3 Men Shot at Queen St W and Peter St


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2017
4 more shot at Kensington market, but ya how about those Americans eh?
Another shooting this afternoon, in Brampton, 3 injured. Witness says this is 2nd shooting at this particular address this year-house known as a "party" house.

Yup summer of gun for sure

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Lots of cops have retired. McCormack said TPS is down to 800 officers now, thats the lowest its been since 1991


Jan 13, 2017
Lots of cops have retired. McCormack said TPS is down to 800 officers now, thats the lowest its been since 1991
Agree Phil, the population is increasing, and the police are cutting staffing levels. Doesn't make sense. Imagine this scenario, although in a military context..."Ok troops, we have held our own, sustained repeated enemy attacks, and now we are on a very successful counter-offensive. To keep things fair, we want to take a bunch of you away, so that we don't take care of the issue too fast.".

I go back to my original comment....how about we show the faces of the victims, the accused, and the wanted. Reveal their details. In what area do they live, what their education level is, their employment, their familial situation, where and when they were killed. I understand a recent victim of gun violence was coming home from a funeral at 2am. I been to lots of funerals....none at 2am. Let's hear the truth. Oh no...tooooo provocative.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Lots of cops have retired. McCormack said TPS is down to 800 officers now, thats the lowest its been since 1991
Two issues, here. First, McCormack is an union head, so you can't really take him seriously. Second, the TPS budget tops a billion/year, most of it goes to salaries. That's not sustainable whichever way we look at it. Add to that Toronto Fire and Paramedics and you're looking at a good part of the overall budget. They simply priced themselves out of the market.


Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
Glad to hear John Tory is mad.
One of the comments in the Sun (glad they brought back the comments section to the articles, it is hilarious to read the shit that goes on there) was to the effect:

"Tory is like that episode when Ned Flanders became principal at Springfield Elementary".


Well-known member
Nov 17, 2009
Glad to see #blacklivesmatter all over the news trying to stop this - NOT ! They prefer to stop the cops from participating in a pride parade then cleaning up the streets. Don't mean to sound racist but within the past couple of weeks how many young black men and women have been shot and #blacklivesmatter hasn't said nothing.

Toronto was a safe city, but times are changing. The police have their hands tied because anything they do will look like they are profiling, and only going after young black youth.

If the police don't step in , we will not have any young black youth left. We as a society need to step in, these attacks happened in busy areas and no one is talking or coming forward.

Police conducted a raid on 1 gang a couple of weeks ago and seems like nothing happened.

I'm tried of looking at the news to hear of another shooting. I have no issues with the dirt bags that have a criminal record but the innocent bystanders like those two little girls is horrible.

We need Toronto the good back !


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2016
anywhere i want;)
This only happens in the states cause they have more guns. No one except police can legally carry handguns in canada so this must be fake news
are you that naiive? you can have a gun in Canada as long as you have the right permits for it . You know there are people who go hunting up north right - all of those people have permits to have their guns. You should really do some research before speaking on a topic you have no education in.

terrorist come in all form. the person is said to have fled in a black SUV or a white van .
Its close to wear I live , I got interviewed.
This is not about gun control (and thankfully Canada has strick laws) but about hated of some kinds
its not a terrorist attack - don't know why people think every attack lately is a terrorist attack - this is obviously something gang related . That's why the TPS do not wish to comment if it was targeted or not.

So another shooting last night and a stabbing

We need to double ban murder or make a gun registry lol

Anyone who has a gun in Canada is supposed to be licensed and have a permit - therefore there is a gun registry - do some research and educate yourself.

Victim was Canadian rapper Smoke Dawg (friend of Drake).

Smoke got smoked, I guess
this comment is disgusting - cant believe you.

I have a few questions?

Were the 2 guys who got shot armed?

Do they have a violent history themselves?

Were they engaging in a gun fight?

Or were they just walking down the street and got shot and killed?

who cares? seriously? they died and now their families are grieving . Its so sad to see how much people talk shit on an internet forum. He was a Toronto rapper - is there a possibility he had a violent past ? its 50/50 . He knew drake & obviously had lots of friends and family support. His past is none of our business.


New member
Jan 26, 2017
......actually his past is plenty of our business if he’s wasting valuable taxpayers resources by tieing up first responders, police time etc. How many millions are gonna be spent on trying to find the perps?

At the end of the day this lot (you know who I’m talking about) are a burden to society at large and should be dealt with in such a manner as to prevent them from I think a good first step would be an automatic 20 year sentence for gun possession. Capital punishment? No problem with that either.

Pieces of shit like this are a drag on civilized societies.

Their lyrics and lifestyle promote a life of violence, pimping hoes, gang banging and other degenerate behaviour. All it’s ever about is getting out of the ghetto (which they never do) and blaming everybody else (primarily whitey) for their station in life.

I’ll listen to rap - we’ll, maybe not -when they start promoting role models like fathers staying with the mother of their child, encouraging civil behaviour and honest hard work.



Well-known member
Jul 26, 2016
anywhere i want;)
actually its none of our business. There were at least three shootings this weekend - I suppose your saying all of them deserve what they got though right. Give your head a shake . Actually there are a lot of people who come out the ghetto . You think most of the Toronto rappers like drake, tory lanez, party next door & many others had anything when they were growing up ? NO- they made a living for themselves and made sure their families were taken care of in the process. Again guns are legal in Canada as long as you have the right permits to carry them. A lot of you need to do your research. again SMH. in other words : RIP SMOKE DAWG.

In honour of his music here is a verrrry popular video that he made

......actually his past is plenty of our business if he’s wasting valuable taxpayers resources by tieing up first responders, police time etc. How many millions are gonna be spent on trying to find the perps?

At the end of the day this lot (you know who I’m talking about) are a burden to society at large and should be dealt with in such a manner as to prevent them from I think a good first step would be an automatic 20 year sentence for gun possession. Capital punishment? No problem with that either.

Pieces of shit like this are a drag on civilized societies.

Their lyrics and lifestyle promote a life of violence, pimping hoes, gang banging and other degenerate behaviour. All it’s ever about is getting out of the ghetto (which they never do) and blaming everybody else (primarily whitey) for their station in life.

I’ll listen to rap - we’ll, maybe not -when they start promoting role models like fathers staying with the mother of their child, encouraging civil behaviour and honest hard work.



Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
If you exclude the US inner cities, the US rate of gun homicides would be similar to Canada's.

The US has a violence problem, not a gun problem. The violence problem is the result of a disenfranchised inner-city minority with no resources, no jobs, poor education, a poor social safety net. In sum, no hope. Neo-liberal corporatism is making it worse, concentrating wealth into the hands of the few, reducing what is available for social stability.

If anybody believes in the trickle-down economy, advocated by Ronald Reagan, it means that the fire-hose of profit is pointed up towards to the corporate elite, while the droplets are trickling down to the 99%. The trickle down economy is the very definition of concentration of wealth. That is the cause of violence in the US, not guns.

In fact, there will be a time when a revolution will take place against a government totally subservient to the corporate and banking elite, that the 300 million guns in the US will help to rectify. The US founding fathers envisaged the 2nd amendment as a tool of popular revolt, and a safeguard to overthrow the tyranny of a government subverted by a foreign power (the British in 1776). Little did they realise that the 2nd amendment will be the tool to overthrow corporate domination from within.

Corporate control of government and its politicians is the definition of fascism. Their media then glorifies the military so they can facilitate recruiting willing participants who will engage in the subjugation of foreign countries into turning over their resources to them at a very cheap price.
Yeah, right..... LOL.

Gun crime is massive in the inner cities. But you know where else it's massive?.... In the South. Among whites who listen to country music and love the American flag.

And Americans are so busy watching reality TV and Fox News, they wouldn't stage a revolution in a million years. They defuse their anger on Black players who kneel during the national anthem while the Koch's and other multi billionaires own every Congressman in DC.


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2016
anywhere i want;)
I don't condone gun violence but I also don't believe we should be saying they deserve what they got because of their music. That's just a ignorant opinion by people who never even knew the victim & are just being judgemental. Do I think that people who don't have permits should have guns? OF COURSE NOT. Canadas laws are already strict when it comes to guns and they must be stored and used properly / only for their intended purpose ( excluding violent reasons) . Those who do not know Canada laws regarding firearms should read them .


Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
actually its none of our business. There were at least three shootings this weekend - I suppose your saying all of them deserve what they got though right. Give your head a shake . Actually there are a lot of people who come out the ghetto . You think most of the Toronto rappers like drake, tory lanez, party next door & many others had anything when they were growing up ? NO- they made a living for themselves and made sure their families were taken care of in the process. Again guns are legal in Canada as long as you have the right permits to carry them. A lot of you need to do your research. again SMH. in other words : RIP SMOKE DAWG.

In honour of his music here is a verrrry popular video that he made

Is he glorifying the manufacturing of crack cocaine in that video?? If so, I dont feel sorry he got smoked (pun intended).



A drug house, also known as a trap house, bando or crack house, is a building where drug dealers and drug users buy, sell, produce, and use illegal drugs, including crack cocaine. In this way, crack houses are not unlike the earlier opium dens of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Often they are old, abandoned or burnt-out buildings, oftentimes in an inner city neighborhood. However, in response to increased community scrutiny and law enforcement activity, drug operations are moving from the inner cities to the suburbs, in an effort to blend in


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2016
anywhere i want;)
lots of rappers glorify the manufacturing of cocaine. In fact most famous rappers were drug dealers before they became famous - again you are just ignorant - trying to judge someone based off your own opinions. He is dead - so I suppose your happy now right? smh. People nowadays are disgusting. Nobody wants to be judged but yet we all judge others. What a corrupt sad world we live in.

Is he glorifying the manufacturing of crack cocaine in that video?? If so, I dont feel sorry he got smoked (pun intended).




New member
Jan 26, 2017
As a tribute, why not buy Smoke’s latest hits:

“B**** BE F***** UP”


“Gots Lots Where Dat Cum Frum

All proceeds to be donated to the police benevolent society and the abused women’s shelter


Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
lots of rappers glorify the manufacturing of cocaine. In fact most famous rappers were drug dealers before they became famous - again you are just ignorant - trying to judge someone based off your own opinions. He is dead - so I suppose your happy now right? smh. People nowadays are disgusting. Nobody wants to be judged but yet we all judge others. What a corrupt sad world we live in
I can almost guarantee you this kid was mixed up with gangs and was heavily into the drug world.
Listen to his lyrics, he raps about how he's "crippin".
Thats slang for running with the Crips, a huge criminal gang that deals in crack (and god knows what else).

The vast majority of the time people dont just get knocked off for nothing, he most likely got what he deserved.
Karma is a bitch. Sorry, it is what it is


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
Yeah, right..... LOL.

Gun crime is massive in the inner cities. But you know where else it's massive?.... In the South. Among whites who listen to country music and love the American flag.

That's just stereotypical nonsense.

Most homicides in U.S. occurred in 5 percent of counties, says study


And Americans are so busy watching reality TV and Fox News, they wouldn't stage a revolution in a million years. They defuse their anger on Black players who kneel during the national anthem while the Koch's and other multi billionaires own every Congressman in DC.
Those who have the money to have a home and appliances may be complacently watching TV, but tens of millions of non-black folks are just barely living a normal life, while another tens of millions more are living in their cars or tents. Their numbers are always increasing, and over the next couple of decades, if the US doesn't start spreading the wealth, poor whites are going to take to the streets the way blacks did in the riots a few decades ago. Social media is going to be the trigger, the way it's worked for the coloured revolutions abroad in the last couple of decades. Maybe that's why the US establishment wants to end equality of access to the internet. Those who can't pay a premium for access are going to be shut out.

FDR, when he was setting up his New Deal in the early 1930's, put the US tycoons on notice that if they didn't start sharing the wealth, he was going to do it for them, as he feared mass civil unrest from the milliions who had nothing to lose. You underestimate the US citizen's potential for revolt.

It's not going to happen tomorrow, but with the real US unemployment rate at over 20%, if the trend to concentration of wealth continues, you can bet it's going to happen within the next couple of decades.


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2016
anywhere i want;)
youre talking to a MELLENIAL about slang ? lmaoo I know what crippin means - in fact I know what all his lyrics mean lmaoo ; I don't need you to explain it to me thanks though. The point I was making which you failed to see is even rappers like French montana , rick ross, waka flocka flame & countless others rap about COCAINE & the selling/, making of it as well as "PIMPING HOES" LMAO . So your point about him deserving it because he was possibly affiliated with gangs is irrelevant. You think drake doesn't have friends who are in gangs? if you answer no - then you obviously don't know smoke dawg was friends with drake and even had ties with drakes label. Again your just ignorant. You have no idea what your talking about - youre just listening to everything they tell you on tv. SMH.
I can almost guarantee you this kid was mixed up with gangs and was heavily into the drug world.
Listen to his lyrics, he raps about how he's "crippin".
Thats slang for running with the Crips, a huge criminal gang that deals in crack (and god knows what else).

The vast majority of the time people dont just get knocked off for nothing, he most likely got what he deserved.
Karma is a bitch. Sorry, it is what it is


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2005
are you that naiive? you can have a gun in Canada as long as you have the right permits for it . You know there are people who go hunting up north right - all of those people have permits to have their guns. You should really do some research before speaking on a topic you have no education in.

its not a terrorist attack - don't know why people think every attack lately is a terrorist attack - this is obviously something gang related . That's why the TPS do not wish to comment if it was targeted or not.

Anyone who has a gun in Canada is supposed to be licensed and have a permit - therefore there is a gun registry - do some research and educate yourself.

this comment is disgusting - cant believe you.

who cares? seriously? they died and now their families are grieving . Its so sad to see how much people talk shit on an internet forum. He was a Toronto rapper - is there a possibility he had a violent past ? its 50/50 . He knew drake & obviously had lots of friends and family support. His past is none of our business.
Obviously you don't understand sarcasm. I own firearms both restricted and non restricted. I know the laws and that's why I find it hilarious when dum dums try to push for more laws.


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2005
youre talking to a MELLENIAL about slang ? lmaoo I know what crippin means - in fact I know what all his lyrics mean lmaoo ; I don't need you to explain it to me thanks though. The point I was making which you failed to see is even rappers like French montana , rick ross, waka flocka flame & countless others rap about COCAINE & the selling/, making of it as well as "PIMPING HOES" LMAO . So your point about him deserving it because he was possibly affiliated with gangs is irrelevant. You think drake doesn't have friends who are in gangs? if you answer no - then you obviously don't know smoke dawg was friends with drake and even had ties with drakes label. Again your just ignorant. You have no idea what your talking about - youre just listening to everything they tell you on tv. SMH.
Fuck all those rappers and anyone who glorifies being s drug dealer, pimp or gangster.
Hip hop culture seems to attract people with really low IQs who actually think that being a criminal is cool.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Aaannnnnddd...........another shooting early this morning: https://www.cp24.com/news/man-serio...oting-in-toronto-s-fashion-district-1.3997598

Toronto is quickly turning into The O.K. Corral

Man seriously injured after shooting in Toronto’s Fashion District

One man suffered serious injuries after he was shot in Toronto’s Fashion District early this morning.

The incident occurred near King Street West and Portland Street at around 2:40 a.m.

The circumstances surrounding the shooting are not clear but police say one male victim may have been struck by gunfire during a drive-by shooting.

Paramedics told CP24 Tuesday that a man, who is believed to be in his late 20s, was taken to a trauma centre for treatment.

His injuries are believed to be serious but not life-threatening.

Police say it appears that a white SUV in the area at the time was struck by a bullet.

The vehicle fled the scene but was later located by investigators.

None of the occupants of the SUV were injured and police say they are cooperating with the investigation.

No arrests have been made and police have not yet provided any suspect or vehicle descriptions.

Police could not confirm if the victim was leaving a club in the area at the time of the shooting
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts