Now Al Franken (US Senator) accused of sexual assault


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Not to mention that the Roy Moore case involves underage and very young teenagers.
Trump should also have the same amount of attention as Moore and Franken.
Moore's accusers being children are by far the worse, of course, but none are acceptable.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Not to mention that the Roy Moore case involves underage and very young teenagers.
And Al Franken apparently only mimed groping boobs for a cheesy photo. Didn't grab a 14 year old's face and force it onto his crotch. Big difference.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
And Al Franken apparently only mimed groping boobs for a cheesy photo. Didn't grab a 14 year old's face and force it onto his crotch. Big difference
Who is surprised oagre is defending Al Franken??


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
And Al Franken apparently only mimed groping boobs for a cheesy photo. Didn't grab a 14 year old's face and force it onto his crotch. Big difference.
Al Franken admitted it and should compensate the victim out of his own pocket. The "hush taxpayers" money program used by the senate will have to be terminated. On the other hand Trump and Moore have denied the allegations against them by several women. Hopefully, one day they will do the honourable thing and admit to it. Obviously Moore is the most despicable person with his history of inappropriate sexual encounters with underage girls.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
His response sounds like Spacey


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
This definitely wasn't his first time...


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Who is surprised oagre is defending Al Franken??
What exactly do you mean by these very personal comments, Phil?

Can you explain this a little more? For me and the mods?


Mar 27, 2016
What exactly do you mean by these very personal comments, Phil?

Can you explain this a little more? For me and the mods?
Sounds like its time for you to go see a psychiatrist if you're not already seeing one.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
This accusations business has now acquired its own life. The people who thought that they'll be able to control it as a political weapon really, really miscalculated.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
And Al Franken apparently only mimed groping boobs for a cheesy photo.
I agree the photo was just a juvenile prank not a physical assault. If this is the definition of assault, every guy who went to university will be up on charges.

The kiss (if it happened) is sexual assault and looking at Al Franken - it is obviously not consensual. I would be surprised if it happened on stage and there isn't anyone -performers or stage hands - available that could step forward. If there is a pattern of bad behaviour, I'm sure more will step forward and he should be kicked out. If it becomes a he said / she said single incident, then you can't kick him out. If it only took one unproven accusation - I'm guessing no one will be left to govern.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Who is surprised oagre is defending Al Franken??
If pointing out that Al Franken's crime was in another class than Roy Moore's crimes, is a defense of Al Franken, I volunteer together with Oagre.

PS: The women has accepted Al Frankens apology.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
So that makes everything okay then???

I'm just asking???
Why do you keep misreading everything we are writing?

Franken has agreed to cooperate with a Senate investigation. The Senate has the option of sanctioning or removing him for misconduct. It's like an accused in a criminal case apologizing to the victim. He still has to appear before the judge at his trial. The apology might make him look a little better. It certainly doesn't end the episode.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Why do you keep misreading everything we are writing?

Franken has agreed to cooperate with a Senate investigation. The Senate has the option of sanctioning or removing him for misconduct. It's like an accused in a criminal case apologizing to the victim. He still has to appear before the judge at his trial. The apology might make him look a little better. It certainly doesn't end the episode.
You are 100% right about it. But look at this disgusting hypocrite who is silent about Moore, but has no problems coming out to attack Franken. His tweets are non presidential but the hypocrisy reflects on his cult following:


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
You are 100% right about it. But look at this disgusting hypocrite who is silent about Moore, but has no problems coming out to attack Franken. His tweets are non presidential but the hypocrisy reflects on his cult following:
Lots of hypocrisy to go around. Looks like both sides are equally appalling.

Moore is a travesty. And Frankin did this on a USO tour. Bad enough they are heading into a combat zone on a volunteer basis already surrounded by soldiers wolf calling. But to have to fend off advances from colleagues as well?

Franklin made his own bed on this one when his became a leading critic and no doubt made numerous harassment jokes about the president.

That's what happens when you throw rocks. You need to check the building you are standing in.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
You prefer the liars? and the deniers... ?
I prefer neither. But the precedent was set with Clinton. You can get a blowjob in the WH from an intern.

Until they change the rules and the parties start tossing people from caucus and the money there isn't result consequenses is there?

Your discussing whether one is the lesser of two evils. I can just as easily say Franklin is crying croc tears to save his job.

Would he have done the same without the picture?


Well-known member
Fucking Insane. Can you imagine milking something like this 12 years later? The "Reality" TV star has been replaced with "Assault" TV star. This person is just the tip of the Iceberg. If I get to do the Talk show and media circuit you can give me a fucking reach around and ass grab right now.......Wailing on TV(badly I might add. I've seen better soap opera tears) because a guy tried to kiss her 12 years ago!?!?! Not forced her to suck his dick....or raped.....or pussy grabbed.....a kiss....or a picture of a COMEDIAN clearly not even touching her breasts trying for some yuk yuks.

Fuck the Democrats for turning on him . This is why you get your asses kicked so god damn always..........People value morals, but they also value loyalty and you fuckers turn on your own on the turn of a dime. The party of "I'm so sorry"......any reason for an apology. A child molester stands a very good chance of kicking your ass in Alabama because they would rather cheer for him, then vote for you apologetic dickholes...


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Lots of hypocrisy to go around. Looks like both sides are equally appalling.

Moore is a travesty. And Frankin did this on a USO tour. Bad enough they are heading into a combat zone on a volunteer basis already surrounded by soldiers wolf calling. But to have to fend off advances from colleagues as well?

Franklin made his own bed on this one when his became a leading critic and no doubt made numerous harassment jokes about the president.

That's what happens when you throw rocks. You need to check the building you are standing in.
Yes, and Moore is the one who denounces same sex marriage and transgenders as not being part of Christian values that should be banned.
Coming from a man who is accused of underage sexual abuse. That is a whole different kettle of fish. At least Franken acknowledged it and apologised for his inappropriate involvement in this affair. Still, that does not make it right and he should resign from the senate. Moore on the other hand is trying hard to make it a case of a conspiracy theory.
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