the online world changes, and often leaves you behind. The iphone (IGen or Gen Z as well as younger millennials) are more often than not, completely absorbed in this. Especially females where it has fundamentally messed up their thinking process.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2004
GTA & Thereabouts...
Jesus, this thread is miserable. I was married before smartphones were even a thing. I watch my wife live on the device now and it irritates me... but it seems like it'll be the same with anyone else.

I don't Facebook, etc., but use my phone for work, reading news/items/sports, watch porn and TERB.

I love talking with women in their late 30's and 40's. I'll agree that it seems useless to talk to women in their young 20's.


Aug 19, 2007
The flipside to this is that if you speak to young women they'll tell you there's hardly any men out there worth dating. Quite a few are under the impression that most men are 30-year old sad losers who still live at home, do nothing apart from playing video games, and their only experience with female company is when they hire a hooker to fuck them.
It's a world wide phenomenon that women feel there aren't sufficient male suitors to meet their standards, and thus have taken to freezing their eggs at increasing levels.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
The flipside to this is that if you speak to young women they'll tell you there's hardly any men out there worth dating. Quite a few are under the impression that most men are 30-year old sad losers who still live at home, do nothing apart from playing video games, and their only experience with female company is when they hire a hooker to fuck them.
What 30 year old living with mommy has money to hire hookers? Don't they live at home because they don't have money to move out?
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