Constable James Forcillo Arrested for Breaching Bail Terms


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Its also why cops perhaps should be more tactful and patient nowadays because almost everyone has a cellphone camera, and odds are good somebody's recording the event.

If Forcillo happened 15 years ago the whole thing would have been swept under the rug
Which is why the police culture is so rotten. It has always been this way. But thanks to cell phones and cameras it is being exposed.


New member
Sep 28, 2011
I think most Libtards hate me
But then again they also hate Trump
That's the problem with these dumb Trump followers like yourself. When you couldn't reason your auguments, you started calling people liberals, or yelled faked news.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
In other new, Police took down a knife wielding man last week. Without shooting him 9 times. Good Cop stories rarely make the news.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Of course he didn’t get what he fully deserved. This young man lost his life, many years of joy and opportunities, same for his family, while this scumbag only lost 6years of his life. There’s no comparison at all.

I meant he got what he deserved compared to all the other cops that get away with assaulting, shooting and killing people when there’s no reason or need to.

The reason why cops back each other up even when in wrong, is because they are either scumbags as well and agree with this wrongful and illegal practice, or either they are scared of being bullied, threatened and harassed by colleagues on the force.

Just like back in highschool with little gangs that dictate what you do and don’t do, and when you disagree, the whole gang makes fun of you and makes your life a living hell... Some believe it’s better to shut up and take it...

It’s called being biased, which is bullshit.

If a friend of mine gets way out of line, I’m not going to encourage him/her, or lie to save his ass, at my expense.

I totally agree...

So Yatim had asked to call his dad, and no one did? What a a shame...
Worked with a guy who quit the Force and then went to law school a few years back. He said that there are cliques that run certain police divisions and if you don't go along with them, life can get very difficult for you. He mentioned something about being on beach patrol on Hanlan's Point, night shifts, an entire winter, every winter to make his point.


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2005

This video broke my heart...

See how the bus driver stayed on the bus until cops arrived? I wonder why he stayed on with the obvious and possible threat, but he still stayed on for a while, and when he did get off, he stayed close to the bus. You can see him talk to Yatim, I suppose he was trying to calm him down and help him. The boy was obviously in a crisis. I wonder what kind of conversation the two had...

Police really need to use their judgement instead of being trigger happy more often than not. Being an officer is like any other job that involves being in contact with the public; you need to love people for real, be sociable, considerate and have empathy. As officers, they have to deal with all sorts of people, and many just like Yatim, with crisis, breakdowns, depression, drugs... You’d think they’d be properly trained to deal with cases like this.

The first three shots were unnecessary, in my opinion. He was only holding a knife. What could he have done to harm others with a knife, all alone in that bus? If anything, the boy is the one that was in danger with at least four armed cops pointing their guns at him at a 4 meter distance.

If police suspected he had a gun or other more dangerous weapons, then they should have stayed back to be safe, and also block pedestrians and cars from passing through to keep them safe as well. They could have done that long enough for the boy to calm down, and surrender himself. Forcillo and the rest had plenty other options before surrounding him and shooting him. We need more cops like this bus driver...

I’m glad to see this cop do time for his unjustified and unnecessary action. He got what he deserved. Hopefully, this will be a lesson learned for other cops with similar attitudes, that get a thrill out of being in an authority position and go on power trips and on assaulting/shooting/killing sprees, which is what I suspect happened in this sad event. Forcillo probably repeatedly told the boy to put his knife down, then shot him for not following his orders. Disgusting...

I really feel for this boy’s mother and family. Another young man gone too soon...
Ignorance is bliss

Also in a police shooting average hit rate for a police officer is 8-20% (page 4)

So for all the delusional individuals whose only education on anything even close to this kind of scenario has been movies this is why 10 or even 20 shots are not excessive. After all out of 10-20 shots the officer might be lucky to land 1-4 rounds on target, and even that often doesn't stop someone regardless of what you see in the movies.

The street car driver was an average person, in other words clueless how quickly his life would have ended.

Here is the RCMP use of force guidelines.



Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Ignorance is bliss

Also in a police shooting average hit rate for a police officer is 8-20% (page 4)

So for all the delusional individuals whose only education on anything even close to this kind of scenario has been movies this is why 10 or even 20 shots are not excessive. After all out of 10-20 shots the officer might be lucky to land 1-4 rounds on target, and even that often doesn't stop someone regardless of what you see in the movies.

The street car driver was an average person, in other words clueless how quickly his life would have ended.

Here is the RCMP use of force guidelines.

I agree with you that the range of a person with a knife is greater than people think.

But I think the courts had more info than you or I when concluding that he was guilty. i.e. other factors to consider


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2005
I agree with you that the range of a person with a knife is greater than people think.

But I think the courts had more info than you or I when concluding that he was guilty. i.e. other factors to consider
I think he will be acquitted once his appeal is done.
The people in power hung him out to dry to appease the average bleeding heart liberal.
People truly don't have a clue what the police deal with. If in doubt read this thread or any comment section from global, cbc etc.
Comments such as "shoot him in the foot", "use a baton", "no need for 9 shots" is a perfect showcase of how dumb the average person really is.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Ignorance is bliss

Also in a police shooting average hit rate for a police officer is 8-20% (page 4)

So for all the delusional individuals whose only education on anything even close to this kind of scenario has been movies this is why 10 or even 20 shots are not excessive. After all out of 10-20 shots the officer might be lucky to land 1-4 rounds on target, and even that often doesn't stop someone regardless of what you see in the movies.

The street car driver was an average person, in other words clueless how quickly his life would have ended.

Here is the RCMP use of force guidelines.

Firstly Forcillo already had his gun drawn, so that video does not apply as the key problem is upholstering and aiming the gun. Secondly, on the RCMP guidelines, Yatim was at most passive resistant and Forcillo had made no attempt to communicate with him and de-escalate the situation.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
I think he will be acquitted once his appeal is done.
The people in power hung him out to dry to appease the average bleeding heart liberal.
People truly don't have a clue what the police deal with. If in doubt read this thread or any comment section from global, cbc etc.
Comments such as "shoot him in the foot", "use a baton", "no need for 9 shots" is a perfect showcase of how dumb the average person really is.
An acquittal will not appeal to the liberals

Police see people on their worst day. That's why I would never be a cop. you respond to calls re a guy who lost his job and wife, couples on drug benders having a domestic, people having breakdowns etc

cunning linguist

Well-known member
Oct 13, 2009
Firstly Forcillo already had his gun drawn, so that video does not apply as the key problem is upholstering and aiming the gun. Secondly, on the RCMP guidelines, Yatim was at most passive resistant and Forcillo had made no attempt to communicate with him and de-escalate the situation.
He was armed with a knife, that's not "passive resistant", a weapon immediately puts a subject into the "lethal force/gross bodily harm" behavioural category, to which, drawing a pistol can be an appropriate response.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
He was armed with a knife, that's not "passive resistant", a weapon immediately puts a subject into the "lethal force/gross bodily harm" behavioural category, to which, drawing a pistol can be an appropriate response.

As dundee might have said, thats not a knife. Also the training video was for enclosed spaces, Forcillo had the option of backing off. While Yatim was armed with a knife, his posture was not overtly aggressive. By drawing his weapon Forcillo had time on his side and had many other options then lethal force.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
An acquittal will not appeal to the liberals

Police see people on their worst day. That's why I would never be a cop. you respond to calls re a guy who lost his job and wife, couples on drug benders having a domestic, people having breakdowns etc
Its a shitty job, no doubt. But if you can't hack it, you should quit. Its not for everyone.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Good anything rarely makes the news.
Except when a good guy gets killed by a bad guy defending a good guy...

Firstly Forcillo already had his gun drawn, so that video does not apply as the key problem is upholstering and aiming the gun. Secondly, on the RCMP guidelines, Yatim was at most passive resistant and Forcillo had made no attempt to communicate with him and de-escalate the situation.
The other thing that should have tipped off Forcillo is that Yatim had his cock in one hand and was holding the knife like a candle in the other. If you go back and watch the video, none of the other officers were concerned about Yatim jumping out of the streetcar and attacking them with the knife.

Their body language speaks volumes.

Police see people on their worst day. That's why I would never be a cop. you respond to calls re a guy who lost his job and wife, couples on drug benders having a domestic, people having breakdowns etc
So true. I couldn't do it!


not banned
Mar 2, 2004
Somewhere but not here.
The street car driver was an average person, in other words clueless how quickly his life would have ended.
The other factor is if the street car driver left the street car could Yatim have been free to use it as a weapon ? Not sure if they have a easy quick way to disable them. Key is there are so many factors that we don't know that went into the split second decisions to stay with the street car and then to fire the first 3 rounds and then more.

I have sat on 2 juries in my lifetime and its not easy to decide. I didn't have as serious of a case on either occaision but still not black and white.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
The other factor is if the street car driver left the street car could Yatim have been free to use it as a weapon ? Not sure if they have a easy quick way to disable them. Key is there are so many factors that we don't know that went into the split second decisions to stay with the street car and then to fire the first 3 rounds and then more.

I have sat on 2 juries in my lifetime and its not easy to decide. I didn't have as serious of a case on either occaision but still not black and white.
I said it before. All they had to do was walk to the back of the streetcar, pull down on the rope to disconnect the power. They had plenty of time to do it. As they did to hit him with pepper spray.

black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
HEYHEY;5995808 Comments such as "shoot him in the foot" said:
So where does "shoot him 5 more times after he's been hit and clearly down" fall into this?

p.s, I also find it kind of odd that Forcillo, and known hot head, was the only one that had his gun drawn, not to mention is subsequent actions.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Police see people on their worst day. That's why I would never be a cop. you respond to calls re a guy who lost his job and wife, couples on drug benders having a domestic, people having breakdowns etc
Add to that the pay is shit and the stress levels are through the roof, and you couldnt pay me enough money to do that job
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