First things first
It is only terrorism if the perpetrator is muslim.
that is not true. An act of terrorism is an act of terrorism . Doesn't matter the alleged terrorist could be white, Asian, muslim, Pakistani, European, etc ,etc. You do not have ANY right to say that "its only terrorism if the perpetrator is muslim" That's the most racist thing I read in the whole thread. SMH.
Regardless of the reason whether it be terrorism or because he couldn't get laid - WHO CARES! People lost their lives that day just for minding their own business & living their lives. Some of those people that died could have been going to lunch or heading back to work , students going to school, etc. It doesn't matter the reason what matters is that FAMILIES have LOST loved ones and they will NEVER see them again because someone decided to do something stupid.
I have read the whole thread and cant believe some of the responses even from some of the women on this board SMH. Even the police don't know the REAL reason yet right now its all SPECULATION. I'm not saying that you guys are disrespecting the deceased but I don't think we should be speculating when we were not there and do not know the alleged suspect. No one should be calling him a terrorist or anything until we have all the information we need to do so!
To the TPS - thank you for doing everything you can to look into this investigation professionally. The officer that was on scene showed amazing restraint even though the suspect claimed to be armed and dangerous. It takes a lot of courage to do what he did and I'm sure many of us that are ranting and raving on this board would have done the opposite - so for that I thank you. Nobody else needed to die Monday - there was already too much bloodshed.
To the families who are suffering right now and going through heartbreak and grief. My heart and prayers are with you right now and I hope that GOD watches over you and your families and that no harm may come your way anymore. To those that lost their lives on Monday I hope that you are welcomed at the gates with open arms and that you are at peace.
I guess all I really wanted to say is that while I was watching this act of violence on tv on Monday tears were streaming down my face for those that lost their lives and my heart was in Toronto and with everyone in Toronto as it always has been but more now than ever before.
Until the cops rule this as an act of terrorism I will keep my head high and not accuse anybody of something I do not know for sure myself. To all my fellow torontonians on this board - we must keep our head high and show that Toronto will always stick by one another no matter what happens in our great city.
May god bless you all. xox