Pickering Angels

Israel Haters Silent As Palestinians Gassed in Tunnel. Can You Guess Why?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
So why did Hamas say that most of the dead were their fighters, why do most Gazans say Hamas is behind the process and why is Hamas organizing buses from schools and paying families to attend?


Why are you so afraid of describing Hamas as terrorists even when the groups you pretend to support say so?
That account has been disputed, the translation comes from MEMRI.
Not to mention you call all medical workers in Gaza 'Hamas' in the context of just reporting numbers of wounded and killed.
You constantly try to label all of Gaza 'Hamas' and therefore terrorists in order to justify gunning them down every week for a year.
More importantly, this is what HRW says about the matter.

“It doesn’t matter whether the victims were members of Hamas or not,” Human Rights Watch director Kenneth Roth stated on Thursday.

“Israeli snipers, entrenched behind two substantial fences, had no right to use lethal force … against anyone unless as a last resort to stop an imminent lethal threat.”

Calling the dead “ ‘terrorists’ doesn’t change the rules,” Roth added.

“This wasn’t a war where combatants were shooting at each other. It was a protest, where law enforcement rules apply.”


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
That account has been disputed, the translation comes from MEMRI.....
Wow your excuses are pretty pathetic. Hamas admits they are terrorists, the rights groups you claim to support say Hamas are terrorists, the Western world says Hamas are terrorists, but you keep looking for excuses to say otherwise.

p.s. Nowhere in the CNN article does it say anything about your excuses being true. The guy admitted in interviews and Hamas posted widely on their social media that the vast majority of the dead were their militants, not civilians.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Wow your excuses are pretty pathetic.
Using quotes from MEMRI is pathetic.
They falsify translations for propaganda.

As you well know.

In week 50 of Israel's gunning down civilians, they shot one protester in the head with snipers and injured another 44.
Close to 1000 children have been permanently crippled now by Israeli snipers.

Of course you'll try to claim that they are all Hamas children and/or terrorists.



Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Using quotes from MEMRI is pathetic.
They falsify translations for propaganda.

As you well know.

In week 50 of Israel's gunning down civilians, they shot one protester in the head with snipers and injured another 44.
Close to 1000 children have been permanently crippled now by Israeli snipers.

Of course you'll try to claim that they are all Hamas children and/or terrorists.

how do you know that Memri falsifies translations? do you speak and read Arabic?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Using quotes from...

Amazing the excuses you come up with to avoid admitting Hamas are terrorists.

Amnesty calls Hamas terrorists. HRW calls Hamas terrorists. Canada calls Hamas terrorists. The Western world calls Hamas terrorists. Hamas proudly claims credit for terrorism. Meanwhile you say they are all lying.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
answer the question do you understand, read and write Arabic?

mediabiasfactcheck is a one-man operation and like other fact-checking websites they are biased and partisan

and i won't bother to read your biased partisan crap when you refuse to read mine that disagrees with you

so answer the question do you speak and read Arabic?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Where does it say that? CNN even talked directly to a Hamas spokesman.

Sadly your desperation to praise Hamas has you going deep in the rabbit hole.

Meanwhile, Israel continues gunning down civilians every Friday night as if for sport now.
You have to assume that shooting civilians and crippling children is part of Israeli policy when it happens every Friday for a year.

Netanyahu also confirmed that Israel is apartheid.

However, in his comments on Instagram, Netanyahu referred to a deeply controversial law passed last year declaring Israel the nation-state of the Jewish people.

"Israel is not a state of all its citizens," he wrote in response to criticism from an Israeli actor, Rotem Sela.

"According to the basic nationality law we passed, Israel is the nation state of the Jewish people - and only it.

That's apartheid.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Keep looking for excuses to avoid criticizing Hamas. CNN interviewed their spokesman but all you can do is claim the Jews are lying.
Don't be an arsewipe, I'm only claiming that MEMRI lies.
You aren't really arguing that MEMRI speaks for what you like to call, 'the Jews'?

Are they really your spokespeople?

Buzzfeed posted a good opinion piece on the difference between US Jews and Zionists, by an American Jew.
(I note this only because if it were by a Palestinian you'd immediately dismiss it)

What this really reflects is a clash between two fundamentally different views of the world. The Jewish communities in the United States and Israel have roughly equal-sized populations, and in many ways embody two different responses to the very real and lengthy history of anti-Semitism and persecution: Zionism vs. equality.

Zionism’s answer is that the only way to ensure the security of the Jewish people is through a Jewish state — a largely homogenous ethnoreligious nationalism where Jews dominate a nation, its laws, and its security apparatus. This answer comes at the expense of Palestinians, for whom Zionism meant the destruction of their society and their continued subjugation.

Equality provides a different answer. It sees the security of Jews as wound up in the security of other minority groups, and responds by trying to build an inclusive society where people can safely be who they are. The answer is civil rights, not majoritarian nationalism — and this means the civil rights of all. This is one reason why the Jewish community in the US has historically been at the forefront of the fight for civil rights and against racism and exclusion.

Broadly speaking, equal rights is seen as a path to security for American Jews, who are one of many minorities. In the Israeli context, where majoritarianism is politically empowering, equal rights can be viewed as a path to insecurity. These different predicaments, and the effort to achieve safety in each, come with a very different set of values.

This values divide was reflected in a Pew poll on Israeli and American Jews, published in the first month of the Trump administration. When asked what is an essential part of what it means to be Jewish, one of the largest gaps between Israeli and American Jewish respondents was to the idea of “working for justice and equality.” American Jews were significantly more likely to identify this as central to their Jewish identity. Interestingly, “living in/caring about Israel” is where there was similar overlap between the groups of respondents, but in neither group was there majority support for this answer.

This tension has always existed, but over time it has been elevated or diminished. Today it is very much elevated, with factors in the US and in Israel/Palestine widening the gap.

Increasingly, American Jews view what Israel is doing to Palestinians as fundamentally contrary to Jewish values. At the same time, the Israeli government has doubled down on its entrenchment of occupation and apartheid, and its open alliance with authoritarians and enthonationalists around the world. Just this week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reminded us that not only do millions of Palestinians living under military occupation have no right to vote, but even those who are Israeli citizens are not equal to Jews.

There’s also the partisan polarization of the US–Israel relationship, driven by Netanyahu and Israel through an alliance with the Evangelical Christians that undergird the GOP. Most American Jews vote Democrat and voted for Obama, twice. They remain broadly supportive of Israel, but they don’t support all Israeli policies, and Israel is not among their top voting issues. Rather, like most Americans, they prioritize issues like the economy, health care, national security, and the environment.

This broke into the open with Netanyahu’s blatant political attacks on Barack Obama, the first black president, who himself embodied what a multicultural America could lead to. Many of the attacks on President Obama’s Iran diplomacy came with racially coded and sometimes overt suggestions that Obama was betraying America and Israel.

This was a slightly more sophisticated form of birtherism, a higher pitched dog whistle. That might be why members of the Congressional Black Caucus skipped Netanyahu’s speech before Congress in 2015, and why they spoke up behind the scenes to change language that was previously seen as clearly targeting their colleague Rep. Omar.

The partisan divide was exacerbated with the arrival of Trump, who secured the White House while displaying almost every form of bigotry and prejudice you could imagine. His words and actions emboldened white nationalists and brought a rise in hate crimes. The prime minister of Israel responded by saying there “was no greater supporter of the Jewish people” than the white supremacist in chief.

Then came Charlottesville, and then the Tree of Life synagogue shooting, where a murderous anti-Semite massacred Jews because he believed they were helping flood America with foreigners. His hatred of immigrants and Muslims reinforced his anti-Semitism and vice versa. This should remind us that these evils can not be fought in isolation, as Zionism would suggest, but rather must be opposed together as an intersectional approach would demand.

As if to demonstrate this very point, Jeanine Pirro, a talk show host on the preeminent media platform of the right, Fox News, offered a hate-filled 10-minute diatribe against Rep. Omar this weekend that was entirely built around actual dual loyalty smears. She made clear she believes Omar, a hijab-wearing African refugee, was a subversive threat to America. Her words were ugly enough that even Fox News condemned them.

The belief that injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere, as famously introduced by Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., is why minorities should band together and defend one another. And a commitment to justice must also mean opposing Israel’s horrific treatment of Palestinians. It all adds up to a perfect storm of growing Jewish American alienation from Israel, and increasing criticism of Zionism as a whole.

So how can you blunt that alienation, and limit the rise of Palestinian rights in mainstream politics? One way is to send a message to American Jews that even if they’re appalled by the right, the left is no better. This is done by elevating a false equivalence between anti-Semitism on the left and the right.

It is a classic Zionist response to American Jews: You are not safe in a society premised on equal rights, because you are Jews, a minority with a history of persecution, and the only answer is Zionism. The right and the left have failed you and will keep failing you equally.

I doubt this will be particularly persuasive, in the short or long term. The ethnic nationalism of the right will always elevate one community at the expense of others, just as Zionism has done to Palestinians. We must work toward a vision of the world that rejects seeing the humanity and equality of people as zero sum, but rather sees them as inherently interconnected.

Yousef Munayyer is executive director of the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Don't be an arsewipe, I'm only claiming that MEMRI lies...

1) CNN themselves spoke to Hamas' spokesman before publishing the article.

2) I'm sure MEMRI has the full audio of what Hamas said. Instead of dismissing them as biassed Jews because you don't like what they say, perhaps you could point out the errors in their translation. And no, not a single organization has claimed their translation of this was wrong.

3) You make a complete ass of yourself every time you try to defend Hamas from their own words. There is a reason why Hamas is considered a terrorist entity by the Western world and it isn't a Jewish conspiracy like you want to pretend.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
..., by an American Jew....
You love using Jews to justify your opinion but sadly don't realize that it is a racist technique to deflect criticism. The opinions in an op-ed should stand on their own but the fact that you feel the need to increase the author's standing by saying he is a Jew shows your underlying racism (especially since you continually dismiss any Jew who disagrees with you as unreasonably biased).

But JOKE'S ON YOU because Mr. Munayyer is Israeli Arab with American citizenship.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You love using Jews to justify your opinion but sadly don't realize that it is a racist technique to deflect criticism. The opinions in an op-ed should stand on their own but the fact that you feel the need to increase the author's standing by saying he is a Jew shows your underlying racism (especially since you continually dismiss any Jew who disagrees with you as unreasonably biased).

But JOKE'S ON YOU because Mr. Munayyer is Israeli Arab with American citizenship.
Oh, so are you so racist that you now think his words don't matter because he's Palestinian?
Guess that's really your point here, isn't it?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Netanyahu declares Israel to be apartheid.

Netanyahu Tells Arab Citizens They’re Not Real Israelis
The prime minister has made it clear that Israel is not a state of all its citizens


“Israel is not a state of all its citizens,” Netanyahu said on Facebook after a local celebrity criticized his assertion that Arab parties don’t belong in any government formed after the April 9 vote. “Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish people—and it alone.”


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Netanyahu declares Israel to be apartheid....
Netanyahu is an idiot and like Trump, some combination of racist and pragmatism willing to embrace racism. Thankfully the Israeli Supreme Court has ruled otherwise.

But your racist nature is clear since you condemn Netanyahu but refuse to condemn Hamas or factions in the PA who demand a Jew free region.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Oh, so are you so racist that you now think his words don't matter because he's Palestinian?
Guess that's really your point here, isn't it?
Sorry clown but you got caught in a Trump-like lie when you tried to justify the blog by saying the author is Jewish and like Trump, you double down instead of admitting you were wrong.

Even funnier is that it was in a post where you accused CNN and others of lying.


Buzzfeed posted a good opinion piece on the difference between US Jews and Zionists, by an American Jew....


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Netanyahu is an idiot and like Trump, some combination of racist and pragmatism willing to embrace racism. Thankfully the Israeli Supreme Court has ruled otherwise.

But your racist nature is clear since you condemn Netanyahu but refuse to condemn Hamas or factions in the PA who demand a Jew free region.
If you want to blame Hamas, you should blame those who fund them.

Jerusalem Post Arab-Israeli Conflict



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Sorry clown but you got caught in a Trump-like lie when you tried to justify the blog by saying the author is Jewish and like Trump, you double down instead of admitting you were wrong.
I admit I was wrong about the nationality of the author.

Now, shall we ask why the nationality of the author is so important to you and why you base your views on their writings on their race before you assess their work?
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