Women wear makeup, heels, and tights to make themselves more sexually appealing to whomever is looking. They love to hate, and hate to love the attention.
It's only in the last 100 years that makeup came into common usage in North America. Before 1910, only hookers that wore makeup.
It's actually stunning how things have evolved since modern feminism took over the West. Part of being a strong independent woman, it was thought, was about the freedom/power to reject male standards of beauty imposed on women yet such standards have never been more strongly adhered to. The number of women that wear their hair long, spend money and time to put on makeup everyday, dye their hair blonde (this became a trend - practically a cultural standard - since Marilyn Monroe), shave their natural body hair (armpits, legs), walk around in uncomfortable shoes, wear skimpy clothing, botox, lip injections, fake tits, ass implants, and show off their T&A whenever possible for male attention, has only accelerated. A typical young teenager today dresses like a hooker by yesteryear's standards. Of course, underpinning this fact is that they want to be seen and desired as sexual objects. Biology always wins.