Officials: Explosive Device Found in NY Mailbox at Home of George Soros


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
I'm still looking at the return Address. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. After her getting caught rigging the primaries I haven't seen her getting ripped by the "right"

But to progressive Bernie supporters she is the Devil incarnate.

Just an interesting point.........

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
I'm still looking at the return Address. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. After her getting caught rigging the primaries I haven't seen her getting ripped by the "right"

But to progressive Bernie supporters she is the Devil incarnate.

Just an interesting point.........
Apparently mail bombers like to package their bombs with a return address of someone who is known to the target and with whom the target would be in contact. It makes the target more likely to open the package if he believes it is from someone he knows and trusts. DWS would have been someone with whom almost all of the targets would have had contact (not sure about De Niro or John Brennan but the rest would certainly have had at least somewhat regular contact with her over the years)


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005

The most cursory Google shows coverage of those attacks by Reuters, NBC, Washington Post, and many others. What more does this twit want? Why did he wait until now to ask?

Why post this inflated ugly screenshot crap here? If you think it's helpful to point out murderous crazies come in all political stripes surely you can do it in your own words.
CNN reported it:

Anyway this individual was indicted for this crime. He is a Navy veteran:

Goodness knows what that Jack Murphy guy was ranting about!!!


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Sorry! I'm understand your frustrations. So just tell me : How about the RICIN? :)
Those castor seeds can also be used to make castor oil. You do not get ricin just from contact with castor seeds. They need a reactant like lye to be added to it in the presence of warm water. Then ricin is formed. Otherwise, castor seeds can be fatal only if swallowed.
Does that make sense to You!!


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
What a coincidence that all the people who Trump has been demonizing are now the targets of homegrown terrorism. But what about the Middle Easterners in that caravan!


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Have to give these migrants credit for having to walk close to a 1000 miles just to apply for refugee status in the USA.

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
Apparently mail bombers like to package their bombs with a return address of someone who is known to the target and with whom the target would be in contact. It makes the target more likely to open the package if he believes it is from someone he knows and trusts. DWS would have been someone with whom almost all of the targets would have had contact (not sure about De Niro or John Brennan but the rest would certainly have had at least somewhat regular contact with her over the years)
Which would be a good point if it weren't for the following facts: a) the sender is likely to have been aware that he was sending his packages to people/organizations with mail rooms which open/screen/assess incoming mail, and who do that regardless of who the sender is, and b) the sender was sending real functional bombs, instead of facsimile bombs meant only to intimidate. To me, the sender's methods do everything except include an explicit note that says "I know how to make and send real bombs, and I know the typical methodology of people who send mail bombs, but I've gone out of my way to send you these non-functioning bombs just to mess with you and the media".


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
Which would be a good point if it weren't for the following facts: a) the sender is likely to have been aware that he was sending his packages to people/organizations with mail rooms which open/screen/assess incoming mail, and who do that regardless of who the sender is, and b) the sender was sending real functional bombs, instead of facsimile bombs meant only to intimidate. To me, the sender's methods do everything except include an explicit note that says "I know how to make and send real bombs, and I know the typical methodology of people who send mail bombs, but I've gone out of my way to send you these non-functioning bombs just to mess with you and the media".
It’s hard to know how thoughtful or sophisticated this bomber is in making these bombs and planning how to deliver them. I’m not clear as to whether any of these bombs would have actually exploded if someone had opened them- apparently they were rigged with a timer device as the detonator which is an odd strategy if the bomb is being mailed cuz you don’t know exactly when it will be delivered...but maybe he only knew how to make bombs with a timer cuz he’s just not a very good bomb maker?

As far as the mail rooms go, De Niro’s restaurant does not have a mail room and the bomb for Soros made it to his mailbox. Maybe the bomber didn’t know all the mail security measures that the others had in place...or maybe he just hoped that if he sent enough bombs he might get lucky and 1-2 might slip through the net...or maybe it’s as you say and was just intended to scare people. Who knows?

My assumption is that anyone who would mail out pipe bombs has a couple of screws loose to begin with so it would be a mistake to assume that there is a rational, well thought out plan to this whole endeavour.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
2 more. One to Cory Booker.

One to James Clapper via CNN.

I really wish the authorities would clarify if these packages are live or inert.

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
It’s hard to know how thoughtful or sophisticated this bomber is in making these bombs and planning how to deliver them. I’m not clear as to whether any of these bombs would have actually exploded if someone had opened them- apparently they were rigged with a timer device as the detonator which is an odd strategy if the bomb is being mailed cuz you don’t know exactly when it will be delivered...but maybe he only knew how to make bombs with a timer cuz he’s just not a very good bomb maker?
I can help you with this. None of these bombs were functional. They had only enough authenticity in their design to communicate that the bomber knows how to make a functional bomb, were he really trying to do so. The CNN (Brennan) bomb had an electronic timer attached. That was farcical. It wasn't wired as a detonation device. It was a cartoonish prop. Real bomb makers (as opposed to TV or movie bomb makers) don't tell their targets how long they have to get out of the way! The bombs were not all of identical design. Whoever is behind this is clearly screwing around with his targets, the media, and the police.

As far as the mail rooms go, De Niro’s restaurant does not have a mail room and the bomb for Soros made it to his mailbox. Maybe the bomber didn’t know all the mail security measures that the others had in place...or maybe he just hoped that if he sent enough bombs he might get lucky and 1-2 might slip through the net...or maybe it’s as you say and was just intended to scare people. Who knows?

My assumption is that anyone who would mail out pipe bombs has a couple of screws loose to begin with so it would be a mistake to assume that there is a rational, well thought out plan to this whole endeavour.
DeNiro does not open the mail at his restaurant. Soros' mail drop box was picked up by a mail room that processed it.

I'm prepared to extrapolate that a bomber who knows how to make a functioning bomb, knows how to avoid USPS scrutiny of his packages, knows how to include just about every indicia of mail bomb modus operandi, and knows exactly who has made aggressive comments about Trump/Republicans (with the one wild card of Obama, who to my knowledge, has not) also knows that celebrities don't open their own mail, that corporations have mail rooms, and that it doesn't matter anyway because he's sending bombs he knows don't function. If one or two "slipped through" they would still be bombs that didn't go off, accomplishing the same thing.

It's not just people with some screws loose that would do such a thing, unless you have a very wide definition of "screws loose". I would have agreed with you if the bombs had been functional instead of non-functional by design. It could be some lunatic, but it could also be someone who just thinks its very amusing to mess with the establishment (think hacker), or someone who wants to mess with the mid term elections (think any major foreign power and/or a number of domestic political organizations (like ANTIFA)), or a GOP operative, or a Democrat operative. In short, there are plenty of notionally "sane" people who I could believe would and could orchestrate this. Or, it could turn out to be some 400 pound fat teenager in his bedroom (that kid is behind everything!).

For sure, it's messed up to intimidate people in this way, but I could see the possible purpose in it.


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Have you missed the Antifa idiots? Sadly there isn’t any exclusivity on stupidity.
Typical uphisbottom bullcrap. The right wing is much more militant and better armed. There wouldn't even BE an antifa element if right wingers weren't such belligerent assholes in thew first place. They are just seeing angst they themselves created in the first place...

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
2 more. One to Cory Booker.

One to James Clapper via CNN.

I really wish the authorities would clarify if these packages are live or inert.
We can eliminate the Democrats as suspects for this one. Had they sent it, it would have gone off for certain! Nobody wants rid of him more than them.


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
You hate the truth, d'ont you?
If you (blindly) follow Trump the programmed response to any inconvenient fact (Going back at least as far as global warming) is to scream "FAKE NEWS" and continue to pursue your own self-interest. Rump has pointed to lack of civility in the media, he would help immeasurably if he would disable his own Twitter account!


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Knew it!

That if I scrolled down this thread a little it would all be presented as some sort of left wing plot. Not just really, really sad, but pretty scary as well...:der:


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
If you (blindly) follow Trump the programmed response to any inconvenient fact (Going back at least as far as global warming) is to scream "FAKE NEWS" and continue to pursue your own self-interest. Rump has pointed to lack of civility in the media, he would help immeasurably if he would disable his own Twitter account!
He must be watching Fox now to find out what his response should be. So far it has been to send the Secretary of Homeland Security to the Mexican border for a photo op about a caravan which is dwindling in size and 1000 miles away.

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
Because she is black and a woman. That is wo trump strikes against her.
Sorry, doesn't work. Biden now has 2 as well. The only thing black about him is that void between his ears, and he doesn't even like women (only little girls).


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Thanks very much.
I equally like when you offer a perspective on issues too.

We're not talking about media either. Its just being noted, that sending chemicals in the mail is equally as threatening.

Certainly sending a pipe bomb is a 'bad thing', and hopefully an investigation will show both how 'genuine' these were in construction, and who they came from.

Unsure how Trump targeted any Democrats, especially in the manner of say Maxine Waters said If You See A Member Of Trump Cabinet, "Push Back" Tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere!"
That sounds a little more clear as organizing a direct threat to listeners.

Actually, the question was meant rhetorically. Yes, the media covered it, but it quickly fizzled too.
The reason for asking, what about the ricin, is how quickly its been forgotten the republicans were targets too.

I'm not trying to split hairs, but Ricin is a poison made from castor bean. The packages did test positive for the poison.
So while the chemical letters, were genuine, the alleged pipe bombs remain under investigation.
Since we are splitting hairs, however unwillingly, it's as accurate to say the packages tested positively for explosives as it is to say the letters tested positively for poison. In both cases what was actually found were precursor substances from which the poison or bomb could be made. As you said, and quoted me saying.

As for "how quickly its been forgotten the republicans were targets too". That's not how I read it: The man charged was a Navy vet who sent those letters to the Commander in Chief, the Secretary of Defence, the Admiral in Command of the Navy, the Director of the FBI and the Secretary of the Air Force. Apart from Donny, the politics of all those people are their private business.

If the point is about the ricin story dying without being noticed, shouldn't you begin with how you overlooked it? As I see it, no media owes anything more than the notice of what happened, as soon as they find out. We got that. If there wasn't the fuss you think appropriate at the time, it's fuss-budgets' fault not the media's.

But there's always time to correct such oversights and people are trying to get the fuss going now. Except the evidence does not seem to support the idea that the ricin attacks were aimed at Republicans. More like sending a parcel of dog-poo to your Boss. And crazies have been mailing ricin to the Preesident since BushII

I'm certain the GOP get their share of deranged death-threats and nasty mailings, even City Councillors in Toronto get those. But I'm equally sure that when they rise above the common muck in any way, they do make the news. As the ricin letters did.

BTW I see you found a MSM source I hadn't, good for you.
Ashley Madison
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