
The world has barely 10 years to get climate change under control U.N. scientists say

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Crop failures, drought, famine, epidemic disease, kingdoms collapsing, migrations, invasions pillaging across whole continents where we have recorded histories
All these things have happened in the past even when there was no warming period.

But okay, lets say your theory is correct, can you then explain why the Roman Empire flourished during the Roman Warming period.
At one point the Romans had conquered almost all of Western Europe.

While you're at it could you also explain why that warming period happened??



Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
Again, the only mistake you found in all of your denier sites and googling was from an interview 18 years ago and an IPCC report that's 11 years old?
And you still think that makes them look bad?
The "mistake" was cited in the report itself and it made international headlines. And, yes, a fuck up that enormous makes the IPCC look horrible.

It remains one of the IPCC's biggest predictions. The fact that you needed to do a Google search to learn about it confirms that you know nothing about the IPCC's reports or its predictions.

Your ignorant statements about the IPCC are solely a matter of religious faith, not science.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Bullshit, sir.

I do the opposite.
I answered to your first chart with detailed explanations why it was wrong.
So then you ignored that and posted another chart.
I then said that chart is also bullshit and challenged you to see if you could see why.
So then you ignored that and posted another article.

I responded to each of your posts.
You are the one that squirmed away and tried to change the subject.

Everything you've posted has been bullshit
So Frankie, are you saying earth has never had warming periods, and this graph is wrong as well??



Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
These threads are really pretty hilarious. All the Trumpanistas waiting for a signal from a guy who relies on his "natural instinct for science" to accept which is beyond any scientific debate. Really quite hilarious and SAD.
You read about as well as Groggy/Frankfooter. No one is using Trump's statements as the basis for challenging the IPCC's fairy-tale predictions.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
You read about as well as Groggy/Frankfooter. No one is using Trump's statements as the basis for challenging the IPCC's fairy-tale predictions.
lol. Apparently I read better than you. I did not say that you were relying upon him. I did say that if he expressed a contrary view you and the others would change your position in a heartbeat.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
lol. Apparently I read better than you. I did not say that you were relying upon him. I did say that if he expressed a contrary view you and the others would change your position in a heartbeat.
Nonsense. I established my credentials as a card-carrying "denier" years ago.

You can find a number of threads confirming that point in Frankfooter's greatest hits on man-made global warming (which will definitely be updated with some of the gems from this thread).


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Nonsense. I established my credentials as a card-carrying "denier" years ago.

You can find a number of threads confirming that point in Frankfooter's greatest hits on man-made global warming (which will definitely be updated with some of the gems from this thread).
LOL. You should not take pride in your ignorance.

The fact that there may be outliers who do not accept the overwhelming preponderance of scientific consensus does not change the fact. Witness the flat earth society. Is that who you identify with?


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Will go with real scientific evidence of global climate change that has been carefully monitored, tested and analysed:

These conspiracy alt right theories are mind boggling.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
"One minor error"?...
As opposed to the massive amount of errors and failure in the claims that human produced CO2 isn't a problem? Even the theory that solar activity is the major driver failed years ago when the significant temperature drop they predicted didn't materialize. At best solar activity just caused a temporary slowing to the continuous warming trend.

There is a reason why scientists agree that CO2 is a problem and it isn't some kind of conspiracy like you keep trying to claim.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
All these things have happened in the past even when there was no warming period.

But okay, lets say your theory is correct, can you then explain why the Roman Empire flourished during the Roman Warming period.
After you failed three times now you've found a couple of new charts and this time you think you've got something solid?
Phil, how many times do you need to fail before you understand that you don't understand?

For this chart:
1) It says Roman warming period, which means it's not global.
2) Wiki says it was within 1ºC of modern temps, which puts it at about the same temperature we're experiencing now, with the exception that this is a global temp change, not a European/North Atlantic change.

Of course the planet has had warming periods and that chart is fine.
But humans didn't exist then.
Tell me how many people do you think the planet would support with the global temp 4ºC warmer?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The "mistake" was cited in the report itself and it made international headlines. And, yes, a fuck up that enormous makes the IPCC look horrible.

It remains one of the IPCC's biggest predictions. The fact that you needed to do a Google search to learn about it confirms that you know nothing about the IPCC's reports or its predictions.
You found only one error in 20 years of reports.
That's like 99.99999% accuracy.

Fucking excellent.

Wrong again. The IPCC's 2013 report said the temperature predictions in the 2007 report were completely off the mark (Page 15):
The IPCC said no such thing.
More bullshit.

You read about as well as Frankfooter. No one is using Trump's statements as the basis for challenging the IPCC's fairy-tale predictions.
Why don't we use your predictions as a basis for establishing your credibility?
What, you have a 0% average so far?
Tsk, tsk.

Why don't you write a letter to the New York Times to protest its characterization of the "much-publicized" prediction:
An 8 year old article?
Holy shit are you desperate.

Nonsense. I established my credentials as a card-carrying "denier" years ago.
Yup, we established your credibility years ago:
We bet that the temperature anomaly would increase in 2015 to 0.83ºC
You have zero credibility.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
After you failed three times now you've found a couple of new charts and this time you think you've got something solid?
Phil, how many times do you need to fail before you understand that you don't understand?
I didnt fail at anything Frankie, I'm trying to find a graph that you like so I we can move on to the fact that earth has had lots of warming periods

Of course the planet has had warming periods and that chart is fine.
But humans didn't exist then.
Tell me how many people do you think the planet would support with the global temp 4ºC warmer?
Good, so you finally agree with me that warming periods did exist. Now answer the following:

1. What caused these warming periods?? (obviously it couldnt have been manmade CO2's).
2. Earth has warmed approximately 0.8 Celsius over the last 100 years or so. Please tell us how much of that is due to earth's natural warming cycle, and how much of that is from CO2 output?? And I want you to put it in exact percentages (for example: 90% of that 0.8C is manmade)


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I didnt fail at anything Frankie, I'm trying to find a graph that you like so I we can move on to the fact that earth has had lots of warming periods
You submitted 2 charts and one story.
All had major faults you were unable to understand or see.
That's a failure on your end to be able to tell garbage from science.

Good, so you finally agree with me that warming periods did exist. Now answer the following:

1. What caused these warming periods?? (obviously it couldnt have been manmade CO2's).
2. Earth has warmed approximately 0.8 Celsius over the last 100 years or so. Please tell us how much of that is due to earth's natural warming cycle, and how much of that is from CO2 output?? And I want you to put it in exact percentages (for example: 90% of that 0.8C is manmade)
What is this 'earth's natural warming cycle' that you claim exists.
That sounds like a garbage claim again.

Please describe exactly what you claim this cycle to be, with evidence that it exists as a 'cycle'.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
You submitted 2 charts and one story.
All had major faults you were unable to understand or see.
That's a failure on your end to be able to tell garbage from science
LOL....there was nothing wrong the charts. You just think you're smarter then everyone else in this thread, which you're not

What is this 'earth's natural warming cycle' that you claim exists.
That sounds like a garbage claim again.

Please describe exactly what you claim this cycle to be, with evidence that it exists as a 'cycle'
You mean you dont know earth goes through warming/cooling cycles??
In post #215 you admit earth has had warming periods. Make up your mind, Frankie:

Of course the planet has had warming periods
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