Most intellectual SP and best conversationalist?


Active member
Jun 11, 2017
in the weeks leading up to when I intend to play, I intensely research who I will be seeing and it would be amazing to be able to have some pre-meet conversations through any medium. I've sent a few msgs here and there to certain girls I'm interested in seeing but am never sure what's appropriate. I can talk a lot too but never push it past a handful of exchanges, but would like more than that. I'm sure this will be highly individualized but as a sub part of this thread, who have you seen that doesn't mind having conversations outside of the session, that pertain to the next session? I'm not trying to tell her how my day is, just present my ideas for us and our next session and have active feedback. Girls, if this is you, by all means comment or PM me :).
I love getting to know my clients, this is why I love Twitter so much. It gives both clients and providers a chance to get comfortable with each other before yo decide to meet. I know a lot of girls who do very well just from twitter (with no reviews!) because their personality comes out so much in their tweets. If I am remembering Rigel correctly, we ended up meeting because we bonded over a mutual love for animals and ginger cookies :p

But at the same time, this doesn't make time-wasting okay. Some folx will prebook a date and use the time leading as a chance to get to know each other a bit. I have even had people send me gift cards for my time!! I never ask, of course, but its things like this that show the difference between a time-waster and someone who truly wants to get to know you.
What do you think about those who can't even be bothered to reply to a single message? I only try to get a basic idea if she is friendly at all or not.


Active member
Nov 14, 2009
The creator of this thread considers himself to be "highly intellectual." Sounds a bit like the fellow who recently declared himself "stable genius."

For my part, my preferred conversations have been with the indy Rachel.

She speaks no English (with the exception of a few fundamentals, like "doggy"). I speak no Cantonese.

She has never lied to me, or even exaggerated. (Granted, her tongue is often otherwise occupied.) I can speak to her openly, confident that my intimate confidences will go no further. If the conversation goes in a esoteric direction, she doesn't ask me to explain existentialism. It is everything I could hope to experience with a beautiful naked woman vis-a-vis a stimulating exchange.
Feb 19, 2015
The creator of this thread considers himself to be "highly intellectual." Sounds a bit like the fellow who recently declared himself "stable genius."
For my part, my preferred conversations have been with the indy Rachel.
She speaks no English (with the exception of a few fundamentals, like "doggy"). I speak no Cantonese.
She has never lied to me, or even exaggerated. (Granted, her tongue is often otherwise occupied.) I can speak to her openly, confident that my intimate confidences will go no further. If the conversation goes in a esoteric direction, she doesn't ask me to explain existentialism. It is everything I could hope to experience with a beautiful naked woman vis-a-vis a stimulating exchange.
+1 Interesting approach!
And definitely works with Rachel Lol


Feb 23, 2017
I love getting to know my clients, this is why I love Twitter so much. It gives both clients and providers a chance to get comfortable with each other before yo decide to meet. I know a lot of girls who do very well just from twitter (with no reviews!) because their personality comes out so much in their tweets. If I am remembering Rigel correctly, we ended up meeting because we bonded over a mutual love for animals and ginger cookies :p

But at the same time, this doesn't make time-wasting okay. Some folx will prebook a date and use the time leading as a chance to get to know each other a bit. I have even had people send me gift cards for my time!! I never ask, of course, but its things like this that show the difference between a time-waster and someone who truly wants to get to know you.
So I am going to pose two question directly to you, based on your response (others are free to chime in of course too).

1) Why is it so important for ladies that guys truly get to know them? I ask only because some ladies in other threads "claim" it makes no difference to them or complain about back and forth messaging because everything should be paid for.
2) Why, when I made what I'll say was an executive decision to ask an SP after seeing her if it's ok to stay and chat for a few minutes with...wait for it...the INTENT to get to know her cause by the end of the appointment I only knew her name and background, did a bunch of people, ladies included, crap on me and say I what I did was wrong? Cause it seems like there are some mixed messages being received. Perhaps it's SP dependent - some care and some don't. Perhaps I should have gone with my second instinct which was to walk out after getting dressed and leave. My first instinct BTW was to be polite and converse.

Don't get me wrong, people. I love a good conversation as much as the next guy, especially when you find topics that are mutually enjoyed. I've had some great conversations with various ladies about travel, hobbies, TV shows/movies, news events, and of course for some, Terb and the industry. This all said, I, like most men, don't NEED it. We don't REQUIRE it. Some guys do - some are lonely and just need an ear. But others like myself don't. Happy to do so if it's limited during paid time but again, never necessary.

This all said, Sultry Sofia. Man that mouth is skilled (in more than one way ;)).


Feb 23, 2017
thanks for this.

to me, intelligence isn't just the ability to have an opinion on any subject. with social media, you see a lot of people proclaiming their mediocre opinions loudly. doesn't mean they're intelligent. it also doesn't mean that you received higher education. i've met some of the most close-minded people i know doing my postgrad. intelligence depends on one's ability to know how to parse through ideas and find the nuance in them. it's not about sticking with one political ideology all the time. it's not about droning on and on about how much you hate trump. it's about having principles and the ability to back them up. it's about having tastes outside mainstream fodder. it's about reading the works of others in both literature and non-fiction voraciously before forming your opinion. it's about looking reading the works of ideas you disagree with and reading it with intellectual honesty. it's about many, many things, and from what i've experienced, it's a rare find indeed. good luck.
Very true. I know a few PhD's who can talk ad nauseum about their field but really can't hold a conversation about anything else. I would say it's ok to stick with one ideology assuming you've been open enough at some point to take in a variety of information before forming your own conclusions. Too many people out there that focus on one thing or one single fact, come up with an opinion, but clearly either have no real idea or have nothing substantial to back it up. I get a lot of fools who constantly say I enjoy disagreeing, I don't care to listen, blah blah blah. To them I say WRONG. The difference between me and most other's is I don't accept a simple argument with no strong supporting evidence just because a person says so. I question medical professionals if it sounds like they are just quoting books or coming up with simple conclusions. I will ask them to explain, explain the issue, explain the medication, explain how it works and the side effects. Explain what else I can do. How many people just accept what others say as gospel truth without questioning them? How many people accept arguments from others when it's clear they have no logical reasoning behind it?

I once was in a Jacuzzi on vacation and there was some Americans there too so we started chatting. Turns out the wife was Canadian but had lived in the US for 20 years. They were so against Obamacare that it was unbelievable. I asked why and there reasoning was that their health premiums had gone up in order to subsidize the poor people. When I heard this, I wasn't too happy. As a Canadian, we (all) believe that one's healthcare should not be dependent upon one's income. So I tried to push this point - why is it not fair that all people receive healthcare regardless of their financial standing? These people could not answer the question. They could not fathom the concept. They of course jumped to the usual goto - long lineups to get care in Canada so our system is bad. I didn't disagree - our system isn't perfect and certain improvements should be made - but still, why is not fair to help those who are not as fortunate? They still didn't get it. And I find many people are like this. They are not open to different ideas. They haven't considered all the sides before forming a conclusion. Very difficult to have an intellectually stimulating conversation with these types.


Jan 16, 2004
Paradise by the dashboard light.
a woman who can tell me how Brobdingnagian my cock is in 10 different languages, needs no introduction

Dec 12, 2017
What do you think about those who can't even be bothered to reply to a single message? I only try to get a basic idea if she is friendly at all or not.
I'm extremely picky in this regard. Even the wording of a message can throw me off. If it seems too blunt, or if there is no personality coming through in the writing, I immediately become a bit distant and am less likely to book. I will usually continue politely, but not for long, then just not book. This has only happened a few times so far but it's bound to happen more often I'm sure, and I understand, the girls put up with time wasters all day every day, guys who want to talk and try to get jack off material, I get it. But I'm not that guy, and even though I'm intelligent enough to appreciate that the girls have no way of knowing I'm not that guy, it doesn't negate nor prevent my emotional reaction, which I then have to overcome if I want to book. Just one more hurdle that I don't have to deal with if I don't want to. I'm not saying I get upset or am sensitive, I just begin to wonder if that attitude will carry into the session, for how long, will I have to be a regular to make it disappear, how often must I visit, and so on. I respond rather negatively to bad attitudes and will just walk on the appointment then vent here most likely, not a good experience and one I wish to avoid so at the first sign of this being a possibility, I just cross her off the list and end all communication attempts.

On the contrary, a girl who responds positively, thoroughly (missing clearly stated points is a big pet peeve of mine), and with some personality in her message, is much more likely to keep my interest, intensify it, and see me at her door in the near future. Girls I wouldn't usually gravitate to for whatever reason, can and have caught my interest simply because of who they are, in this hobby and in real life. So it's a rather significant component in my decision process. I will say though, check what you write to her. I'm a bit verbose and decently articulate so I probably conjure a specific image in a girls head, simply because of the way I write, that is favourable. If the message you send resembles those sent by time wasters or bad clients, perhaps they will not want to respond. I also know a lot of girls ask for specific information in your introductory email, and if absent, you will not receive a response. Check what you wrote, and see if it's missing any key elements. If you still don't see anything wrong with what you're writing, PM me your msg to a specific girl if you're comfortable and I'll tell you what I would change. Might help, might not, but if you're not getting anywhere anyway, it can't hurt.

Dec 12, 2017
The creator of this thread considers himself to be "highly intellectual." Sounds a bit like the fellow who recently declared himself "stable genius.:"
I'd recheck my understanding of the word intellectual if I were you. Genius and intellectual are not synonymous - and yeah, I'm definitely the same guy lol...


Feb 23, 2017
yeah there's like a million reasons obamacare was bad and it's not just about premiums going up... there's also the fact that if you chose to opt out because you couldn't afford the premiums, you were fined heavily for it. it was nothing like universal health care and not even comparable to what we have in canada.
That's the thing - it wasn't perfect but let's give Obama some credit - it was at least a step in the right direction which was to give more people health coverage. If anyone here saw Sicko by Michael Moore, he talks about the 40 or 50 million Americans who do not have health coverage in the first part - the rest of the movie (spoiler alert) is talking about the flaws in the system for those with coverage. At least a bunch of Americans now have the ability to go see a doctor which many couldn't before.

The problem with the Canadian system is between the number of hypochondriacs that go see a doctor when they cough plus a system that doesn't control the flow of traffic properly, it definitely requires a huge overhaul to increase efficiency and make it less likely a person suffering from indigestion will have to wait multiple hours for a diagnosis, taking up the space of someone who actually has a real problem that isn't solved by taking an OTC solution. 80% of the colds/flu type issues I've ever experienced were solved with bed rest, heat, dry toast, soup, Tylenol Sinus, and and/or a pain reliever.


Feb 23, 2017
I'm extremely picky in this regard. Even the wording of a message can throw me off. If it seems too blunt, or if there is no personality coming through in the writing, I immediately become a bit distant and am less likely to book. I will usually continue politely, but not for long, then just not book. This has only happened a few times so far but it's bound to happen more often I'm sure, and I understand, the girls put up with time wasters all day every day, guys who want to talk and try to get jack off material, I get it. But I'm not that guy, and even though I'm intelligent enough to appreciate that the girls have no way of knowing I'm not that guy, it doesn't negate nor prevent my emotional reaction, which I then have to overcome if I want to book. Just one more hurdle that I don't have to deal with if I don't want to. I'm not saying I get upset or am sensitive, I just begin to wonder if that attitude will carry into the session, for how long, will I have to be a regular to make it disappear, how often must I visit, and so on. I respond rather negatively to bad attitudes and will just walk on the appointment then vent here most likely, not a good experience and one I wish to avoid so at the first sign of this being a possibility, I just cross her off the list and end all communication attempts.

On the contrary, a girl who responds positively, thoroughly (missing clearly stated points is a big pet peeve of mine), and with some personality in her message, is much more likely to keep my interest, intensify it, and see me at her door in the near future. Girls I wouldn't usually gravitate to for whatever reason, can and have caught my interest simply because of who they are, in this hobby and in real life. So it's a rather significant component in my decision process. I will say though, check what you write to her. I'm a bit verbose and decently articulate so I probably conjure a specific image in a girls head, simply because of the way I write, that is favourable. If the message you send resembles those sent by time wasters or bad clients, perhaps they will not want to respond. I also know a lot of girls ask for specific information in your introductory email, and if absent, you will not receive a response. Check what you wrote, and see if it's missing any key elements. If you still don't see anything wrong with what you're writing, PM me your msg to a specific girl if you're comfortable and I'll tell you what I would change. Might help, might not, but if you're not getting anywhere anyway, it can't hurt.

Some excellent points. I think you have a combination of some ladies who get it and some that don't. I send some particularly long and detailed emails. I'll admit that. But like anything I write, I'm sending a longer email because I want my points to be clear and less prone to misinterpretation/misunderstanding. So sometimes I need to provide some context or some explanation, not just some simple request info. I personally think of it as good planning. I want to ensure the appointment goes very well if not great, and that's for the both of us. As a customer, why should I get anything other than the best service and the things I'm looking for? As an SP, why should she have to deal with a bunch of unknowns and worry about not knowing what a customer wants and likes? I think if both parties are on the same page and understand each other's perspectives and expectations, there is little chance of a date being anything less than spectacular. Granted I could easily just book a lady, spend (or more accurately waste) time explaining what I want/like, hoping she'll be on the same page OR hammer out most of this stuff in advance. Clearly I won't have a bad time if in I know in advance a girl has X likes and Y restrictions and I decide that works for me.

I also (in most cases) only focus on the specifics of us meeting. I don't write about anything personal, opinionated, or other stuff unless the lady indicates that's ok. Again, I think knowing more about a person is only going to enhance the experience but it's never just an excuse to know someone and never see them. I'm not in prison and don't need pen pals.

What I've found is the good ladies either respond back with good messages or respond back with short replies but (1) they respond and (2) they never complain. I have a list of ladies who I am eager to visit once the opportunity to do so arises.
Dec 12, 2017
...This all said, I, like most men, don't NEED it. We don't REQUIRE it. Some guys do - some are lonely and just need an ear. But others like myself don't. Happy to do so if it's limited during paid time but again, never necessary.
I just gotta ask, for a guy who writes a lot, and this is coming from a guy who writes a lot, do you ever stop, reread what you wrote, consider how it might come across, and make changes? I think this question was asked in another thread and the answer was a resounding no - so I guess consider it rhetorical.

Another question, not rhetorical. If I'm interested in what she has to say, her experiences and her thoughts, how exactly does that mean I need an ear? Please, do explain. I'd be perfectly happy with saying very little, if she's interesting. I have other hobbies that keep me busy, have a close circle of friends, a family, and so on, but I'm lonely? It couldn't be that I studied psychology for a reason and am just genuinely interested in people's life experiences, with boring people not offering me much?

Did you catch the part about me preferring to book longer sessions so naturally there will be some "down time"? What do you suppose is done then? Hop on the gram?

You seem to think it odd that I, and obviously others, can find a woman's mind sexy. To me at least, that is a sign of immaturity on your part. You still do not have a mature enough view of women, maybe people in general even, to see them as more than what you can "use" them for. Or maybe you've not gotten past some sort of conditioning you've received, and even if only at a subconscious level, you still see women primarily as objects (tits, ass and holes to play with - remember, you don't REQUIRE any resemblance of an actual person to connect, just things to play with). Sorry, but I just don't agree with your equating finding mentally stimulating women attractive to being lonely and needing an ear. I've heard stories of hobbyists who are lonely and need an ear. They book an hour, or more, and ramble on about their life and problems. Quite different from learning a little bit about a girl you plan to see on the regular after you've popped 2-3 times in the hour.

I don't intend to get into one of your infamous never-ending debates, just consider what I said, accept or reject some or all of it, and that's about it. Of course, I would like to read your answer to my question and response to my overall message, but I do not intend to argue my point much further than I already have in this message as I believe it's pretty clear where I stand.
Dec 12, 2017
I think knowing more about a person is only going to enhance the experience
This - as long as she's intellectually stimulating, i.e. I don't care about your vegan diet - is all I'm talking about. Why the comment I wrote about before? You seem to get it on some level.
Dec 12, 2017
Perhaps I should have wrote this in the original post - intellectual is not synonymous with intelligent, smart, genius, and so on. I used the word as an adjective, not a noun, so it does not refer simply to an educated person either.

Intellectual, as used here, refers to activities and concepts of the mind. A person who is interested in ideas, in exploring abstract concepts, who won't cling desperately to their preconceived notions on any topic. A person who is willing to question the beliefs they hold to be most true and above question. Those are the people I like. These are often people with a wide array of life experiences ranging from the normal to the abnormal to the exceptional. They are the most interesting to me.

Hope this clears some things up.


Feb 23, 2017
I just gotta ask, for a guy who writes a lot, and this is coming from a guy who writes a lot, do you ever stop, reread what you wrote, consider how it might come across, and make changes? I think this question was asked in another thread and the answer was a resounding no - so I guess consider it rhetorical.

Another question, not rhetorical. If I'm interested in what she has to say, her experiences and her thoughts, how exactly does that mean I need an ear? Please, do explain. I'd be perfectly happy with saying very little, if she's interesting. I have other hobbies that keep me busy, have a close circle of friends, a family, and so on, but I'm lonely? It couldn't be that I studied psychology for a reason and am just genuinely interested in people's life experiences, with boring people not offering me much?

Did you catch the part about me preferring to book longer sessions so naturally there will be some "down time"? What do you suppose is done then? Hop on the gram?

You seem to think it odd that I, and obviously others, can find a woman's mind sexy. To me at least, that is a sign of immaturity on your part. You still do not have a mature enough view of women, maybe people in general even, to see them as more than what you can "use" them for. Or maybe you've not gotten past some sort of conditioning you've received, and even if only at a subconscious level, you still see women primarily as objects (tits, ass and holes to play with - remember, you don't REQUIRE any resemblance of an actual person to connect, just things to play with). Sorry, but I just don't agree with your equating finding mentally stimulating women attractive to being lonely and needing an ear. I've heard stories of hobbyists who are lonely and need an ear. They book an hour, or more, and ramble on about their life and problems. Quite different from learning a little bit about a girl you plan to see on the regular after you've popped 2-3 times in the hour.

I don't intend to get into one of your infamous never-ending debates, just consider what I said, accept or reject some or all of it, and that's about it. Of course, I would like to read your answer to my question and response to my overall message, but I do not intend to argue my point much further than I already have in this message as I believe it's pretty clear where I stand.
1) I actually do go back and re-read what I wrote and if it's clear enough to me I do nothing, if not I make changes.
2) You clearly didn't get what I was saying because I was not addressing you or any other guy in particular. This was more so a comment on women, particularly SP's who seem to have the viewpoint that most guys want and need to converse (and it must be done as part of the paid date), perhaps because the men are lonely. There are plenty of guys on here who have stated otherwise. They are pretty good with walking in and getting down to business.

I never said I personally don't find an intelligent woman attractive - I surely do. I never said I personally don't enjoy a stimulating conversation - I do. That being said, the choice to go into a long and detailed conversation rests with the client, not with the SP, since the client is paying for the time and is entitled to do things he wants to do. Some guys want to talk for a lengthy time or even the whole appointment. That's fine - that's their choice and their money and if they are good with that, NP.

Lastly, curious why I would have noticed YOUR statement about wanting longer dates - the quote you are commenting of mine wasn't specifically directed at you or anything you've said so why the hell would that be of any relevance to my comment?
Dec 12, 2017
1) I actually do go back and re-read what I wrote and if it's clear enough to me I do nothing, if not I make changes.
2) You clearly didn't get what I was saying because I was not addressing you or any other guy in particular. This was more so a comment on women, particularly SP's who seem to have the viewpoint that most guys want and need to converse (and it must be done as part of the paid date), perhaps because the men are lonely. There are plenty of guys on here who have stated otherwise. They are pretty good with walking in and getting down to business.

I never said I personally don't find an intelligent woman attractive - I surely do. I never said I personally don't enjoy a stimulating conversation - I do. That being said, the choice to go into a long and detailed conversation rests with the client, not with the SP, since the client is paying for the time and is entitled to do things he wants to do. Some guys want to talk for a lengthy time or even the whole appointment. That's fine - that's their choice and their money and if they are good with that, NP.

Lastly, curious why I would have noticed YOUR statement about wanting longer dates - the quote you are commenting of mine wasn't specifically directed at you or anything you've said so why the hell would that be of any relevance to my comment?
1) Kind of what I thought - thanks for the answer.

2) If so, my bad - thanks for the clarification.

To answer your question - because I started this thread by outlining a specific scenario to apply your suggestions to, i.e. me booking longer sessions and wanting someone I can enjoy the down time with. I recognize some book simply to talk - I do not want that - which is a reason for the scenario. You began the paragraph your statement is in by addressing everyone, opening it up to comment from anyone, as you've argued in other threads. You then proceeded to disparage people ( by creating a dichotomy of "me" vs "them" where you are clearly superior) who do book sessions simply to talk because they're lonely, as if there is anything wrong with them for doing that, and like it has any relevance to the thread - which it doesn't if you read my opening statement. Instead of assuming you read my statement and just disregarded it, I thought I would ask. Apparently, you didn't read it, so you just skipped the opening post of this thread and wrote what you felt like writing even if its not really relevant or helpful in the least? lololol good shit bro. All the best, I'll be sure to avoid you in future threads - but I do enjoy reading your false logic and glaringly ignorant statements, so please keep writing, it makes for a good laugh.



Feb 23, 2017
1) Kind of what I thought - thanks for the answer.

2) If so, my bad - thanks for the clarification.

To answer your question - because I started this thread by outlining a specific scenario to apply your suggestions to, i.e. me booking longer sessions and wanting someone I can enjoy the down time with. I recognize some book simply to talk - I do not want that - which is a reason for the scenario. You began the paragraph your statement is in by addressing everyone, opening it up to comment from anyone, as you've argued in other threads. You then proceeded to disparage people ( by creating a dichotomy of "me" vs "them" where you are clearly superior) who do book sessions simply to talk because they're lonely, as if there is anything wrong with them for doing that, and like it has any relevance to the thread - which it doesn't if you read my opening statement. Instead of assuming you read my statement and just disregarded it, I thought I would ask. Apparently, you didn't read it, so you just skipped the opening post of this thread and wrote what you felt like writing even if its not really relevant or helpful in the least? lololol good shit bro. All the best, I'll be sure to avoid you in future threads - but I do enjoy reading your false logic and glaringly ignorant statements, so please keep writing, it makes for a good laugh.

WOW - I thought some people were a little nutty for thinking every time I quote them I am directly talking to them but you happen to take the booby prize for thinking everyone posting in a thread that you created is directly talking to you. Newsflash - they aren't. I'll refer you to post #77 and the quote I was replying to by BuxomBabeTO. Are you BuxomBabeTO? No - so the line So I am going to pose two question directly to you is clearly addressed to BuxomBabeTO, just like me quoting you in this response than using the pronoun "you" refers to you, TheObservantone (may wanna change your name because clearly yours does not apply).

Now, for the second time, since you still don't get it, I'm not disparaging guys who want to talk. That's their prerogative. It's their money. I am saying it's not right for ladies to demand guys get to know them if guys don't want to talk all that much.

Lastly, I don't know how you handle yourself (and TBH I don't give a crap) but if I see a title that's fairly obvious and a thread that is multiple pages long, I may or may not decide to read the post from the beginning. Less likely to do so if the original thread was started a while back. Either way, I saw a comment from someone that not you, made a statement directly to that person, and was polite enough to say I'm open to others chiming in and providing answers to the questions asked which, as far as I'm concerned, you really haven't done anyway.
Dec 12, 2017
LOLOL you do realize the paragraph your statement is in begins with, "Don't get me wrong, people.", right? lmao keep going man I'm dying.


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
intellectual is not synonymous with intelligent, smart, genius, and so on.

I honestly don't know what those words really mean. I am amazing at cryptic crosswords and cryptograms. I'm very well-read, fairly well-educated, etc. Most people consider me to be 'smart'. But I still can't remember to tie my shoes when I leave the house.
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