3 Men Shot at Queen St W and Peter St


Well-known member
May 15, 2018
The notion that because gun control laws won’t be absolutely 100% effective at stopping gun crimes means that gun control laws are useless is silly. If gun control laws caused shootings to go down by even 10%, that’s a success. Any mitigation of harm is a good thing, especially, as is the case with gun laws, where you’re not losing anything by enacting them. The logic some people have when it comes to guns, it’s like saying chemotherapy would only be 80% effective, so I just won’t get the treatment since there’s a 20% chance I’ll still die. It’s a complete fallacy, and it’s mentally lazy.

It’s also incredibly disingenuous to compare Toronto to the U.S.. We have a few dozen shootings in a bad year. In some cities in the U.S., you could get that in a week. We also haven’t had mass shootings like they constantly have down there. We’re the mouse to America’s elephant in terms of gun violence. The numbers aren’t even close.


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2005
Of course not. Lately there seems to be lots of shootings in Toronto. However, most are isolated instances or stupid crime or some gang guy is targeted, or someone is caught in a cross fire.

The US is about 10 rungs up the ladder. Tons more shootings, and the US involves a lot of heinous crackpot shootings like mass shooting sprees in schools, the guy who barged into a newspaper company shooting everyone in the newsroom, the shooter in a Vegas hotel raining bullets into a crowd, some guy who got fired and decides to go back the next day and shoot up coworkers and bosses etc....

Even if Toronto had the same shooting rate as the US, the types of shootings in Canada are much less extreme than the US.
Are Canadian bullets less lethal?


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2005
Any #blacklivesmatter protests planned as a result of this shooting ?


Jan 13, 2017
Shootings, stabbings, drive by's.....people killed, people arrested, people wanted on warrants. Maybe to help all of us simple folk to make sense of it, they could do a mass posting of the photos of the dead, the accused, and the wanted. Maybe where and when the crimes happened, what these people did for a living. Nahhhhh, that would be "insensitive and provocative". Let's just pretend its all random.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2010
Aww... Not Smokey Dog?!

Feel sorry for the girl though.
Apparently just a bystander.
Things do seem headed in the wrong direction.
Glad to hear John Tory is mad.


New member
Jan 26, 2017
How could this have happened?

Guns are illegal in Canada - we have strict gun control.

Those damn farmers at it again, we need an enhanced gun registry.

Live by the sword, die by the sword. No fucks given



Active member
May 22, 2011
Are Canadian bullets less lethal?
They are the same.

But what you are not understanding is gun violence in Canada pales in comparison vs. the US. The crime rates, absolute numbers of crime and types of crime are through the roof in the US. And this goes for gun violence as well.

You get a school shooting in Canada and it will be news all year. Get one in the US, it's news for 2 days and then another one pops up and takes over. And then a day later someone shoots up a business and boss. Then you get something big like the Vegas hotel shooting..... the type of thing everyone expects only comes from America and terrorist laden countries.


Jan 13, 2017
how could this have happened?

Guns are illegal in canada - we have strict gun control.

Those damn farmers at it again, we need an enhanced gun registry.

Live by the sword, die by the sword. No fucks given

farmer lives matter !!!!!


Jan 18, 2004
Current gun control laws work just fine, it's the lack of police, the failure of the Canadian Government to put sufficient personnel on the border to inspect and intercept shipments of guns from the US. And finally the failure of the courts to toss these assholes in jail for a long, long time. it's easier for the Feds to attacked legal gun owners than to do their job and round up these thugs.

Where's BLM? Not interested in black on black shootings.


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2005
They are the same.

But what you are not understanding is gun violence in Canada pales in comparison vs. the US. The crime rates, absolute numbers of crime and types of crime are through the roof in the US. And this goes for gun violence as well.

You get a school shooting in Canada and it will be news all year. Get one in the US, it's news for 2 days and then another one pops up and takes over. And then a day later someone shoots up a business and boss. Then you get something big like the Vegas hotel shooting..... the type of thing everyone expects only comes from America and terrorist laden countries.
Really? So if we multiplied canadian population ten fold we wouldn't see an increased number of shootings in canada ?


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
I believe Toronto has about 60 homicides a year, at 3m people, and Buffalo has about the same number of homicides, with only 10% of the population (appx 300,000 people). Plus or minus a few, but comparable. Just a thought.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Current gun control laws work just fine, it's the lack of police, the failure of the Canadian Government to put sufficient personnel on the border to inspect and intercept shipments of guns from the US. And finally the failure of the courts to toss these assholes in jail for a long, long time. it's easier for the Feds to attacked legal gun owners than to do their job and round up these thugs.

Where's BLM? Not interested in black on black shootings.
Agree with everything you've said, ESPECIALLY that which is now in bold.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I have a few questions?

Were the 2 guys who got shot armed?

Do they have a violent history themselves?

Were they engaging in a gun fight?

Or were they just walking down the street and got shot and killed?


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2005
4 more shot at Kensington market, but ya how about those Americans eh?


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
If you exclude the US inner cities, the US rate of gun homicides would be similar to Canada's.

The US has a violence problem, not a gun problem. The violence problem is the result of a disenfranchised inner-city minority with no resources, no jobs, poor education, a poor social safety net. In sum, no hope. Neo-liberal corporatism is making it worse, concentrating wealth into the hands of the few, reducing what is available for social stability.

If anybody believes in the trickle-down economy, advocated by Ronald Reagan, it means that the fire-hose of profit is pointed up towards to the corporate elite, while the droplets are trickling down to the 99%. The trickle down economy is the very definition of concentration of wealth. That is the cause of violence in the US, not guns.

In fact, there will be a time when a revolution will take place against a government totally subservient to the corporate and banking elite, that the 300 million guns in the US will help to rectify. The US founding fathers envisaged the 2nd amendment as a tool of popular revolt, and a safeguard to overthrow the tyranny of a government subverted by a foreign power (the British in 1776). Little did they realise that the 2nd amendment will be the tool to overthrow corporate domination from within.

Corporate control of government and its politicians is the definition of fascism. Their media then glorifies the military so they can facilitate recruiting willing participants who will engage in the subjugation of foreign countries into turning over their resources to them at a very cheap price.


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2017
If you exclude the US inner cities, the US rate of gun homicides would be similar to Canada's.

The US has a violence problem, not a gun problem. The violence problem is the result of a disenfranchised inner-city minority with no resources, no jobs, poor education, a poor social safety net. In sum, no hope. Neo-liberal corporatism is making it worse, concentrating wealth into the hands of the few, reducing what is available for social stability.

If anybody believes in the trickle-down economy, advocated by Ronald Reagan, it means that the fire-hose of profit is pointed up towards to the corporate elite, while the droplets are trickling down to the 99%. The trickle down economy is the very definition of concentration of wealth. That is the cause of violence in the US, not guns.

In fact, there will be a time when a revolution will take place against a government totally subservient to the corporate and banking elite, that the 300 million guns in the US will help to rectify. The US founding fathers envisaged the 2nd amendment as a tool of popular revolt, and a safeguard to overthrow the tyranny of a government subverted by a foreign power (the British in 1776). Little did they realise that the 2nd amendment will be the tool to overthrow corporate domination from within.

Corporate control of government and its politicians is the definition of fascism. Their media then glorifies the military so they can facilitate recruiting willing participants who will engage in the subjugation of foreign countries into turning over their resources to them at a very cheap price.
It's not just minorities.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts