I was once at a bar with my farther and some of his friends. He was a regular at this pub and I had to meet him for some reason, and his girlfriend convinced me to stay and have a few drinks. One lady was quite a bit older than my farther. I was about 25 at the time, my dad was 55, so this lady was probably about 65-70. Anyway, it was small cozy bar, with tiny little booths, and somehow her and I ended up in this one booth together. We were just talking about everyday stuff, but she was wearing this sort of silk button down dress shirt. My arm was on the table, and after while, she kept leaning over to talk to me and her breasts would be on my arm. At first I didn't think to much of it. After a while, I realized she must have been doing this deliberately. Even at her age, she was very good looking. I was totally turned on and thought to myself "what if this goes farther?". This continued for about 3 or 4 drinks, and finally I said to myself "I better leave and get myself out of this before I do something I regret"...lol. That's the closest I've came to being intimate with a lady in that age range.