The world has barely 10 years to get climate change under control U.N. scientists say


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
One last time: "There are, however, differences between simulated and observed trends...."
Thanks for confirming that they the report did not say way you claimed it said.
Just yet another deceitful post from terb's most dishonest science denier.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Science is about making precise predictions that can be compared with real-world observations.
That's why you fail at science, where you couldn't even predict the temperature for one single year.
And why the IPCC is really quite outstanding.

Look how solid their precise predictions have been.


Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
What is this 'earth's natural warming cycle' that you claim exists.
That sounds like a garbage claim again.

Please describe exactly what you claim this cycle to be, with evidence that it exists as a 'cycle'
Since you wont answer my earlier question Frankie, I've answered it for you.
Right from NASA's own website:

"For the ordinary person, it's a common misperception that weather is not changing ... that last winter is about as cold as this winter and last summer is about as warm ... and the world is pretty much constant," Krabill said. "That's not true. The Earth has gone through and continues to go through cycles of warming and cooling. It's just natural."

This natural variability often shows an astounding degree of complexity, much of which remains poorly understood
So there you have it Frankie, earth goes through and continues to go through natural cycles of warming and cooling.
And you didnt even know this, Frankie. And yet you continue to pass yourself off as some kind of global warming expert.

How funny is that?? :nod:


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Since you wont answer my earlier question Frankie, I've answered it for you.
Right from NASA's own website:

So there you have it Frankie, earth goes through and continues to go through natural cycles of warming and cooling.
And you didnt even know this, Frankie. And yet you continue to pass yourself off as some kind of global warming expert.

How funny is that?? :nod:
Phil, the planet also has volcanoes and earthquakes that occur 'naturally'.
Does that mean you want to go through those?

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
That's why you fail at science, where you couldn't even predict the temperature for one single year.
And why the IPCC is really quite outstanding.

Look how solid their precise predictions have been.

Completely fake doctored chart. The GCM projections have tremendously overstated warming even many of the alarmists admit to that. Which is why they are manipulating the surface temperatures.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Completely fake doctored chart. The GCM projections have tremendously overstated warming even many of the alarmists admit to that. Which is why they are manipulating the surface temperatures.

That chart comes from Gavin Schmidt.^appleosx|twcamp^safari|twgr^profile

It's totally legit.

Your failure to differentiate between legit science and bullshit is quite apparent.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Phil, the planet also has volcanoes and earthquakes that occur 'naturally'.
Does that mean you want to go through those?
Before we get into to that, can you now finally admit earth does go through natural warming/cooling cycles??
Thats something you knew nothing about, according to your own words:

What is this 'earth's natural warming cycle' that you claim exists.
That sounds like a garbage claim again
I'll be waiting for your respopnse


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Before we get into to that, can you now finally admit earth does go through natural warming/cooling cycles??
Thats something you knew nothing about, according to your own words:
I'll be waiting for your respopnse
Fail again, Phil.

You claimed there was a 'natural warming and cooling cycle'.
That's what I asked about.
That's very different from stating that the earth's climate changes as you stated that there is a 'cycle' to this warming and cooling about.
You also couldn't define what you think this 'cycle' is, or how or why it happens.

Since I know that you have zero understanding of science and the climate, I'm not going to wait for you to answer a question you clearly cannot or will not answer.
Instead I'm going to ask again the more important question.

Why would you think intentionally changing the climate, if it risks thermal maximum or ice age or at least a devastating warming long term, be any less stupid just because it also happens 'naturally'?

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Fail again, Phil.

You claimed there was a 'natural warming and cooling cycle'.
That's what I asked about
Wrong!!! I said earth has had natural warming/cooling cycles in the past before (which is true).
And you didnt even know this, so stop trying to bullshit your way out of it. You've lost all credibility.

Here's my original post:

Maybe have a look at this graph then. It clearly shows earth has historically gone through warming/cooling cycles

That's very different from stating that the earth's climate changes as you stated that there is a 'cycle' to this warming and cooling about.
You also couldn't define what you think this 'cycle' is, or how or why it happens
Nobody knows 100% sure why the earth goes through warming/cooling cycles.
There are theories but they are virtually impossible to prove.
Some experts think its the increase in solar activity

Since I know that you have zero understanding of science and the climate
You have that exactly the other way around, its you who lost a bet with Moviefan and its also you who didnt even know earth went through major warming/cooling cycles

Why would you think intentionally changing the climate, if it risks thermal maximum or ice age or at least a devastating warming long term, be any less stupid just because it also happens 'naturally'?
Mankind has been pumping out CO2's since around 1900. Earth has only warmed up 0.8C since then.
If thats the only minor warming in 118 years, we probably have another 100 to 200 years to find a cleaner fuel source


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Wrong!!! I said earth has had natural warming/cooling cycles in the past before (which is true).
And you didnt even know this, so stop trying to bullshit your way out of it. You've lost all credibility.

Here's my original post:
You said cycles, which implies there is a mechanism that you cannot identify that cycles between warm and cool periods.
Then you provided 3 dodgy charts which had major flaws you couldn't identify.

Of course the earth has had warm periods, like the PETM, and ice ages.
What is not true is that they are 'cycles'.
You still don't understand the basics.

Nobody knows 100% sure why the earth goes through warming/cooling cycles.
There are theories but they are virtually impossible to prove.
Some experts think its the increase in solar activity
Your 'experts' are idiots, either kooks who have no clue, or lobbyists paid to pull the wool over your very blurry eyes.
You have that exactly the other way around, its you who lost a bet with Moviefan and its also you who didnt even know earth went through major warming/cooling cycles
Moviefan bet that 2015's global temp wouldn't hit 0.83ºC.
When 2015 came out as 0.86ºC he refused to admit he was wrong, tried bait and switch charts, lied and generally acted like a dishonest weasel.
Of course you also think that 2015's temp didn't 0.86ºC, you're not that bright either.
Mankind has been pumping out CO2's since around 1900. Earth has only warmed up 0.8C since then.
If thats the only minor warming in 118 years, we probably have another 100 to 200 years to find a cleaner fuel source

The earth has warmed 1ºC, though some have argued its already 1.5ºC since pre-industrial temps.
Never in the history of this planet has a temperature change this big happened so fast.

We are presently headed towards a 3-4ºC increase with the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and present actions.
Can you tell me how much lower that is then the PETM, the highest temperature the planet has recorded?


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Before we get into to that, can you now finally admit earth does go through natural warming/cooling cycles??
Thats something you knew nothing about, according to your own words:

I'll be waiting for your respopnse
Before we get into that can you admit that 97% of climate scientists probably know more than you about climate science.

I'll be waiting for your answer.

Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals1 show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree*: Climate-warming trends over the past century are extremely likely due to human activities. In addition, most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position. The following is a partial list of these organizations, along with links to their published statements and a selection of related resources.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
You said cycles, which implies there is a mechanism that you cannot identify that cycles between warm and cool periods.
Then you provided 3 dodgy charts which had major flaws you couldn't identify.

Of course the earth has had warm periods, like the PETM, and ice ages.
What is not true is that they are 'cycles'
Of course they are cycles. Right from NASA's own website??
Are you saying NASA is wrong??

"For the ordinary person, it's a common misperception that weather is not changing ... that last winter is about as cold as this winter and last summer is about as warm ... and the world is pretty much constant," Krabill said. "That's not true. The Earth has gone through and continues to go through cycles of warming and cooling. It's just natural."

This natural variability often shows an astounding degree of complexity, much of which remains poorly understood
Moviefan bet that 2015's global temp wouldn't hit 0.83ºC.
When 2015 came out as 0.86ºC he refused to admit he was wrong, tried bait and switch charts, lied and generally acted like a dishonest weasel
You welched on the bet, just as I predict you'll welch on our sig bet
(which is 2 months away)

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Before we get into that can you admit that 97% of climate scientists probably know more than you about climate science.

I'll be waiting for your answer.
I'm saying 97% of climate scientists dont know exactly how much of earth's 0.8C warming we've had over the last 100 years is due to earth's natural warming cycle, and how much is due to manmade CO2 output


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Of course they are cycles. Right from NASA's own website??
Are you saying NASA is wrong??
So I ask again.
What are these 'cycles' and what is the mechanism that causes them?
That's the same question I asked you previously.
Can you answer now using the legit info from NASA?

You welched on the bet, just as I predict you'll welch on our sig bet
(which is 2 months away)
Tell me again how you think I lost the bet, when moviefan bet that 2015 wouldn't hit 0.83ºC and it went to 0.86ºC.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
So I ask again.
What are these 'cycles' and what is the mechanism that causes them?
That's the same question I asked you previously.
Can you answer now using the legit info from NASA?
First admit earth goes through natural warming/cooling cycles, and then I'll answer your question


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
I'm saying 97% of climate scientists dont know exactly how much of earth's 0.8C warming we've had over the last 100 years is due to earth's natural warming cycle, and how much is due to manmade CO2 output
So you are saying that when 97% of climate scientists say that climate warming trends over the last century are EXTREMELY LIKELY DUE TO HUMAN ACTIVITIES you are saying they are wrong.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
So you are saying that when 97% of climate scientists say that climate warming trends over the last century are EXTREMELY LIKELY DUE TO HUMAN ACTIVITIES you are saying they are wrong.
For the umpteenth time 97% doesn't exist. It's a fallacy. And for the % of so called climate scientists who are saying this, they are absolutely wrong.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
For the umpteenth time 97% doesn't exist. It's a fallacy. And for the % of so called climate scientists who are saying this, they are absolutely wrong.
I guess because your "Climate Change Denier Scientist" called Trump said so.
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