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Chrystia Freeland in a light dress


Well-known member
May 10, 2011
Toronto, ON
Boob - are you crazy? EMBRACE Premier Doug's drug dealing past - he was far more successful at this than at running Deco Labels. With legalization coming, Doug can finally provide some real experience for a change - maybe even produce some Govt ads showing millennial's how to roll an old school joint.
Doug? A drug dealer? Surely you jest.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
Well unicorns don’t really exist because they were dreamed up by man in art and they have become legend...whereas Trump’s honesty is legendary!
In fact, he’s too honest sometimes.


Active member
Nov 1, 2001
Rachael Harder, CPC MP from Lethbridge:

Rachel Harder has the broad shouldered, strong-thighed sexuality of a woman who grew up eating prairie oysters raw. She's a bit controversial - her attempt to become the chair of the Status of Women Parliamentary committee was voted down - mainly because she feels a woman's place is beside her man, barefoot and pregnant, or in Parliament working to get back to those values. Her rejection led to a very strong reaction from puppy leader, Andrew Scheer: "C'mon.... that's not fair.... no fair.... NO FAIR!!!....." he whined forcefully. Harder is a strong anti-abortionist and Pro-lifer and she advocates for CIMSW to be taught as a form of birth control to which many of her male colleagues asked... "Do we really have to swallow?... is the swallowing necessary?" Harder didn't hesitate to say: "Once you've swallowed a raw prairie oyster you can swallow anything". For this, she earns a place in the Terb boinkable politician thread, IMO. I found a photo of her large enough to capture her raw sexuality.



Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
No convictions means nothing illegally done right?
Why do you expect the victim of being sexually assaulted to describe the details? If Junior admitted he did it why doesn’t he provide the details? I think that poor woman has gone through enough don’t you?
No convictions against anyone except family members. Rob first denied that he had an addiction, and off course all his base were scolding the press for it. Then the truth was obvious and he confessed.
Surely, for now Dougie will deny it. As he got away with this illegal activity, obviously he is not going to confess to it. One day he could come out and change his statement when he is outed by those involved.
That journalist published the "Sexual" groping about a decade ago. She described the incident to the Publisher who employed her. But the Publisher clearly stated that it was not "Sexual" in nature. Obviously, her account of it will be contradicted by the Publisher. So the Publisher and Trudeau can corroborate one another's account of it. Trudeau had apologized the following day, and it should have been water under the bridge. Why did she Publish that allegation then. She should come clean now that the right wing press are trying their best to find that smoking gun.

In the case of Donnie boy when he is turfed out of Whitehouse, hopefully after the Mid Terms, then the 20 or so women will have a field day as he then can be indicted for those crimes.


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2017
No convictions means nothing illegally done right?
Are you really as stupid as you seem?
People do illegal things all the time and don't get convicted.
Hell, people do illegal things all the time and don't even get charged.
You really are the dumbest of the dumb... I'm not sure if Lloyd and Harry would be proud of you, or embarrassed that you ruined their brand.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
Are you really as stupid as you seem?
People do illegal things all the time and don't get convicted.
Hell, people do illegal things all the time and don't even get charged.
You really are the dumbest of the dumb... I'm not sure if Lloyd and Harry would be proud of you, or embarrassed that you ruined their brand.
So is that how you think the world should work? Or do you believe in justice and due process?
Would you prefer convictions based on the court of public opinion?

Please enlighten us with how your world would work.


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2017
So is that how you think the world should work? Or do you believe in justice and due process?
Would you prefer convictions based on the court of public opinion?

Please enlighten us with how your world would work.
What the fuck are you talking about?
The justice system and due process acquits guilty people all the time.
Go back and do some basic rudimentary reading before you start talking about things you know nothing about.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
No convictions against anyone except family members. Rob first denied that he had an addiction, and off course all his base were scolding the press for it. Then the truth was obvious and he confessed.
Surely, for now Dougie will deny it. As he got away with this illegal activity, obviously he is not going to confess to it. One day he could come out and change his statement when he is outed by those involved.
That journalist published the "Sexual" groping about a decade ago. She described the incident to the Publisher who employed her. But the Publisher clearly stated that it was not "Sexual" in nature. Obviously, her account of it will be contradicted by the Publisher. So the Publisher and Trudeau can corroborate one another's account of it. Trudeau had apologized the following day, and it should have been water under the bridge. Why did she Publish that allegation then. She should come clean now that the right wing press are trying their best to find that smoking gun.

In the case of Donnie boy when he is turfed out of Whitehouse, hopefully after the Mid Terms, then the 20 or so women will have a field day as he then can be indicted for those crimes.
I like your uncanny knack for predicting the future based on your own biases.
And are you victim-blaming the woman that Trudeau groped? Shame on you.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
What the fuck are you talking about?
The justice system and due process acquits guilty people all the time.
Go back and do some basic rudimentary reading before you start talking about things you know nothing about.
Here's what the fuck I'm talking about...
You seem to think someone did something illegal, even though they have never been charged or convicted. But in your opinion, they still did it but got away with it.

So how would you like it if someone accused you of doing something illegal and getting away with it when you didn't do it?


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2017
Here's what the fuck I'm talking about...
You seem to think someone did something illegal, even though they have never been charged or convicted. But in your opinion, they still did it but got away with it.

So how would you like it if someone accused you of doing something illegal and getting away with it when you didn't do it?
Can you read English?
You are of the ilk that believes no charge or no conviction = no illegal activity.
I will cut and paste my comment once more for (hopefully, but doubtfully) your benefit.

"The justice system and due process acquits guilty people all the time."
Is that a true statement or is that a false statement... I'm waiting for your response.
For your benefit, it is a very simple, binary answer... Go!


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
Can you read English?
You are of the ilk that believes no charge or no conviction = no illegal activity.
I will cut and paste my comment once more for (hopefully, but doubtfully) your benefit.

"The justice system and due process acquits guilty people all the time."
Is that a true statement or is that a false statement... I'm waiting for your response.
For your benefit, it is a very simple, binary answer... Go!
You mean guilty people who have been charged?
Then yes I agree.

Now tell me o'master of the English language, what that has to do with Doug Ford, who I may add has never been charged for anything illegal.

Simple question, surely you can provide an answer that isn't full of punk talk? Impress me...


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2017
You mean guilty people who have been charged?
Then yes I agree.

Now tell me o'master of the English language, what that has to do with Doug Ford, who I may add has never been charged for anything illegal.

Simple question, surely you can provide an answer that isn't full of punk talk? Impress me...
Yeah... you ARE dumber than you come across as... which is big!
Let me spell this out to you as clearly as I can... I will use words with as few syllables as possible, for your benefit, of course...

People do things that are not legal all the time... many of those people get charged but do not get convicted... many of those people do not even get charged... but if they committed illegal acts, they committed illegal acts.
It is not my problem you can not grasp that simple concept. And I feel sorry for you for your head injury, or lack of oxygen during birth.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
I like your uncanny knack for predicting the future based on your own biases.
And are you victim-blaming the woman that Trudeau groped? Shame on you.
Ask the Publisher who is a woman and heard the whole details of that incident, as she came out and said that there was nothing "Sexual" about that incident. Go on say shame on her, just like Trump said the same to all his 20 women accusers who clearly detailed their sexual assault incidents. Then all the Trump Cult Followers even on this board threw a series of actual abuses against them. So, just a plain and simple question to you. Do you think that those 20 women were sexually assaulted or had inappropriate sexual encounters with Donnie Boy. Yes or No?

I know what your answer will be. You won't have an answer, and you will avoid the question!!


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
I know what your answer will be. You won't have an answer, and you will avoid the question!!
There you go with your predictions again.

But I like proving you wrong so my answer is No.

Next question...I'll take "deflect every issue about Trudeau to Trump" for $200...


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
Yeah... you ARE dumber than you come across as... which is big!
Let me spell this out to you as clearly as I can... I will use words with as few syllables as possible, for your benefit, of course...

People do things that are not legal all the time... many of those people get charged but do not get convicted... many of those people do not even get charged... but if they committed illegal acts, they committed illegal acts.
It is not my problem you can not grasp that simple concept. And I feel sorry for you for your head injury, or lack of oxygen during birth.
hahaha all that and you didn't answer my simple question after I answered yours.
You're a fraud.
Go back to school.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
I DID answer your question... you're just too stupid to see it.
Sorry for that.
No you just don't have an answer. Let's be honest.
Hey maybe one day when your balls drop you will actually have answers, but today you don't.

And btw that stuff on your ball sack is hair starting to grow! Go celebrate, it's a big day for you!


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2017
No you just don't have an answer. Let's be honest.
Hey maybe one day when your balls drop you will actually have answers, but today you don't.

And btw that stuff on your ball sack is hair starting to grow! Go celebrate, it's a big day for you!
Right on schedule... nothing to say about the content, so you attack the person.
Typical... type fast... your mommy is going to take away your wifi for the night real soon.


Active member
Nov 1, 2001
For all the Trump fans of this board I present Betsy DeVos. Take a break from spanking your monkey over a picture of President Orangutan. She's actually an ugly old skank, but rich enough that she can afford a stylist and cosmetic surgery on her entire body including her pussy so that it doesn't look like KellyAnne's. Betsy came from money and married into more. You know those those "I fucked my MILF sister" videos on Pornhub? I'll say no more but - if you cross her, she will get her baby brother (Erik) to have you killed. They are VERY close.... Erik founded and owns BlackWater (ooops that name is not to be used - I meant "Academi") and arranged for Saudi Royalty to help Trump get elected. Trump is a little bit in awe of Erik and appointed his sister in order to ingratiate himself to the former Seal. He's always asking Betsy: "Did Erik ask about me?... did he say anything to you about me?? huh.... huh???" When he meets Erik, Trump's tiny hands always get a little clammy and a tiny bulge forms in his pants. "do you think I would have made it through BUD/S Erik.... huh.... huh....huh?" he asks. Prince is smart enough to simply say "I can't see you ringing the bell, sir!", after which Trump cums in his pants.

Betsy is 60, post-menopausal and always super-horny. She as an entourage of Mexican male escorts - all named "Marco", at least 6 at all times. She thinks hiring Mexicans named Marco to service her sexually is a good joke that Trump enjoys too (they both think Rubio is Mexican and when corrected always say:"Mexican... Cuban.... what's the difference they're both greasy!") As the Marco's have discovered the key to her sexual pleasure and making it look like you are into her and that it's not just for the money is to concentrate on her shriveled up "man in the canoe", while dreaming about borrowing one of her 10 boats.

Trump is saying: "Normally I would grab her pussy right now, but Erik might be watching..."


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
Right on schedule... nothing to say about the content, so you attack the person.
Typical... type fast... your mommy is going to take away your wifi for the night real soon.
Says the guy who attacks the person in the last 4 posts by name calling and insulting. I don't really care, but just pointing that out before you trip over your hypocrisy again.

Maybe when you can actually answer my simple question I'll start paying attention to you again. Until then, you're a fraud.
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