
Officials: Explosive Device Found in NY Mailbox at Home of George Soros


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2016
They caught the guy, you gotta be crazy to drive around with a van like that.

Suspected MAGA bomber identified ‘Native American Trump supporter’ Cesar Sayoc

A man arrested on suspicion of being the MAGA bomber has been named as Native American Trump supporter Cesar Sayoc, 56. Sayoc, of Fort Lauderdale, is belived to have been arrested in Plantation, a suburb of Miami, Florida, Friday on suspicion of sending 12 pipe bombs to top Democrats and high-profile figures critical of Donald Trump. Online records show Sayoc, who has a criminal record, has owned companies called Native American Catering & Vending, as well as Proud Native America One Low Price Drycleaning.

Bodybuilder Sayoc is said to have been traced by DNA and phone records, and was flagged as a suspect after making previous terror threats to judges. Meanwhile, photos have emerged of a van linked to Sayoc covered in pro-Trump and anti-Hillary Clinton stickers.

The van was seen being covered up by law enforcement officials after Sayoc was arrested. An older picture dug up by an eagle-eyed tweeter appears to show a picture of Hillary Clinton’s head sat in between a set of crosshairs. Another sticker reads ‘Dishonest media CNN sucks,’ with numerous other pro-Trump pictures, including one describing its driver as a Native American Trump supporter.

Other images on the van include a photoshopped image of Trump atop a tank while a bomb explodes in the background. Yet another sticker reads: ‘I am Donald Trump & I Approve This Message.’
Law enforcement officials were seen covering a white van close to the scene, which appears to be covered in photos of Donald Trump Mike Pence, and is reported to have at least one sticker referring to Hillary Clinton. A CNN logo was also visibe on the van’s side window. It was seen being loaded onto a police flatbed truck. The man was arrested in the same district represented by Congresswoman Debbie Schultz, who received one pipe bomb and was marked as the sender on numerous others.

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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Understand that all of them thus far were "incapable of detonation."
That makes it OK. Cesar Sayoc is a very fine person in your fractured mind.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
They caught the guy, you gotta be crazy to drive around with a van like that.

Suspected MAGA bomber identified ‘Native American Trump supporter’ Cesar Sayoc

A man arrested on suspicion of being the MAGA bomber has been named as Native American Trump supporter Cesar Sayoc, 56. Sayoc, of Fort Lauderdale, is belived to have been arrested in Plantation, a suburb of Miami, Florida, Friday on suspicion of sending 12 pipe bombs to top Democrats and high-profile figures critical of Donald Trump. Online records show Sayoc, who has a criminal record, has owned companies called Native American Catering & Vending, as well as Proud Native America One Low Price Drycleaning.

Bodybuilder Sayoc is said to have been traced by DNA and phone records, and was flagged as a suspect after making previous terror threats to judges. Meanwhile, photos have emerged of a van linked to Sayoc covered in pro-Trump and anti-Hillary Clinton stickers.

The van was seen being covered up by law enforcement officials after Sayoc was arrested. An older picture dug up by an eagle-eyed tweeter appears to show a picture of Hillary Clinton’s head sat in between a set of crosshairs. Another sticker reads ‘Dishonest media CNN sucks,’ with numerous other pro-Trump pictures, including one describing its driver as a Native American Trump supporter.

Other images on the van include a photoshopped image of Trump atop a tank while a bomb explodes in the background. Yet another sticker reads: ‘I am Donald Trump & I Approve This Message.’
Law enforcement officials were seen covering a white van close to the scene, which appears to be covered in photos of Donald Trump Mike Pence, and is reported to have at least one sticker referring to Hillary Clinton. A CNN logo was also visibe on the van’s side window. It was seen being loaded onto a police flatbed truck. The man was arrested in the same district represented by Congresswoman Debbie Schultz, who received one pipe bomb and was marked as the sender on numerous others.

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OMFG! Just like I thought- a nut case Trump Supporter!


Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
You're right, it isn't surprising that a Native American would be a Trump supporter, after the shameful antics of Elizabeth Warren.
So it is all Elizabeth Warren's fault. I guess Soros funded Warren who funded Cesar Sayoc. Plugged you always have the solution!! :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
"Leftie's" made pipe bombs. Please share.
BTW, CNN and all the MSM who infuriated your cult leader called Trump, got it absolutely spot on with why it is Trump who has been feeding violent ideas into his base. Remarks like Enemies of the People, Crooked so and so, Beat the Crap out of them and I will pay for your legal costs. Wonder whether he is going to live up to his campaign promise, pay for the legal costs, and even pardon Cesar Sayoc?

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
"Leftie's" made pipe bombs. Please share
What he did was worse, because he actually injured (and almost killed) people.
From what it looks like this clown just sent a bunch of fake pipe-bombs to scare people.

So tell me which is worse, shooting someone to the point they're almost dead, or scaring someone with fake bombs??


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
High-profile conservatives claim mail bombs are an attack by the left
Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh have suggested Democrats sent packages to elicit sympathy ahead of midterms:

A range of high-profile conservatives have embraced a conspiracy theory that mail bombs sent to liberal public figures are a “false flag” attack by leftwingers. Many have also claimed that the attacks are intended to elicit sympathy for Democrats ahead of the looming midterm elections.

Authorities are yet to identify a suspect or motive in the bombings, which have seen 12 pipe bombs sent to a range of figures from former president Barack Obama to Bill and Hillary Clinton to financier George Soros and even to the out-spoken actor Robert De Niro. All the suspects have one thing in common: they have been targets of Donald Trump’s ire.

Nevertheless, without evidence, a number of ostensibly mainstream conservatives joined more overtly conspiracist outlets in either expressing skepticism that conservatives would damage their own cause, or making outright accusations that the left are orchestrating the bombing campaign in order to sabotage Republicans.

In a now-deleted tweet, on Thursday Fox Business TV host Lou Dobbs wrote: “Fake News – Fake Bombs. Who could possibly benefit by so much fakery?” Dobbs has a close relationship with Trump and the two reportedly speak frequently on the phone.

Elsewhere on Fox, three guest analysts suggested that the bombs were “false flag” attacks.

Also on Thursday, the president’s son, Donald Trump Jr, liked a tweet which read in part: “FAKE BOMBS MADE TO SCARE AND PICK UP BLUE SYMPATHY VOTE.” In the past he has liked tweets questioning whether the Parkland survivor David Hogg was actually present at the Florida school shooting that led him to become gun control campaigner.

On Wednesday, after a caller said the bomb plot didn’t “pass the smell test”, the leading talk radio host Rush Limbaugh asked rhetorically: “Would it make a lot of sense for a Democrat operative or Democrat-inculcated lunatic to do it? Because things are not working out the way they thought.”

His fellow rightwing broadcaster, Michael Savage, opined the same day that there was a “high probability that the whole thing had been set up as a false flag to gain sympathy for the Democrats”, and to distract from the so-called “caravan” of migrants currently in southern Mexico.

The far-right and anti-immigrant media personality Ann Coulter, meanwhile, claimed on Wednesday that the “bombs are a liberal tactic”. The conservative author and film-maker Dinesh D’Souza, whose recent work has drawn parallels between Democrats and Nazis, tweeted: “I hear the FBI squeezed lemon juice on the suspicious packages and a very faint lettering revealed a single word: DEMOCRATS.”

Those further down the conservative media pecking order were also on message with “false flag” allegations.

The Trump-aligned podcaster and social media star Bill Mitchell described the bombs as “Soros astro-turfing”, referring to the billionaire philanthropist (and magnet for conspiracy theorists) who was the first target of the bombing campaign. He added that the attacks were “Pure BS”.

Rightwing cartoonist Ben Garrison drew a cartoon entitled Raising a false flag, featuring Hillary Clinton, CNN media reporter Brian Stelter, and former CIA director John Brennan – all bombing targets – raising a flag shaped like a mail bomb. Underneath the flag, he has George Soros exclaiming: “See? We’re victims of Trump’s hate!”

In the past, “false flag” theories have mostly been aired in more openly conspiratorial media outlets like Alex Jones’s Infowars.

The term has been used by Jones and other conspiracy theorists to allege that violent attacks have been carried out not by their apparent authors, but by powerful, manipulative actors seeking to deceive observers and hide their own responsibility. Its adoption this week by a broad range of rightwingers suggests an increasing openness to conspiracy theory in more mainstream conservative media.

Jones was himself banned from most social media platforms earlier this year over his longstanding claims that the Sandy Hook school shooting was faked, and employed “crisis actors” in order to build support for gun control in the United States.

Jones was also a part of the so-called 9/11 Truth Movement, members of which asserted that the 2001 attack on the World Trade center in New York had been a “false flag” on a grand scale. Many truthers alleged that the attack was orchestrated by the Bush administration in order to provide a justification for the invasion of Iraq.

On Wednesday, just hours after multiple bombs had arrived at the homes of former public officials and the offices of media companies, Jones alleged that the bombs had been planted by leftist antifascist or “antifa groups”, in order to “smear conservatives who support President Trump”.

This makes the Right Wing Sources and Trump look absolutely stupid and really disgusting with the way they have pointed fingers at the Democrats and the "Left Wing MSM"!!


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
What he did was worse, because he actually injured (and almost killed) people.
From what it looks like this clown just sent a bunch of fake pipe-bombs to scare people.

So tell me which is worse, shooting someone to the point they're almost dead, or scaring someone with fake bombs??
It all depends on who does it. If it was a Muslim immigrant from a middle eastern country, it would be horrible jihadist terror, if it is a fine, nationalist Trump supporter, it is a minor transgression.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
What he did was worse, because he actually injured (and almost killed) people.
From what it looks like this clown just sent a bunch of fake pipe-bombs to scare people.

So tell me which is worse, shooting someone to the point they're almost dead, or scaring someone with fake bombs??
The important thing is what his real intention was in this whole saga. Did he just want to send fake bombs to scare people, or did he really want to do so real damage and was lacking that level of intelligence bearing in mind that he is a fervent Trump supporter?? What was the theme of this investigation?? Domestic Terror with levels of Sulphur identified in this so call "fake pipe bombs".
Everyone is thankful that no damage was done. That does not make him any worse than terrorists who are arrested prior to attempted terrorist attacks.

So do you equate him in a different category compared to terrorists, who fail to carry out acts of terrorism due to either being foiled by intelligence agencies, or their bombs failing to explode??

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
The important thing is what his real intention was in this whole saga. Did he just want to send fake bombs to scare people, or did he really want to do so real damage and was lacking that level of intelligence bearing in mind that he is a fervent Trump supporter?? What was the theme of this investigation?? Domestic Terror with levels of Sulphur identified in this so call "fake pipe bombs".
Everyone is thankful that no damage was done. That does not make him any worse than terrorists who are arrested prior to attempted terrorist attacks.

So do you equate him in a different category compared to terrorists, who fail to carry out acts of terrorism due to either being foiled by intelligence agencies, or their bombs failing to explode??
If he just sent those fake bombs to scare people, he's just a major idiot.
If he sent those bombs hoping they would explode, he obviously fits in the same category as a terrorist.

Now let me ask you this (and I'll bet you wont admit it). Is the guy who tried to kill all those Republicans on that baseball field also a left-wing terrorist??


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
If he just sent those fake bombs to scare people, he's just a major idiot.
If he sent those bombs hoping they would explode, he obviously fits in the same category as a terrorist.

Now let me ask you this (and I'll bet you wont admit it). Is the guy who tried to kill all those Republicans on that baseball field also a left-wing terrorist??
Whatever the outcome of that baseball probe is what I will go with. If it was ruled an act of terrorism, then I will go with it. We know that the right wingers were also responsible for shootings as we have seen in the Quebec mosque, and in the Church where mainly Blacks were attending. There were other stabbings and the killing of a Indian student of grounds that he was "Middle eastern". If they were all ruled as acts of terrorisms, then that is what they were. I am not going to defend them like a certain right winger who has been doing so, as in the case of James Field's killing of Heather Heyer and injuries to 28 others in Charlottesville. They need to be condemned and thrown into prison for life and the keys thrown away!!

Let me ask you another question. Trump was denouncing the MSM for their reporting of this whole saga. He even went by the Theories that it was the Democrats who were responsible for it in order to detract the momentum of the Republicans at the early Polls or words to that effect. Do you buy it??
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