Thanks, Phil. That was definitely more informative than anything that anyone else posted.
Listen, the original question was how to decrease the amount of shootings because it is increasing and people are concerned.
So my point is/was that shootings are caused by guns, ergo if there are no guns there could be no shootings. That point is 100% irrefutable, there is no flaw whatsoever in that logic, but incredibly, nobody could bring themselves to admit that. (There were one or two.) All I got was a bunch of mumbo jumbo based on gut instinct and conjecture and opinion, which I imagine is mostly brought about by bias.
If you notice, I never called for this to be implemented, or how to implement it. It was a very simple, albeit theoretical, answer to the question at hand. All I kept doing was asking questions, asking people to back up their claims with some facts (which, thanks again, YOU did). Nobody had anything concrete, just theories about why it would make no difference, but nothing definitive, that people could prove. The fact that I would legitimately question the validity of their claims and they could not, infuriated them and I knew it would. It was fun to watch. Maybe I was trolling a bit.
So once again, I am not proposing this to happen or suggesting how, or even pretended that I could back it up with facts, because I know it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to do that (and admitted so very early). All I was trying to do was to get the gun proponents to be realistic adults and admit that THE SAME IS TRUE for their side of the argument. Instead I got called names. I can't PROVE my point, but to deny that a dramatic decrease in the availability of guns would decrease the number of shootings is folly that defies logic. Less guns=less shootings, just as less cars=less traffic. Even lomotil agreed with me.
Go ahead guys and knock yourselves out (it is less harmful than shooting yourselves). I will probably no longer respond, unless it is a particularly insightful post, as yours was.
By the way, I knew it was a joke and thought it was a good one.