And again you stoop to faking posts.
If you actually believed it you wouldn't spend thread after thread trying avoid criticizing Hamas for their terrorism, racism and outright rejection of any permanent peace.
What are you, Fox news?
Do you think repeating the same lie, that I debunk in every post, will make it true?
Hold both Israel and Hamas to the law, treat them equally before the law.
Including holding Israel, who has been responsible for 50 years of brutal military occupation that has rejected any permanent peace while they continue to take more of what could have been Palestine, to the law.
Take Hamas to the ICC for the rockets and take Israel to the ICC for apartheid, gunning down civilians every Friday for a year, the occupation, apartheid, land theft and rampant racism.
p.s. Your 'both sides' sounds familiar Trumpo.
Your rampant racism and refusal to accept that Palestinians should have basic human rights is much more Trump like.