InfoWars' main YouTube channel is two strikes away from being banned...Hahahahahahaha


Active member
Nov 1, 2001
I can't think of any poster that fits the "alt-right" profile on TERB. The board seems comprised of majority loonie leftists with a sprinkling of common sense centrists.
Just so I’m understanding you - do you look in the mirror and see a “common sense CENTRIST”? If so, that’s as whacked as you seeing an infant penis instead of a grown man’s dick when you pull your pants down.


Mar 12, 2004
Your description sounds quite accurate.

I have looked in the mirror and am feeling pretty good about myself.

Not sure what your point is. Terb is over-run with Alt Right assholes.
Since it seems your native language isn't English,... I'll try to make it simple for you,... the "point" of my post was obviously in response to a member who claimed that Alt-right was not an insult.

Which would also explain why you had trouble comprehending who that definition applies to,... so if you need more help with the English language,...please let me know.
A little hint,... the definition applies to Islamic terrorist supporters here,... got that LT56.

So before you decide to insult a member here,... think about this,... just because someone DOES NOT support Islamic terrorism, the Taliban,... does not automatically make them alt-right.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
,..."The alt-right, or alternative right, is a loosely-connected and somewhat ill-defined grouping of white supremacists, neo-Confederates, neo-Nazis, neo-fascists, and other far-right fringe hate groups. Alt-right beliefs have been described as isolationist, protectionist, ]anti-Semitic and white supremacist, frequently overlapping with neo-Nazism, nativism and Islamophobia, antifeminism, misogyny and homophobia, right-wing populism and the neoreactionary movement".
Actually, I would consider that a description of radical right. Not alt-right.

Just to clarify, is that your definition or copied from another source?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I can't think of any poster that fits the "alt-right" profile on TERB. The board seems comprised of majority loonie leftists with a sprinkling of common sense centrists.
Do you want to revisit your Rushton based arguments on why you claim there are 'races' of humans that are smarter then other races?
You and Budplug fit the description.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
I can't think of any poster that fits the "alt-right" profile on TERB. The board seems comprised of majority loonie leftists with a sprinkling of common sense centrists.
Says the guy who started and drove a 500 post thread arguing that Blacks were on average genetically intellectually inferior to whites and Orientals and who classifies Jews as a separate genetic group. The same classic thread in which his buddy, Plug told me in detail the small doctrinal differences between various alt Right splinter factions. Not that either of you would ever be considered Alt Right.....


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2017
LOL...One day perhaps I may join you in BP’s sig line!

The fact that he supported Nazis in Charlottesville does not surprise me in the least. In the name of “Justice” he supported Nazis; I bet he simultaneously denied that he really supports Nazis but that he felt the need to speak out in support of the principles of justice and free speech.

Guys like him are lying, manipulating dumbasses who get their news from YOUTUBE. I’m glad YT is clamping down on the nasty shit that gets posted there. It’s about time.
BP was comical in that thread. Making bold claims of the innocence of Feilds using nothing but youtube videos, eventually he was forced to move his goal posts back all the way too "...justice.. we should not assume someone is guilty until it is proven by a court of law...".


Feb 16, 2013
Some people on this board should be banned simply as a matter of human decency.


Mar 12, 2004
Actually, I would consider that a description of radical right. Not alt-right.

Just to clarify, is that your definition or copied from another source?
Not my definition.

What would your definition of an alt-right be ?

Other definitions simply relate it to an American phenomena,... which would mean that nobody here,... Canadians could be called one.

Except by those who don't have anything intelligent to respond to a post,... other than a childish racist insult.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Actually, I would consider that a description of radical right. Not alt-right.

Just to clarify, is that your definition or copied from another source?
Actually this individual who was nominated as Trump's campaign had no problem being associated with the "alt-right":

Bannon was an officer in the United States Navy for seven years in the late 1970s and early 1980s. After his military service, he worked at Goldman Sachs as an investment banker, and left as vice president. In 1993, he became acting director of the research project Biosphere 2. In the 1990s, he became an executive producer in Hollywood, and produced 18 films between 1991 and 2016. In 2007, he co-founded Breitbart News, a far-right website which he described in 2016 as "the platform for the alt-right".

The right wingers on this board have had no problem with associating themselves with Breitbart by using them as a media source and even calling them real news, not "fake news". So if Breitbart are an "alt-right" news media and Trump nominated an "alt Right" campaign manager who boasted about being an "alt right guy", there should be no issue with calling the supporters of such media and individuals "alt-right"!!!!! These same right wingers call everyone who are left of them "Commies", time and time again, although none of us ever use "Commie" sources or use them as references. Obviously, they do not know the meaning of the word "Commie" and what it stands for.


Mar 12, 2004
Whose definition is it?
What difference does it make,... one can always discount the source.

If you don't agree with it,... quote an alternative.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
What difference does it make,... one can always discount the source.
Being on TERB, you very well know that the source can make a difference.

The fact that you refuse to answer, is an admission that it comes from some site with a political agenda and you have accepted that you clearly lost this debate.

Typical for the dishonest "right". Posting dishonest info and then not having the conviction to back up what you say. Pitiful.


Active member
Jan 10, 2009
Why did you find the need to attack others in EVERY ONE of your posts in this thread. Why make it personal? Such an angry person.

,..."The alt-right, or alternative right, is a loosely-connected and somewhat ill-defined grouping of white supremacists, neo-Confederates, neo-Nazis, neo-fascists, and other far-right fringe hate groups. Alt-right beliefs have been described as isolationist, protectionist, ]anti-Semitic and white supremacist, frequently overlapping with neo-Nazism, nativism and Islamophobia, antifeminism, misogyny and homophobia, right-wing populism and the neoreactionary movement".
FAST took that definition straight from wikipedia ........ but there is a reason he's choosing not to reveal that as the rest of the article weakens his "it's an insult" argument.

If you read the rest of the wikipedia article and do a little research, it indicates that alt-right was originally a title created by high profile conservative strategists and used as a badge of honour and a rallying political platform for the 2016 election. Spencer and Taylor originally coined it around 2010. Used by Trump's key advisors Steve Bannon and Roger Stone during Trump's 2016 campaign and quickly adopted by Flynn, Jones and arguably Dice. Many of the original alt-right platforms were used (not surprisingly) by Trump as campaign talking points (anti-immigration, anti-global, isolationism, protectionism, gun ownership, etc.). Therefore a year ago, being an "alt-right" or "far-right" was considered an honour among many Conservative Americans and definitely helped get Trump elected. Especially since Trump used the alt-right title to separate and elevate himself from the "Washington elite" (drain the swamp) including old-guard Republicans that were shunning him constantly (including Ryan).

After the election, the title was more visibly adopted by extremist / hate groups such as the KKK, skinheads, American Nazis (Charlottesville march) and many fundamentalist church groups and as a result it's become an political liability and eventually an insult. Stone, Flynn and Bannon were fired in an effort for Trump to separate himself politically from the term and extremist groups. At this point alt-right became an insult.

If you go back to posts in late 2016, many of our favourite righty Terbites had no problem with the title and were constantly praising the platform. Have a look, virtually none of them fought the title in late 2016. Some mumbling began in early 2017 and now of-course they don't want to be associated with it so they claim "Center Conservative" or some "Libertarianism" leanings. It's really quite funny.


Active member
Jan 10, 2009
I can't think of any poster that fits the "alt-right" profile on TERB. The board seems comprised of majority loonie leftists with a sprinkling of common sense centrists.
Perfect example of what I'm saying. FAST and gang are crying about the insulting alt-right title, but every day people like Phil, PornAddict, C-M, Smallcock and many others use words like leftard, loonie lefts, etc.

In the case of Smallcock, it's only about trolling. 90% of his posts are designed to solicit a negative reaction, like this one.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Why did you find the need to attack others in EVERY ONE of your posts in this thread. Why make it personal? Such an angry person.

FAST took that definition straight from wikipedia ........ but there is a reason he's choosing not to reveal that as the rest of the article weakens his "it's an insult" argument.

If you read the rest of the wikipedia article and do a little research, it indicates that alt-right was originally a title created by high profile conservative strategists and used as a badge of honour and a rallying political platform for the 2016 election. Spencer and Taylor originally coined it around 2010. Used by Trump's key advisors Steve Bannon and Roger Stone during Trump's 2016 campaign and quickly adopted by Flynn, Jones and arguably Dice. Many of the original alt-right platforms were used (not surprisingly) by Trump as campaign talking points (anti-immigration, anti-global, isolationism, protectionism, gun ownership, etc.). Therefore a year ago, being an "alt-right" or "far-right" was considered an honour among many Conservative Americans and definitely helped get Trump elected. Especially since Trump used the alt-right title to separate and elevate himself from the "Washington elite" (drain the swamp) including old-guard Republicans that were shunning him constantly (including Ryan).

After the election, the title was more visibly adopted by extremist / hate groups such as the KKK, skinheads, American Nazis (Charlottesville march) and many fundamentalist church groups and as a result it's become an political liability and eventually an insult. Stone, Flynn and Bannon were fired in an effort for Trump to separate himself politically from the term and extremist groups. At this point alt-right became an insult.

If you go back to posts in late 2016, many of our favourite righty Terbites had no problem with the title and were constantly praising the platform. Have a look, virtually none of them fought the title in late 2016. Some mumbling began in early 2017 and now of-course they don't want to be associated with it so they claim "Center Conservative" or some "Libertarianism" leanings. It's really quite funny.
I guess Fast has been exposed once again, although he should be used to it by now.

Thanks for the research Promo.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Perfect example of what I'm saying. FAST and gang are crying about the insulting alt-right title, but every day people like Phil, PornAddict, C-M, Smallcock and many others use words like leftard, loonie lefts, etc.

In the case of Smallcock, it's only about trolling. 90% of his posts are designed to solicit a negative reaction, like this one.
I think you understimate how serious Smallc is in his posts.

BTW - as with all TERB debates, this is one that has occurred many, many times before. In particular, the reason that I have Kathleen on permanent ignore is that I once asked her to stop using the vast selection of personal insults that the TERB righties use - snowflake, libtart, loonie leftie, etc - and pointed out to her that they were offensive, as are all derogatory personal expletives. She laughed in my face and was supported by the usual alt right rabble.

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
Says the guy who started and drove a 500 post thread arguing that Blacks were on average genetically intellectually inferior to whites and Orientals and who classifies Jews as a separate genetic group. The same classic thread in which his buddy, Plug told me in detail the small doctrinal differences between various alt Right splinter factions. Not that either of you would ever be considered Alt Right.....
I don't believe I've ever called you a Libtard, snowflake or looney leftie, so why the label? I thought you were against that kind of thing? Isn't that why you have Kathleen on ignore? LOL!

As to the previous post you refer to, it appeared to me from that thread that you either didn't know there were doctrinal differences between the groups under discussion, or didn't think the differences mattered. I don't recall you disagreeing with me as to the differences I pointed out. Or are you just insinuating that anyone who would know the differences must be an active participant in one of these groups? Seems like that's what you're saying. I guess every journalist on that beat should get off it right now, because according to that logic, learning about these groups is the same as being a member!

Your reasoning is shockingly poor.


Mar 12, 2004
Not holding my breath,...

I guess Fast has been exposed once again, although he should be used to it by now.

Thanks for the research Promo.
I've been exposed,... what a fucking laugh.

I posted a definition,... and another possible example,... you have posted nothing,... except to open another window into promo's damaged psyche.

When you decide to find the time in your exciting life,... why don't you provide a quote.

Or do you have to rely on your frustrated comrade,... for a reply,... ???

OH,... and when did I initiate insulting,... ???

And you were doing just fine,... until the psycho inevitably stuck his nose in.
Last edited:

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
BP was comical in that thread. Making bold claims of the innocence of Feilds using nothing but youtube videos, eventually he was forced to move his goal posts back all the way too "...justice.. we should not assume someone is guilty until it is proven by a court of law...".
Find one instance where I proclaimed Fields was "innocent" (there are none in the entire thread, feel free to re-read the entire thing). Instead, you'll find repeated reference to my point that there is an evidence gap (based on the publicly available evidence) regarding the causative link between Heyer's death and the collision. That's it. What actually happened in that thread is that I asked people if they had links to more information about that causative issue than I had been been able to find. No one provided such links. Instead, those who were offended by the very notion of trying to find such information (lest it conflict with the reporting of the event, which strongly aligned with their politics) turned the thread into a ridiculous straw man.

Seems like you're the one making bold claims that are completely fabricated.
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